Monthly Meeting (Jun 2016)

29 June 2016 , 7:00pm
Church Cottage


1. Apologies

To receive apologies for absence

2. Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting

To confirm the minutes of the May monthly Parish Council meeting held on 25th May 2016, the Annual Meeting of Wheldrake Parish Council and the Annual Meeting of the Parish held on 17th May 2016 as a true and correct record

4. Public Time

Members of the public must register to speak at meetings prior to the meeting and will be limited to 3 minutes each

5. Review Planning Applications

5.1 Garth Cottage, 8 Church Lane, Wheldrake (16/01346/FUL)

  • Single storey rear extension, erection of detached garage and formation of new driveway with new dropped kerb vehicle crossing
  • Dated by CYC 14 June 2016
  • Comments by 5 July 2016

5.2 Garth Cottage, 8 Church Lane, Wheldrake (16/01353/FUL)

  • Erection of 1no. dwelling following demolition of existing outbuilding
  • Dated by CYC 14 June 2016
  • Comments by 5 July 2016          

5.3 47 The Ruddings, Wheldrake (16/01337/FUL)

  • Two storey side and single storey side and rear extensions
  • Dated by CYC 6 June 2016
  • Comments by 27 June
  • Extension granted to 30 June 2016

5.4 The Brambles, 14 North Lane, Wheldrake (16/01430/TCA)

  • Fell 1no. Pine tree and 1no. Sycamore tree in a conservation area
  • Dated by CYC 15 June 2016
  • Comments 6 July 2016

6. Review Planning Decisions

6.1 2 Old Barn Court, Wheldrake (16/01129/TCA)

  • Fell Field Maple tree in Conservation Area
  • Approved by CYC 13 June 2016

6.2 51 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/01106/TCA)

  • Fell Willow tree in a conservation area
  • Approved by CYC 15 June 2016

7. Consider and Review Planning Enforcement Issues

7.1 29 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/00190/EXTH)

  • Unauthorised siting of shipping container to rear of property

8. Consider National or Local Planning Policy

8.1 York Local Plan

8.2 Permitted Development

9. Consider and Review Village and Parish Projects

9.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park Project

9.2 Parish Council Website - Update and Sign Off

9.3 Community Emergency Plan

9.4 Wheldrake Village Hall                              

10. Consider and Review Reports and General Matters

10.1 Police Report

10.2 Play Area - Inspection and Repairs

10.3 Sandholes Wood Update

10.4 Repairs and Maintenance - Ponding of Water at Greengales Court

10.5 Dog Fouling / Bin Relocation on Back Lane South

10.6 New Bench on Main Street

10.7 Overgrown Hedges on Snickets

10.8 Beck Lane Trees and Verge

11. Village Grounds Maintenance – Presentation by Dave Meigh

12. Parish Council Communications

13. Hydraulic Fracturing (fracking)

14. Village Maintenance

15. Community Assets

16. Bus Service Changes

17. Financial Matters

To approve the following accounts for payment:

S Look expenses


A2Z Groundworks


Skanda Acoustics Ltd. Ceiling tiles for the village hall.


Plump WPC website


18. Correspondence       

19. Next Monthly Meeting

  • Agenda items for next meeting
  • To confirm that the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 27th July 2016 at 7pm at Church Cottage

Minutes approved

In attendance:

Cllrs D. Randon (Chair), R. Jordan, R. Arnold, J. Tetzner, A. Harker, P. Hodgson, S. Mercer, J. Penn, A. Stokes-Roberts, B Gilligan and C. Barber

S. Look (Clerk)

Member of the public

Dave Meigh (CYC)

1. Apologies

Cllr Cox

2. Declarations

Declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct:

Cllrs Randon, Harker, Arnold and Jordan declared an interest in the WRA

Cllrs Harker, Tetzner and Arnold declared an interest in Friends of Wheldrake Park

Cllr Hodgson declared an interest in the Local Plan

Cllr Mercer declared an interest in all planning application decisions as a Ward Councillor who is on the Area Planning Sub-Committee at City of York Council

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the May monthly Parish Council held on 25th May 2016 were read, proposed and seconded as a true and correct record with one abstention and an amendments to section 3 and 8. The minutes of the Annual meeting of the Parish Council held on 17 May 2016 were read, proposed and seconded as a true and correct record with the deletion of B Gilligan, S Mercer, J Penn and A Stokes Roberts on the attendee list. It was resolved that the Annual meeting of the Parish will be approved at the next Annual meeting of the Parish in 2017. 

4. Public Time

No members of the public registered to speak for the meeting

5. Review Planning Applications

5.1 Garth Cottage, 8 Church Lane, Wheldrake (16/01346/FUL)

  • Single storey rear extension, erection of detached garage and formation of new driveway with new dropped kerb vehicle crossing
  • Dated by CYC 14 June 2016
  • Comments by 5 July 2016
  • Councillors objected to the application with all in favour and one abstention from Cllr Mercer.
  • Councillors do not wish to see another access and the loss of a heritage wall and grass verge. A precedent has already been set with this particular restriction enforced to the neighbouring Bryant Estate development. 

5.2 Garth Cottage, 8 Church Lane, Wheldrake (16/01353/FUL)

  • Erection of 1no. dwelling following demolition of existing outbuilding
  • Dated by CYC 14 June 2016
  • Comments by 5 July 2016
  • Councillors objected to the application with all in favour and one abstention from Cllr Mercer.
  • Councillors are concerned that the proposal will be over development of the site creating a massing effect. Garth Cottage is a historic building within the village despite not being listed. Councillors would also like to draw particular attention to point 31 in Wheldrake Village Design Statement – ‘Space should be maintained around dwellings to avoid the loss of soft landscaping and avoid the creation of terraced effect between neighbouring properties'.

5.3 47 The Ruddings, Wheldrake (16/01337/FUL)

  • Two storey side and single storey side and rear extensions
  • Dated by CYC 6 June 2016
  • Comments by 27 June
  • Extension granted to 30 June 2016
  • Councillors do not object to the application with all in favour and one abstention from Cllr Mercer but wish to seek safeguards. The safeguard being that matching materials are used to the existing building

5.4 The Brambles, 14 North Lane, Wheldrake (16/01340/TCA)

  • Fell 1no. Pine tree and 1no. Sycamore tree in a conservation area
  • Dated by CYC 15 June 2016
  • Comments 6 July 2016
  • Councillors unanimously agreed with one abstention from Cllr Mercer to not object to the application and understand the willingness to plant new replacement trees

6. Planning Decisions

6.1 2 Old Barn Court, Wheldrake (16/01129/TCA)

  • Fell Field Maple tree in Conservation Area
  • Approved by CYC 13 June 2016. Noted

6.2 51 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/01106/TCA)

  • Fell Willow tree in a conservation area
  • Approved by CYC 15 June 2016. Noted

7. Village Grounds Maintenance

Dave Meigh (Operations Manager - Public Realm at City of York Council)

An explanation was given on the number of grass cuts Wheldrake now receives. External rural road grass cutting is restricted to road junctions, bends and sightlines. There are two external cuts each year, the first is in late May or June, the second in September or October. There are 10 internal cuts annually. These are generally on highways land within the 30mph zone. Growth rate has been unusually high this year. CYC can provide the finance for the Parish Council to carry out all the grass cutting. Details will be provided for the PC to consider.

(Dave Meigh left the meeting)

8. Consider and Review Planning Enforcement Issues

8.1 29 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/00190/EXTH)

  • Unauthorised siting of shipping container to rear of property ongoing

9. Consider National or Local Planning Policy

9.1 York Local Plan

The proposals that affect Wheldrake include

  • Removal of H28 (land north of North Lane) and the ‘safeguarded land’ north of Derwent Park
  • Inclusion and enlargement of ST33 (Station Yard) for 147 dwellings
  • Inclusion of E8 for expansion of the Industrial Estate up to Main Street
  • ST34 land to the west of Elvington Lane for 3300 dwellings. This is a proposed ‘Garden village’ partly on the west end of Elvington Airfield
  • Final draft could be modified depending on recommendations from the Working Group and the approval of the CYC Executive Committee
  • Revised plan will go to the Executive Committee 30 June. If approved it will go to public consultation for 8 weeks. 5 public consultation roadshows will take place over this period. Cllrs Randon and Arnold to attend YLCA meeting on 19 July 2016

9.2 Permitted Development

Letter received from the Minister for Housing and Planning stating

  • Planning rights for loft conversions were introduced in October 2008 and are permanent permitted development rights
  • They are not subject to any part of the relaxed permitted development rights which expire in May 2019
  • Local planning authority can consult the local community on removing the permitted development rights by making an Article 4 direction (CYC have indicated that they are not prepared to consider such a move)

10. Consider and Review Village and Parish Projects

10.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park Project

  • Cllr Mercer confirmed new path should be installed 18July 2016
  • Clerk to arrange for Playscheme to be present to explain drainage requirements

10.2 Parish Council Website - Update and Sign Off

  • Proposed and resolved to launch new website site after meeting
  • Two year domain fee added to final invoice
  • Cllr Barber expressed thanks to Rob Colley for voluntary hours he has put in, to Jonny Walton for doing the photo shoot and extra hours put in by Clerk
  • Councillors expressed thanks to Cllr Barber for all the hard work and time he has put into the new site

(Cllr Gilligan left meeting)

10.3 Community Emergency Plan

  • Ongoing. Meeting cancelled due to illness

10.4 Wheldrake Village Hall

  • Progress update given by Cllr Randon
  • Completion target for phase one and two end of August
  • Phase three to include external works

11. Consider and Review Reports and General Matters

11.1 Police Report 21 May 2016 to 25 June 2016

  • Anti social behaviour x 4 Wenlock Gardens
  • No Crime reported
  • Suspicious circumstances: 8 June 2016 attempted break in to storage container on allotments, noting taken and 25th June 2016 minor roof damage on North Lane

11.2 Play Area - Inspection and Repairs

  • Cllr Gilligan taken over as park inspector
  • Fault on rope ladder, fixed by Cllr Gilligan
  • Muddy areas reported still

11.3 Sandholes Wood

No update this month

11.4 Repairs and Maintenance

Ponding of Water at Greengales Court. No further update

11.5 Dog Fouling / Bin Relocation on Back Lane South

On the schedule to be fitted

11.6 Bench

Parish Council note that a new Bench has been put on Main Street next to the Wenlock Arms. Permission was given by Enterprise brewery however it is sited on highways land. Land Registry have confirmed that this land is not owned by the pub. The Parish Council were not informed or consulted and do not accept any responsibility.  

11.7 Overgrown Hedges on Snickets

Resolved to put a note in the Parish News and on the notice boards advising residents that they are responsible for cutting back their hedges and trees if they are encroaching on the public highway and footpaths.

11.8 Beck Lane Verge

Yorkshire Water contractor to revisit site to ascertain what further work needs doing.

12. Parish Council Communications

Cllr Harker proposed a motion that Wheldrake Parish Council establishes a working group to make appropriate recommendations on a communications policy whose terms of reference shall include the roles of clerk, councillors and chair with particular reference to methods, including social media and audiences. The group to take account of statutory guidance and report back to the council with recommendations at the October Parish Council meeting, detailing any financial and resource considerations. It was resolved that Cllr Harker would chair this group and be joined by Cllrs Stokes Roberts, Penn and Mercer.

13. Hydraulic Fracturing (fracking)

  • No progress locally

14. Village Maintenance

  • Clerk to advertise in Parish News. Formal advert to go in York Press in August.

15. Community Assets

  • It was resolved that Cllr Tetzner will attend the CYC executive member decision session on 11 July 2016 and speak in favour of the four nominated community assets in Wheldrake. 

16. Bus Service Changes

  • East Yorkshire Motor Services Ltd (EYMS) have confirmed that the 18A Sunday service is included in the second batch of withdrawals in the ERMS consultation from April 2018.
  • There are no plans to change the 18 Monday to Saturday service in the near future. The Friday and Saturday evening journeys were in the planned CYC contracted service reductions for this year, but have proved successful so EYMS have agreed to continue to operate them commercially without financial support from CYC.

17. Financial Matters

To approve the following accounts for payment:

S Look expenses


A2Z Groundworks


Skanda Acoustics Ltd. Ceiling   tiles for the village hall.


Plump WPC website


James Hargreaves Plumbing   Depot. Materials for village hall shower rooms


18. Correspondence

  • Telecommunications base station installation at Land at Pine and Cane, Wheldrake Industrial Estate. Vodafone and Telfonica UK limited aim to provide 4G service. Other areas in the village both inside and outside the conservation area considered but have been discounted. Councillors did not raise concerns regarding the proposal.
  • Introductory email received from Liam Dennis, the new Community Involvement Officer at CYC. Working with local community groups. Cllr Harker to contact.
  • Cllr Mercer to organise a Ward Meeting for September 2016 

19. Next Monthly Meeting

  • To confirm that the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 27th July 2016 at 7pm at Church Cottage
  • Apologies for July meeting received from Cllrs Randon, Gilligan, Mercer, Hodgson and Stokes Roberts
  • Meeting closed at 9.20pm
