Planning Committee meeting (Jan 2017)

3 January 2017 , 7:30pm
Church Cottage


1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct

3. Public Time[1]

4. Consider the following planning matters

4.1       72 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/02752/LBC)

           Single storey side extension

           Dated by CYC 19 December 2016

            Comments by 9 January 2017

4.2        Mobile home, Land west of Hagg Wood, Broad Highway (16/02559/FUL)

            Conditioning of the planning permission issues

4.3        49 Church Lane, Wheldrake (16/02897/TPO)

            Crown reduce Oak tree by 50% protected by Tree Preservation Order No.: 11/1993

            Dated 29 December 2016

            Comments by 19 January 2017

5. Meeting close

[1] Members of the public must register to speak at meetings prior to the meeting and will be limited to 3 minutes each.

Minutes approved

In attendance: Cllrs D Randon (Chair), R Jordan, J Tetzner, and C Barber. S Look (Clerk)

1. Apologies

P Hodgson

2. Declarations

Declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct:

No declarations received

3. Public Time

No members of the public registered to speak

4. Consider the following planning matters

4.1  72 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/02752/LBC)

Single storey side extension

Dated by CYC 19 December 2016

Comments by 9 January 2017

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed that Councillors have no objections to the application.

4.2  49 Church Lane, Wheldrake (16/02897/TPO)

Crown reduce Oak tree by 50% protected by Tree Preservation Order No.: 11/1993

Dated by CYC 29 December 2016

Comments by 19 January 2017

It was proposed, seconded and agreed that Councillors do not object to the application but wish to make comments. Councillors requested that the application should be deferred to the CYC Officer for advice as an Arborculturist report may be required to confirm the findings of the tree surgeon.

4.3 Mobile home, Land west of Hagg Wood, Broad Highway (16/02559/FUL)

Conditioning of the planning permission issues

Councillors raised concerns regarding the way the original application for the egg production unit (ref:15/02439/OUTM) was conditioned. Planning conditions only relate to when the unit is in operation rather than the construction phase. Complaints have been received regarding the traffic, damage to verges and construction traffic during school pick up/drop off periods. One of the conditions was to create two new passing places however only one new one is proposed and the other one is extending an existing one. It was agreed by the Planning Committee that a report will be made to the full council at the monthly Parish Council meeting with recommendation to write to the Planning Officer at CYC.

5. Meeting closed at 8pm