Monthly Meeting (October 2024)

30 October 2024 , 7:00pm
Church Cottage, Main Street, Wheldrake




Official notice of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting to be held on Wednesday 30th October 2024 at 7.00pm,

Venue: Church Cottage, Main Street, Wheldrake


Dear Residents,


You are invited to attend the Ordinary Parish Council meeting of Wheldrake Parish Council to be held on the 30th October 2024 at 7.00pm.

Please see the business below to be transacted.


Please note that members of the public may be excluded from parts of this meeting under standing order 2(d)


Jessica Bedford

Proper Officer

24th October 2024



103.    Welcome


104.    To receive apologies and consider accepting the reasons for absence.


105.    To receive declarations of interests from members, in any business to be transacted.


106.     To approve the minutes of the following meetings as a true and accurate record:

To note the outstanding minutes from the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on the 25th September 2024.


107.    Public participation

Any resident may speak for up to 3 minutes on any matter on the agenda with the session lasting no longer than 20 minutes.


108.    To receive reports from the following:

a. Chair

b. Proper Officer – to include an update on the evening bus service.

            c. Ward Councillor

            d. Community Police Officer 


109.    To receive and consider Council sub group reports from:

a. Playpark – to include the consideration of a playpark policy and health and safety


b. Village Maintenance

c. Defibs – to include an update on a community training day.

d. Community speed watch.


110.    Policy & Procedure

            To consider the approval of the following policies:

  • Sexual harassment policy
  • Vexatious communications policy
  • Publication scheme


111.    Planning

            a. Decision Notices.







3 Greengales Court Wheldrake York YO19 6BX

Single storey front extension



Land West Of Hagg Wood Broad Highway

Wheldrake York

Erection of an agricultural workers dwelling to

replace a temporary dwelling - resubmission



Dove Spring North Lane Wheldrake York YO19 6BB

Crown reduce Ornamental Plum protected by Tree Preservation Order 12/1993



Granary Cottage 11 Main Street Wheldrake York

YO19 6AF

Fell 1no. Walnut and remedial prune 1no. Walnut and

1no. Laburnum (rear gdn) - trees in a conservation




31 Back Lane South Wheldrake York YO19 6DT

Up to 3.6m reduction of 2no. Silver Birch (rear gdn) - trees in a conservation area



The Brambles 14 North Lane Wheldrake York YO19


Trim back 3no. Hawthorn trees (front gdn) to previous

reduction and shape - tree in a conservation area



Somerset Nursing Home 1 Church Lane

Wheldrake York YO19 6AW

Variation of condition 2 of permitted application

22/01349/FUL to include the provision of

Solar/PV panels to the roof


            b. Application Notices received since the last Ordinary Council meeting







18 Main Street Wheldrake York YO19 6AF

Fell 1no. (suppressed) Silver Birch and crown reduction of 2no. Maple, 1no. Oak and 1no. Beech  - trees in a conservation area



The Birches Main Street Wheldrake York YO19 6AH

Outline application for 1no. dwelling (use class C3) with associated landscaping and parking with only access considered



Stone Connections Units 2 And 3 Millfield Industrial Estate Wheldrake York

Single storey extension to workshops 2 and 3 with associated generator enclousre

            c. Enforcement issues.



112.     Finance

a. To consider the payments presented for authorisation up to the 24th October 2024 and any other invoices that come in prior to the meeting.



Grant (Sharing Life)  


Defibrillator battery






Salaries (including additional September hours)


ICO Registration





b. To note the bank reconciliation and current net position.

            c. To consider an update to the bank mandate changes and sign an address change letter.

            d. To consider the budget monitoring for quarter 2, 2024/25.

e. To consider the budget for 2025/26.

f. To consider the appointment of an internal auditor for the 2024/25 financial year.


113.     To consider communications received by the Council.


114.     To consider the exclusion of the press and public under Standing order 2(d) for items

115 & 116


115.    To consider the amendment of previous Council minutes.


116.    To consider and note ICO requirements.


117.    To note any agenda items for the next meeting.


118.     Date of next meeting

            To consider the date for the December meeting.

Minutes draft



Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 30th October 2024 at 7.00pm.

Venue: Church Cottage, Main Street, Wheldrake



Present: Cllr White (Chairman), Cllr Brown, Cllr Surtees, Cllr Reed, Cllr Cranfield, Cllr Myers, Cllr Batchelor, Cllr Nelson, Cllr Southern, Cllr Urwin, Cllr Wood, Cllr Sneesby and the Clerk.

One member of the public 



103.    Welcome

            The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


104.    To receive apologies and consider accepting the reasons for absence.

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Elsey-Jeffree. Cllr Cranfield was absent.


105.    To receive declarations of interests from members, in any business to be transacted.

            None received.


106.     To approve the minutes of the following meetings as a true and accurate record:

To note the outstanding minutes from the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on the 25th September 2024.

The Council noted the outstanding minutes from the 26th June 2024.

Resolution: to approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 25th September 2024 as a true and accurate record.


107.    Public participation

Any resident may speak for up to 3 minutes on any matter on the agenda with the session lasting no longer than 20 minutes.

A resident attended to provide additional details on planning application 24/01719/OUT


108.    To receive reports from the following:

a. Chair

The Chair did not have any matters to report.

b. Proper Officer – to include an update on the evening bus service.

The proper officer provided the following updates:

  • Authority for wildflower planting has been requested from CYC.
  • The Mayor, York and North Yorkshire combined authority and police have been invited to future meetings.
  • Village crime statistic reports are now been received monthly from the police.
  • The East Yorkshire Bus Company, City of York Council (CYC), and local Parish Councils have been contacted for an update on the evening bus service.
  • The clerk has had conversations with CYC regarding the £70,000 allocated within the S106 funds from the Bramblewood development, which is intended to support bus services in Wheldrake. CYC has acknowledged that the Parish Council would like these funds to be specifically used to enhance the number 18 service. The developer is not required to release the funds until 30 properties are occupied, meaning there may be a delay before the funding becomes available.

            c. Ward Councillor

            None in attendance.

            d. Community Police Officer 

            None in attendance.


            Resolution: The Clerk will invite the MP to a future meeting.


109.    To receive and consider Council sub group reports from:

a. Playpark – to include the consideration of a playpark policy and health and safety


It was noted that the horticultural contractor has been asked to conduct a tree assessment at the playpark.

Resolution: To approve the risk assessment and monthly inspection form. To approve the playground inspection and maintenance policy with the inclusion of bi annual inspections. The Clerk to chase up the annual inspection and appoint the contractor for the bi annual.

b. Village Maintenance

A discussion took place which included areas of overgrown vegetation and wildflower planting. Details of wildflower turf rolls that flower all year and potential costs were provided. The creation of wildflower areas was agreed in principle with additional details on location and costs to be received for full approval.

Resolution: The Clerk to chase up winter planting.

c. Defibs – to include an update on a community training day.

Council received an update that all three defibrillators are in working order and one has received new pads.

d. Community speed watch.

Cllr Batchelor provided an update on a recent meeting. Five sessions are planned over the next four weeks. Resident feedback during the sessions has been positive but the wish for vehicle activated speed signs within the village has been raised on numerous occasions.

Resolution: The Clerk to investigate the possibility of installing VAS signs on Main Street and Church Lane.


110.    Policy & Procedure

            To consider the approval of the following policies:

  • Sexual harassment policy
  • Vexatious communications policy
  • Publication scheme

Following a discussion, it was noted that several external links on the website are incorrect.

Resolution: to approve the sexual harassment and vexatious communication policies. To approve the publication scheme with minor amendments.

Cllr Reed was appointed as the Council webmaster.


111.    Planning

            a. Decision Notices.







3 Greengales Court Wheldrake York YO19 6BX

Single storey front extension



Land West Of Hagg Wood Broad Highway

Wheldrake York

Erection of an agricultural workers dwelling to

replace a temporary dwelling - resubmission



Dove Spring North Lane Wheldrake York YO19 6BB

Crown reduce Ornamental Plum protected by Tree Preservation Order 12/1993



Granary Cottage 11 Main Street Wheldrake York

YO19 6AF

Fell 1no. Walnut and remedial prune 1no. Walnut and

1no. Laburnum (rear gdn) - trees in a conservation




31 Back Lane South Wheldrake York YO19 6DT

Up to 3.6m reduction of 2no. Silver Birch (rear gdn) - trees in a conservation area



The Brambles 14 North Lane Wheldrake York YO19


Trim back 3no. Hawthorn trees (front gdn) to previous

reduction and shape - tree in a conservation area



Somerset Nursing Home 1 Church Lane

Wheldrake York YO19 6AW

Variation of condition 2 of permitted application

22/01349/FUL to include the provision of

Solar/PV panels to the roof


            b. Application Notices received since the last Ordinary Council meeting







18 Main Street Wheldrake York YO19 6AF

Fell 1no. (suppressed) Silver Birch and crown reduction of 2no. Maple, 1no. Oak and 1no. Beech  - trees in a conservation area



The Birches Main Street Wheldrake York YO19 6AH

Outline application for 1no. dwelling (use class C3) with associated landscaping and parking with only access considered



Stone Connections Units 2 And 3 Millfield Industrial Estate Wheldrake York

Single storey extension to workshops 2 and 3 with associated generator enclousre

            No objections were noted

c. Enforcement issues.



112.     Finance

a. To consider the payments presented for authorisation up to the 24th October 2024 and any other invoices that come in prior to the meeting.



Grant (Sharing Life) 


Defibrillator battery






Salaries (including additional September hours)


ICO Registration




            Resolution: to approve the schedule of payments presented.

b. To note the bank reconciliation and current net position.

The Council noted the bank reconciliation for October 2024 and the net position as £60,235.89.

c. To consider an update to the bank mandate changes and sign an address change letter.

Resolution: to update the address on the bank mandate.

            d. To consider the budget monitoring for quarter 2, 2024/25.

            Council considered and noted the current spend for quarter 2.

e. To consider the budget for 2025/26.

The Council considered the draft budget for 2025/26.

A discussion took place about the budget for grants given by the Parish Council.

Resolution: Cllr Myers to advertise grant applications with a cut off date of the 11th December 2024.

f. To consider the appointment of an internal auditor for the 2024/25 financial year.

Resolution: To appoint Adams & Co to conduct the 2025/26 internal audit.


113.     To consider communications received by the Council.

Communications from residents in relation to overgrown hedges and vegetation were noted.

Resolution: The Clerk to action and deal with any future communications received.   


114.     To consider the exclusion of the press and public under Standing order 2(d) for items 115 & 116

            Resolution: to exclude the press and public from items 115 and 116.


115.    To consider the amendment of previous Council minutes.

            Resolution: to amend the minutes of a previous meeting. 


116.    To consider and note ICO requirements.

The ICO communications were noted.  


117.    To note any agenda items for the next meeting.

            Budget 2025/26

            Wildflower areas

            VAS signs


118.     Date of next meeting

            To consider the date for the December meeting.

            Resolution: To hold the December meeting on the 11th December 2024.

            Next meeting: 27th November 2024 at 7.00pm


The meeting closed 8.53pm



Signed ………………………………………..


Cllr J White, Chairman

27th November 2024



