Monthly Meeting (Sep 2016)
28 September 2016
, 7:00pm
Church Cottage
1. Apologies
- To receive apologies for absence
2. Declarations of Interest
- To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct
3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
To confirm the minutes of the August monthly Parish Council meeting held on 31st August 2016 as a true and correct record
4. Public Time[1]
4.1 Film nights at village hall
4.2 Natural England
5. To consider the following Planning Applications:
5.1 Pear Tree Cottage, North Lane, Wheldrake (16/02055/TCA)
- Remove 1no. Damson tree in a Conservation Area
- Dated by CYC 14 September 2016
- Comments by 5 October 2016
6. To receive the following Planning Decisions
6.1 Land west of Hagg Wood (16/01534/REMM)
- Reserved matters application for approval of access, appearance and landscaping for egg production building following outline approval (15/02439/OUTM)
- Approved by CYC 16 September 2016
6.2 Garth Cottage, 8 Church Lane, Wheldrake (16/01346/FUL)
- Single storey rear extension, erection of detached garage and formation of new driveway with new dropped kerb vehicle crossing
- Approved by CYC 1 September 2016
6.3 Garth Cottage, 8 Church Lane, Wheldrake (16/01353/FUL)
- Erection of 1no. dwelling following demolition of existing outbuilding
- Approved by CYC 1 September 2016
6.4 15 Church Close, Wheldrake (16/01750/FUL)
- Fell Ash tree protected by TPO No. CYC212
- Approved by CYC 16 September 2016
7. Financial Matters
7.1 Budget meeting / precept
7.2 To approve the following accounts for payment:
Playscheme SJ Danby Ltd: Toddler swing repairs |
£98.40/£304.80 |
S Look expenses (including new signage for the green £8.64) |
£11.50 |
Greenthumb Late summer treatment |
£40.50 |
Amplifier for village hall |
£522 |
Youth club grant 2016/17 |
£1000 |
Decorating materials for village hall |
£949.96 |
Derwent Ducklings; July hall hire |
£90 |
A2Z Groundworks; 52 hrs hedge and grass cutting up to 21 September 2016 |
£624 |
8. Consider and Review Planning Enforcement Issues
8.1 29 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/00190/EXTH)
- Unauthorised siting of shipping container to rear of property
8.2 53 North Lane, Wheldrake (16/00329/EXT)
- Unauthorised erection of a fence on village green
9. Consider National or Local Planning Policy
- 9.1 York Local Plan
10. Consider and Review Village and Parish Projects
- 10.1 Community Emergency Plan update
- 10.2 Wheldrake Village Hall refurbishment update
- 10.3 Communications working group update
- 10.4 Defibrillator
11. To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary:
11.1 Police Report
11.2 Play Area - Inspection and Repairs
11.3 Sandholes Wood Update
11.4 Repairs and Maintenance
11.4.1 Ponding of Water at Greengales Court
11.4.2 Effluent smell in Dike on Back Lane South (Reported 08.09.16 to Yorkshire Water ref: 1423530)
11.4.3 Hole outside 21 The Courtneys near water supply. Reported to Yorkshire Water 08.09.16
11.4.4 Wheldrake Lane ‘deer’ signage – reported to CYC 15.07.16 Ref 103215288
11.4.5 Dog bin relocation on Back Lane South and new lid on existing bin (Reported lid 08.09.16 ref: 103263346)
11.4.6 Blocked and overgrown road gullies (Reported 09.09.16 Ref: 103262901)
11.4.7 Footpath from Back Lane South to Thorganby. Weeds overgrown on path (Reported to CYC 08.09.16 ref 103262917)
11.4.8 Pothole on Main Street near old railway crossing
11.4.9 Dog fouling reports
12. AOB including Christmas lights, meeting times, agenda items
13. Next Monthly Meeting
- To notify clerk of matters for inclusion on the agenda of the next meeting
- To confirm that the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 26 October 2016
[1] Members of the public must register to speak at meetings prior to the meeting and will be limited to 3 minutes each.
Minutes approved
In attendance: Cllrs R Jordan (Acting Chair), J Tetzner, A Harker, P Hodgson, S Mercer, N Cox, R Arnold, B Gilligan, J Penn and A Stokes-Roberts. S Look (Clerk). Member of the public.
1. Apologies
Cllrs D Randon and C Barber.
2. Declarations
Declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct:
Cllrs Harker, Arnold and Jordan declared an interest in the WRA.
Cllrs Arnold, Harker and Tetzner declared an interest in Friends of Wheldrake Park.
Cllr Hodgson declared an interest in the Local Plan.
Cllr Mercer declared an interest in the CYC Planning Committee.
3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the August monthly Parish Council meeting held on 31st August 2016 were read, proposed and seconded as a true and correct record with the removal of a Councillors name from item 10 and amendment to item 12. Quiet Lane on Broad Highway to be added to next agenda.
4. Public Time
A resident issued a statement to be read out at the meeting regarding a proposition to hold film nights in the village hall. Councillors noted the proposal and agreed it would be a good idea.
5. Review Planning Applications
5.1 Pear Tree Cottage, North Lane, Wheldrake (16/02055/TCA)
- Remove No1 Damson tree in a Conservation Area.
- Dated by CYC 14 September 2016.
- It was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed with one abstention that Councillors have no objections to the application but they would like to make request that a replacement tree of a similar species is planted in a more convenient location.
6. Planning Decisions
6.1 Land west of Hagg Wood (16/01534/REMM)
- Reserved matters application for approval of access, appearance and landscaping for egg production building following outline approval (15/02439/OUTM)
- Approved by CYC 16 September 2016.
6.2 Garth Cottage, 8 Church Lane, Wheldrake (16/01346/FUL)
- Single storey rear extension, erection of detached garage and formation of new driveway with new dropped kerb vehicle crossing
- Approved by CYC 1 September 2016
6.3 Garth Cottage, 8 Church Lane, Wheldrake (16/01353/FUL)
- Erection of 1no. dwelling following demolition of existing outbuilding
- Approved by CYC 1 September 2016
6.4 15 Church Close, Wheldrake (16/01750/FUL)
- Fell Ash tree protected by TPO No. CYC212
- Approved by CYC 16 September 2016
7. Financial Matters
7.1 Budget meeting / precept
A statement was read to Councillors with regards to advertising the budget meeting date and the proposal to set the budget at £40,000 for a further year to enable the agreed works to be completed and the loans to be repaid. Clerk to publish the statement in the Parish News.
7.2 To approve the following accounts for payment:
Playscheme SJ Danby Ltd: Toddler swing repairs |
£304.80 |
S Look expenses (including new signage for the green £8.64) |
£11.50 |
Greenthumb Late summer treatment |
£40.50 |
Induction loop amplifier for village hall |
£522 |
Youth club grant 2015/16 |
£1000 |
Decorating materials for village hall |
£949.96 |
Derwent Ducklings; July hall hire |
£90 |
A2Z Groundworks; 52 hrs hedge and grass cutting up to 21 September 2016 |
£624 |
PKF Littlejohn LLP; Annual return |
£360 |
RESOLVED that the listed expenditure was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed subject to discussing the Playscheme payment in item 11.2.
8. Consider and Review Planning Enforcement Issues
8.1 29 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/00190/EXTH)
- Unauthorised siting of shipping container to rear of property. Ongoing.
- Cllrs D Randonand C Barber.
- 2. Declarations
8.2 53 North Lane, Wheldrake (16/00329/EXT)
- Unauthorised erection of fence on village green. Ongoing.
9. Consider National or Local Planning Policy
9.1 York Local Plan
Parish Council representations have been sent. No further update.
10. Consider and review Parish Projects
10.1 Community Emergency Plan
- Cllr Tetzner has organised a meeting with the team for next week.
- Representatives to attend an exercise with the Emergency Planning Officer when the Wheldrake plan is complete.
10.2 Wheldrake Village Hall
- Cllr Harker updated Councillors on progress and finances.
- It was noted that there is an opportunity to raise extra revenue now that the lounge can be rented independently from the main hall.
10.3 Communications working group update
- Meeting date to be set at end of PC meeting.
10.4 Defibrillator at the village hall
- Explained that the village defibrillator will remain on the outside wall of the Wenlock arms and a new one will be purchased for the village hall / playing fields. Donations have been raised by residents. Clerk to apply for Ward funding to supplement money raised so far. Use of a training unit will be available.
10.5 Friends of Wheldrake Park
A councillor made a statement refuting the factuality of the version of events reported in the draft minutes dated 31 August 2016 under this heading, and put forward a version of events that took place in the monthly meeting of Wheldrake Parish Council in July. It was proposed and resolved with all in favour that this was a personnel matter and it should be referred to CYC.
11. Consider and Review Reports and General Matters
11.1 Police Report
Anti social behaviour; 1 x report of ASB but nothing of note.
Crimes; 1st Sept reported damage to a vehicle following an incident on Wheldrake Lane between a car and a motorcycle.
Misc; 3 x miscellaneous nature but nothing to note
Road related; 1 x minor road related incidents.
11.2 Play area
- Cllr Gilligan has inspected the park and noted a considerable amount of litter being left still.
- One of the older toddler swings has broken. Playscheme have removed the swing for safety reasons and have quoted for a repair. A further quote has been obtained to replace the swing hangers on both sings and fit new anti-wrap chains. It was resolved to replace both swing hangers on both swings and fit the anti-wrap chains. £304.80 costs approved.
- Cllr Gilligan is also keeping a spreadsheet of all faults / reports.
11.3 Sandholes wood
- Cllr Hodgson inspected last week. Could not access the wood as overgrown with Bracken. No flytipping this month.
11.4 Repairs and Maintenance
- Ponding of water at Greengales Court. No further update. Ongoing.
- Effluent smell in dike on Back Lane South. Environment Agency have been out but did not smell at the time. Any further reports advised to call them direct on 0800 807060 but due to limited funding they cannot guarantee they will be able to inspect.
- Hole outside 21 The Courtneys near water supply. Reported to Yorkshire Water 08.09.16. Morrisons Utilities coming out to survey this week.
- Wheldrake Lane ‘Deer’ signage. Reported to CYC 15.07.16. Overgrown vegetation. Clerk to check on progress.
- Dog bin relocation on Back Lane South. No further progress. Cllr Mercer has been assured by CYC it is imminent.
- Blocked and overgrown road gullies outside nursing home / Rectory and on North Lane / Walker Lane. Clerk to report to CYC and request a full inspection of the village. Awaiting action.
- Back Lane South to Thorganby footpath overgrowth. CYC have been out to inspect and reported that the width falls outside the 1m minimum and the weeds should die back over the forthcoming weeks.
- Pothole on Main Street near old railway crossing / Calpin development. Road dug up when 3 Calpin houses were built and now there is a pot hole and ponding problem during heavy rain. Clerk to report to CYC.
- Dog fouling reports on Main Street and Dalton Hill. Measures can be taken by residents independently to report to CYC.
12. Matters requested by Councillors and Parishioners
- Christmas lights. Rocking Rudolf will be in Wheldrake on 3rd and 4th December. Chair to contact David Dick to see if he is available or if not we need to get someone else. It was resolved last year that the council will investigate getting prices for a permanent rooted Christmas tree this year. Christmas decoration reserve of £500 in the budget. Agreed to get a quote for a rooted tree and a cut tree. To leave to the discretion of the Chair and the treasurer to order.
- Request to start meetings at the later time of 7.30pm to allow Councillors and members of the public to get home from work. Resolved to defer until the October monthly meeting when clerk can give indication of average end time of meetings. Cllr Gilligan will not be present at October meeting but would like to vote in advance for a later start.
13. Next Monthly Meeting
- To confirm that the monthly meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 26 October 2016 at 7pm at Church Cottage.
- Request to discuss amendment to start time of Parish Council monthly meeting.
- Review code of conduct.
- Review agenda.
- Meeting closed at 8.30pm.