Monthly Meeting (Feb 2017)

22 February 2017 , 7:00pm
Church Cottage


1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct

3. To confirm the minutes of the monthly Parish Council meeting held on 25th January 2017 as a true and correct record

4. Public Time[1]

5. Planning matters

5.1  To consider the following Planning Applications

5.1.1  Dovefields, 38A Main Street, Wheldrake (17/00215/TC)

Notification to crown reduce 1no. Beech by 50% and 1no. Flowering Plum by 20% in the Conservation area.

Dated by CYC 1 February 2017. Comments by 22 February. Extension requested.  

5.1.2  CYC would like the views of the Parish Council on whether a Provisional Tree Preservation Order (TPO) served on the Willow at 9B Main Street should be confirmed or not (TPO ref: CYC 346 and planning ref. 15/02681/TCA)

5.2  To receive the following Planning Decisions/information

5.2.1  49 Church Lane, Wheldrake (16/02897/TPO)

Crown reduce Oak tree by 50% protected by tree preservation order 11/1993

Approved by CYC on 31 January 2017

5.2.2  28 Derwent Park, Wheldrake (16/02863/FUL)

Single storey rear extension and porch canopy extension to front

Approved by CYC 13 February 2017

5.3  Consider and review Planning Enforcement Issues

5.3.1  29 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/00190/EXTH)

Unauthorised siting of shipping container to rear of property

5.3.2  21 Derwent Park (15/01354/FUL)

Variation on planning conditions - Rendering to property

5.3.3  Wheldrake Industrial Estate (16/00494/COU)

Possible unauthorised change of use

5.4  Consider National or Local Planning Policy

5.4.1 York Local Plan

6. Financial Matters

6.1 To approve the following accounts for payment:

S Look expenses - telephone, broadband, signage, postage


YLCA New Councillor training course 7 November 2017


7. Consider and review village and parish projects

  • 7.1 Community emergency plan
  • 7.2 Wheldrake Village Hall refurbishment     
  • 7.3 Communications working group  

Proposed motion to approve the Wheldrake Parish Council Communications Policy

  • 7.4 Friends of Wheldrake park

8. To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary

8.1 Police Report

8.2 Play Area inspection and repairs

8.3 Sandholes Wood Update

8.4 Repairs and Maintenance

8.4.1 Ponding of Water at Greengales Court

8.4.2 Hole outside 21 The Courtneys near water supply. Reported to Yorkshire Water 08.09.16

8.4.3 Damaged dog bin on Back Lane South (Reported 08.09.16 ref:103263346) and Broad Highway (ref:103317529, 22.11.16)

8.4.4 Potholes on Main Street near old railway crossing (Reported to CYC 03.10.16 ref 103286594)   

8.4.5 Silver Birch Trees in verge in front of 1 Derwent Park (U04608)

8.4.6 Grass verge damage, Church Lane

8.4.7 Yorkshire Water foul water main maintenance chamber near to the allotments

8.5 Quiet Lanes

8.6 Salt bin on Broad Highway

8.7 Christmas trees/ lights and sponsorship opportunities

8.8 Wheldrake History Society Dissolution and Parish Council to consider what to do with remaining funds and archives.

9. Correspondence

9.1 Councillor Conduct outside formal proceedings of the Council

9.2 Planning Reference 15/02439/OUTM and subsequents; agricultural building for egg production at Wheldrake. Light pollution complaint

9.3 Prospective "Fracking" Exploration and Exploitation planning applications in the York area

10. Annual meeting of the Parish

11. Next Monthly Meeting

  • To notify clerk of matters for inclusion on the agenda of the next meeting
  • To confirm that the next monthly meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 29 March 2017.

[1] Members of the public must register to speak at meetings prior to the meeting and will be limited to 3 minutes each.

Minutes approved

In attendance: Cllrs D Randon (Chair), J Tetzner, S Mercer, R Arnold, P Hodgson, A Harker, C Barber, and J Myers. S Look (Clerk) Member of the public

1. Apologies

Cllrs. R Jordan, J Penn, B Gilligan, A Stokes-Roberts and N Cox

2. Declarations   

Declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct:

Cllr Harker declared an interest in the WRA

Cllr Mercer declared an interest in the CYC Planning Committee

Cllr Barber declared and interest in item 9.3

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting

The approval of the minutes of the January monthly Parish Council meeting held on 25th January 2017 were deferred until the March meeting.

4. Public Time

No residents registered to speak

5. Planning Matters

5.1 Planning applications

5.1.1 Dovefields, 38A Main Street, Wheldrake (17/00215/TCA)

Notification to crown reduce 1no. Beech by 50% and 1no. Flowering Plum by 20% in the Conservation area.

Councillors 'D' objected with all in favour and one abstention as it is in the Conservation Area and no valid reasons or supporting evidence were given for the severe reduction.

5.1.2  9B Main Street, Wheldrake (TPO ref: CYC 346 and planning ref. 15/02681/TCA)

Councillors resolved with all in favour and one abstention that they would like the Tree Preservation Order (TPO) confirming on the Willow tree. The tree is in the Conservation area and 'Willow Cottage' has only relatively recently been built with full knowledge of the tree and its location. It is a prominent feature in the village and has even been used as the front cover of the village design statement.

5.2 Planning Decisions

5.2.1 49 Church Lane, Wheldrake (16/02897/TPO)

Crown reduce Oak tree by 50% protected by tree preservation order 11/1993

Approved by CYC on 31 January 2017

5.2.2 28 Derwent Park, Wheldrake (16/02863/FUL)

Single storey rear extension and porch canopy extension to front

Approved by CYC 13 February 2017

5.3 Planning Enforcement Issues

5.3.1  29 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/00190/EXTH)

Unauthorised siting of site hut to rear of property. Ongoing investigation with CYC

5.3.2  21 Derwent Park, Wheldrake (15/01354/FUL)

Variation on planning conditions - rendering to property. No update from CYC

5.3.3  Wheldrake Industrial Estate (16/00494/COU)

Possible unauthorised change of use. No update from CYC

5.4 Local Plan

No further update on local plan from CYC

6. Financial Matters

RESOLVED that the listed expenditure was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed

S   Look expenses - telephone, broadband, signage, postage


YLCA   New Councillor training course 7 November 2017


7. Consider and review Parish Projects

7.1   Community Emergency Plan

Cllr Tetzner progressing. Accessible place to store the emergency box required.

7.2   Wheldrake Village Hall refurbishment

Telephone to be reconnected March. Getting quotes for new showers. Concern raised about rubbish building up at rear. Cllr Arnold raised concerns about the Parish Council not having a representative on the WRA.   

7.3 Communications working group update

Debate took place on the communications policy. Working party meeting to be arranged to discuss further guidelines and policy.   

7.4   Friends of Wheldrake Park

Cllr Mercer has followed up invoice from CYC for park path. Awaiting progress.

8. Consider and Review Reports and General Matters

8.1  Police report

Nothing of any consequence to report. Cllr Hodgson reported on door to door sellers pressurising resident.

8.2  Play area inspection and repairs

Concerns about the increasing amount of litter. Damage to cricket panel in MUGA. Has now been removed.

8.3  Sandholes wood

Cllr Hodgson has been to do Pigeon cull however no pigeons present. Fencing intact.   

8.4   Repairs and Maintenance

  • Ponding of water at Greengales Court. Ongoing.
  • Hole outside 21 The Courtneys near water supply. Ongoing.
  • Damaged bins on Broad Highway and Back Lane South have been reported to CYC. Ongoing.
  • Pothole and ponding on Main Street near old railway crossing / Calpin development. Contractors have patched the area but pot holes are still present.
  • Silver Birch trees in verge in front of 1 Derwent Park (U04608). Ongoing. 2 street trees in Broadlands should be included in annual survey by CYC.
  • Grass verge damage; Church Lane. Cllr Mercer to speak to enforcement at CYC.
  • Yorkshire Water foul water main maintenance chamber near to the allotments has been left in an untidy state. Barriers have been removed by Yorkshire Water and work is progressing to tidy it up.

8.5  Quiet Lanes

Cllr Mercer reported that the CYC policy was that they could not support it because there is nobody to police it. Query raised about footpath from North Lane to Woods. Awaiting action. 

8.6  Salt bin on Broad Highway

Requested by resident but it would need to be filled by Parish Council when required. The salt bins are for the footpaths in the village. Resolved that the Parish Council do not support this.    

8.7  Christmas trees / lights and sponsorship

Cllr Myers suggested rooted trees at the entrances to the village and get local companies to sponsor them. Sites and sponsors need to be agreed by Parish Council. To revisit at next meeting.   

8.8  Wheldrake History Society Dissolution

Not operated since 2003. Nobody has come forward to continue the society so it has been decided to dissolve it. Remaining funds of £1249.60 to be transferred to a local charity. Proposal made to transfer funds to the village hall but councillors would like specific suggestion of what it would be used for. Suggestion made to keep the archives at Church Cottage if acceptable by PCC. All councillors were in favour of this proposal.

9. Correspondence

9.1 Councillor conduct outside formal proceedings of the Council

Complaint discussed. Resolved to write to Councillor.

9.2 Planning reference 15/0249/OUTM and subsequents; agricultural building for egg production at Wheldrake

Further complaint received on light pollution from the site. Reported that this is for a certain phase of the construction work. Request to reinstate Broad Highway. Cllr Mercer to contact Mr Hobson for an update.

9.3 Prospective ‘Fracking’ exploration and exploitation

Email received from ‘FrackfreeYork’ canvassing for support. The chairman had responded to indicate the current stance of the Parish Council.

10. Annual meeting of the Parish

To invite Martin Grainger (CYC) to speak at the Annual Meeting of the Parish.

11. Next monthly meeting

  • Cllr Myers requested a parking layby outside hairdressers on Main Street. Resolved to add to next agenda.
  • It was confirmed that the next monthly meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 29 March 2017.