Monthly Meeting (Oct 2016)

26 October 2016 , 7:00pm
Church Cottage


1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct

3. To confirm the minutes of the monthly Parish Council meeting held on 28th September 2016 as a true and correct record

4. Public Time[1]

4.1 Health and Wellbeing Officer – CYC

5. Planning matters

5.1   To consider the following Planning Applications

5.1.1      2 Kitty Garth. Wheldrake (16/02287/TCA)

  • Reduce 3 trees by 30% in a Conservation Area
  • Dated by CYC 7 October 2016
  • Comments by 28 October 2016

5.1.2      9 The Ruddings, Wheldrake (16/02359/FUL)

  • Conservatory to rear
  • Dated by CYC 17 October 2016
  • Comments by 7 November 2016

5.1.3      Derwent Valley Glamping, Land at grid reference 469030 444830 Church Lane, Wheldrake (16/00952/FUL)

  • Erection of four seasonal tents utilising existing access, the creation and maintaining of a footpath link, and the incorporation of a habitat enhancement plan (resubmission). Appeal to the Secretary of State.
  • Dated by CYC 14 October 2016
  • Comments to the Planning Inspectorate by 11 November 2016

5.2. To receive the following Planning Decisions/information

5.2.1        72 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/01931/TCA)

  • Fell ash tree in a Conservation Area
  • Approved by CYC 13 October 2016

5.2.2        Pear Tree Cottage, North Lane, Wheldrake 16/02055/TPO

  • Remove no.1 Damson tree in a Conservation area
  • Approved by CYC 14 October 2016

5.3   Review permission to copy planning documents (inc. in non paper form) NALC Legal Note 60

5.4   Consider and review Planning Enforcement Issues

5.4.1        29 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/00190/EXTH)

Unauthorised siting of shipping container to rear of property

5.4.2        53 North Lane, Wheldrake (16/00329/EXT)

Unauthorised erection of a fence on village green

5.4.3        21 Derwent Park (15/01354/FUL)

Variation on planning conditions - Rendering to property

5.4.4        Church Close business disturbance

5.5    Consider National or Local Planning Policy

5.5.1      York Local Plan

6. Financial Matters

6.1 To consider village maintenance contract tenders received

6.2 To review the Local Government Finance Act 1992 – requirement for local councils to produce an annual budget

6.3 To review Double taxation payments

6.4 To review Council Tax Referendum Principles Consultation

6.5 To approve the following accounts for payment:

A2Z Groundworks


S Look expenses – printer cartridges, postage, telephone, broadband


Buckley Flooring – Village Hall works invoice 2487


Elvington Park – Village Hall works invoice   ELV565576 (for information only)


Elvington Park – Village Hall works invoice   ELV565578 (for information only)


Buckley Flooring – Village Hall invoice   2458 (for information only)


7. Consider and review village and parish projects

  • 7.1 Community emergency plan
  • 7.2 Wheldrake Village Hall refurbishment     
  • 7.3 Communications working group  
  • 7.4 Defibrillator
  • 7.5 Friends of Wheldrake park

8. To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary

8.1 Police Report and report of Police and Crime Plan

8.2  Play Area inspection and repairs

8.3  Sandholes Wood Update

8.4  Repairs and Maintenance

8.4.1        Ponding of Water at Greengales Court

8.4.2        Hole outside 21 The Courtneys near water supply. Reported to Yorkshire Water 08.09.16

8.4.3        Dog bin relocation on Back Lane South and new lid on existing bin (Reported lid 08.09.16 ref: 103263346)

8.4.4        Pothole on Main Street near old railway crossing (Reported to CYC 03.10.16 ref 103286594)   

8.5    Quiet Lanes

8.6    Review Code of Conduct 

8.7    Christmas tree and Christmas lights switch on

8.8    Administration; Agenda items and meeting times

9. Next Monthly Meeting

  • To notify clerk of matters for inclusion on the agenda of the next meeting
  • To confirm that the monthly meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 30 November 2016

[1] Members of the public must register to speak at meetings prior to the meeting and will be limited to 3 minutes each.

Minutes approved

In attendance: Cllrs D Randon (Chair) R Jordan, J Tetzner, A Harker, P Hodgson, C Barber, S Mercer, N Cox, R Arnold, J Penn. S Look (Clerk). Member of the public.

1. Apologies

Cllrs. A Stokes-Roberts and B Gilligan.

2. Declarations

Declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct:

Cllrs Harker, Arnold and Jordan declared an interest in the WRA.

Cllrs Arnold, Harker and Tetzner declared an interest in Friends of Wheldrake Park.

Cllr Hodgson declared an interest in the Local Plan.

Cllr Mercer declared an interest in the CYC Planning Committee and the Village Maintenance Tender.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the September monthly Parish Council meeting held on 28th September 2016 were read, proposed by Cllr Mercer and seconded as a true and correct record with the removal of "in Elvington" in 10.4 and additional finance information describing the hearing induction loop item 7.2.

4. Public Time

4.1 Apologies received from Health & Wellbeing Officer at CYC

5. Planning Matters

5.1  Planning applications

5.1.1     2 Kitty Garth, Wheldrake (16/02287/TCA)

  • Reduce 3 trees by 30% in a Conservation Area
  • Dated by CYC 7 October 2016
  • It was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed with one abstention that Councillors have no objections to the application.

5.1.2     9 The Ruddings, Wheldrake (16/02359/FUL)

  • Conservatory to rear
  • Dated by CYC 17 October 2016
  • It was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed with one abstention that Councillors have no objections to the application.

5.1.3     Derwent Valley Glamping, Land at grid reference 469030 444830 Church Lane, Wheldrake (16/00952/FUL)

  • Erection of four seasonal tents utilising existing access, the creation and maintaining of a footpath link, and the incorporation of a habitat enhancement plan (resubmission). Appeal to the Secretary of State.
  • Dated by CYC 14 October 2016
  • It was resolved that Cllr Randon will put forward the following comments to the Planning Inspectorate:
  • Opposition to the proposed development is maintained as previously determined which was in line with the terms of refusal stated by City of York Council (CYC). If the Inspector was minded to overturn the decision by CYC  the Parish Council would wish to have included the following conditions:-  2.1  All the conditions 1 to 5 set out in the report (section 8.1) from DPA Planning Ltd. 2.2  Consent to be limited to 5 years with the option of renewal. (This is in line with Natural England and Yorkshire Wildlife Trust standard advice). 2.3  All the mitigation measures recommended by the CYC Ecology and Countryside Officer. 2.4 The improvement measures recommended by the CYC Rights of Way Officer dated 04/05/2016 including the acceptance of public rights on modified pre-existing and more recently established footpaths within the land area on which the development is proposed. 2.5 No disturbance to the nearest residents of Wheldrake from noise, lighting, fires or other emissions from the site at any time.  

5.1.4  The Parish Council noted that there is a submission for the existing telephone mast on the Industrial Estate to be upgraded to 4G (ref 16/02186/TCMAS). Concern raised that it is in close proximity to the recently approved new mast (ref: 16/1449/TCMAS). The PC have been made aware that a resident has been in correspondence with the local MP regarding the proposals. It was also reported to Councillors that there is a large amount of rubbish/ flytipping in the yard on the industrial estate which needs to be investigated. Concerns were raised that it is a potential change of use and an environmental health issue. Clerk to report to planning enforcement officer at CYC.

5.1.5  Further submission noted on the reserved matters following outline approval 15/02439/OUTM Land West of Hagg Wood, Broad Highway, Wheldrake. Condition 4 signage, passing places on lane from Broad Highway to Hagg Wood. Councillors requested information on proposed passing places on Broad Highway itself and when these are going to be constructed. Cllr Mercer to investigate and report back to Councillors. 

5.2   Planning Decisions

5.2.1       72 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/01931/TCA)

  • Fell ash tree in a Conservation Area
  • Approved by CYC 13 October 2016. Noted by Councillors.

5.2.2.     Pear Tree Cottage, North Lane, Wheldrake 16/02055/TPO

  • Remove no.1 Damson tree in a Conservation area
  • Approved by CYC 14 October 2016. Noted by Councillors.

5.3    Review permission to copy planning documents (including in non paper form) from NALC Legal Note 60.

As a CYC consultee Councillors understand we already have permissions as used for the Village Design Statement maps.

5.4    Planning Enforcement Issues

5.4.1     29 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/00190/EXTH)

Unauthorised siting of shipping container to rear of property. Ongoing investigation with CYC.

5.4.2     53 North Lane, Wheldrake (1600329/EXT)

Unauthorised erection of fence on village green. Ongoing investigation with CYC.

5.4.3     21 Derwent Park, Wheldrake (15/01354/FUL)

Variation on planning conditions - rendering to property. Reported to CYC and resident also contacted CYC. May submit modified application.

5.4.4     Church Close business disturbance.

Complaints received regarding neighbourhood noise disturbance from a property on Church Close who are thought to be operating a ‘For Sale’ sign construction business from the property. Cllr Mercer will contact the Enforcement Officer at CYC to investigate.

5.5 Local Plan

No further updates at this stage.

6. Financial Matters

6.1 Village maintenance contract tenders

Three tenders were reviewed. It was proposed by Cllr Harker, seconded by Cllr Hodgson and resolved to select Toby Johnson with all in favour and two abstentions. The reason for the choice was due to merit of documentation, cost and local knowledge. Clerk to contact contractors and send a letter of thanks to A2Z Groundworks for his hard work.

6.2 To review the Local Government Finance Act 1992

Requirement for local councils to produce an annual budget. Noted.

6.3 To review Double taxation payments

No change from last year.

6.4 To review Council Tax Referendum Principles Consultation

Does not apply to Wheldrake Parish Council. Cllr Randon to respond.  

6.5 To approve the following accounts for payment:

A2Z Groundworks


S Look expenses – printer cartridges,   postage, telephone, broadband


Buckley Flooring – Village Hall works   invoice 2487 Carpet


Elvington Park – Village Hall works invoice   ELV565576 (for information only)


Elvington Park – Village Hall works invoice   ELV565578 (for information only)


Buckley Flooring – Village Hall invoice   2458 (for information only) Vinyl flooring


RESOLVED that the listed expenditure was proposed by Cllr Hodgson, seconded and unanimously agreed.

7. Consider and review Parish Projects

7.1 Community Emergency Plan

  • Cllr Tetzner had a meeting at the beginning of the month.  To update at next meeting.          

7.2 Wheldrake Village Hall

  • Phase one and two complete. Showers in changing room still to go in. Rendering will cost approx. £10,000-£12,000. Planning permission period has still got just over two years. Total spend to date £250,000. £43,000 loans to repay.     
  • It was noted that Sue Nelson is proposing organising a Local Food Festival for June 2017 to raise funds for the village.

7.3 Communications working group update

  • Policy nearly complete.
  • Additional information to be added to allow Cllr Harker and Clerk to respond to comments on the official PC facebook page if required. Logo to be incorporated into the statement. Clerk to distribute to Councillors when complete.
  • Cllr Barber to amend WPC logo to make Wheldrake Parish Council a larger heading than website heading.
  • Cllr Harker to revisit the Community Engagement Strategy. Councillors to consider contributing towards the Parish News at the Budget Meeting if it can be distributed to the entire village.

7.4 Defibrillator at the village hall

  • Money raised by villagers £1700 and application of £250 made for ward funding. Surplus funds will be used for pads and training. Resident has offered to fit free of charge. To be located on village hall wall near the front door for community use.
  • It was proposed by Cllr Hodgson, seconded by Cllr Barber and resolved to purchase the defibrillator from Yorkshire Ambulance at a cost of £1524 including VAT. 

7.5 Friends of Wheldrake Park

No further updates. No invoice received from CYC.

8. Consider and Review Reports and General Matters

8.1 Police report

No police report this month. Julia Mulligan reported at the YLCA meeting that North Yorkshire Police has launched a survey calling on residents to give their views on priorities for policing and community safety. Consultation ends on 18th November 2016. Community Speed Watch and 95 Alive were also outlined. Six more police vans coming to North Yorkshire and more work on detaining speeding motorcyclists. Complaints received on 101 service which they will be investigating.  

8.2  Play area

  • Swings have been repaired in the toddler area with new chains.
  • Concerns raised regarding the increasing amount of litter in the park.

8.3  Sandholes wood

  • Nothing to report this month.

8.4  Repairs and Maintenance

  • Ponding of water at Greengales Court. No further update. Cllr Mercer to follow up. Ongoing.
  • Hole outside 21 The Courtneys near water supply. Reported to Yorkshire Water 08.09.16. Morrisons Utilities inspected hole and reported back saying it needs to be passed to CYC.
  • Dog bin relocation on Back Lane South. Cllr Mercer has been assured by CYC it is imminent. A new style bin will be installed with a litter bin next to it. 
  • Pothole and ponding on Main Street near old railway crossing / Calpin development. Reported by Clerk to CYC.

8.5  Quiet Lanes

Cllr Tetzner to send a motion to Clerk in preparation for the next meeting.

8.6  Code of conduct

No significant changes since Councillors approved at a previous meeting.  

8.7  Village Christmas tree and lights

It was proposed, seconded and agreed with all in favour to request John Mercer to supply and install a 12ft tree on green near school at a cost of £110. James Myers has agreed to supply the power for the lights. Contractor to supply a rooted tree in Spring.

Christmas Lights; Cllr Randon to contact David Dick to request date for light switch on. Request made to ask if it can be on the same date as Rocking Rudolf visit – 3rd / 4th December 2016.

8.8  Administration

Request made to change the time of meetings to 7.30pm and not have meeting dates during half terms to accommodate working Councillors and members of the public more. Resolved to revisit at the Annual meeting in May due to standing orders item 3.2. Date of Annual Parish Council meeting is 31st May 2017 prior to the ordinary monthly meeting. The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on 10th May 2017.  Dates to be sent to CYC.

9. Next monthly meeting

  • Trees in Derwent Park / Church Lane junction.
  • 36 bus service. Complaints regarding irregular timing of the 9am Saturday service. Clerk to report to CYC.
  • New Representative required for the WRA.
  • To confirm that the monthly meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 30 November 2016 at 7pm at Church Cottage.
  • Meeting closed at 9.45pm.