Monthly Meeting (May 2017)
31 May 2017
, 7:30pm
Church Cottage, Wheldrake
You are summoned to attend the next monthly meeting of Wheldrake Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 31 May 2017 at 7.30pm in Church Cottage, Wheldrake
1. To receive apologies for absence
2. To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct
3. To confirm the minutes of the monthly Parish Council meeting held on 26th April 2017 and the Annual meeting of Wheldrake Parish Council held on 10th May 2017 as a true and correct record
4. Public Time [1]
5. Planning matters
5.1 To consider the following Planning Application
5.1.1 6 Cranbrook Close, Wheldrake (17/01015/FUL)
Two storey side extension and new pitched roof over existing rear conservatory
Dated by CYC 12 May 2017. Comments by 2 June 2017
5.1.2 Innisfree Glade, Church Lane, Wheldrake (17/01166/TCA)
Fell 3 no. Poplar trees in a Conservation area
Dated by CYC 19 May 2017. Comments by 9 June 2017
5.1.3 47 The Ruddings, Wheldrake (17/01134/FUL)
Two storey side and single storey rear extension
Dated by CYC 19 May 2017. Comments by 9 June 2017
5.1.4 Link Hall, Wheldrake Lane, Crockey Hill, Wheldrake (17/01198/FUL)
Erection of general purpose agricultural building
Date by CYC 26 May 2017. Comments by 16 June 2017
5.2 To receive the following Planning Decisions
5.2.1 The Laurels, 32 Main Street, Wheldrake (17/00733/TCA)
To reduce and shape Laburam tree in a Conservation area
Dated by CYC 29 March 2017. Approved by CYC 5 May 2017
5.3 Consider and review Planning Enforcement Issues
5.3.1 21 Derwent Park (15/01354/FUL)
Variation on planning conditions - Rendering to property
5.3.2 Wheldrake Industrial Estate (16/00494/COU)
Possible unauthorised change of use
5.4 Consider National or Local Planning Policy
5.4.1 York Local Plan
6. Financial Matters
6.1 Approve annual accounts for 2016/17 audit
6.2 Payment of £312 made to Direct Tile Importers for shower tiles for the village hall refurbishment. Agreed at April meeting.
6.3 To approve the following accounts for payment:
Playscheme; basket swing rope repair |
£130 |
S Look expenses |
£14.75 |
Clerks additional hours for March and April 2017 (agreed at April meeting) |
£70 |
NALC – Local Councils Explained publication |
£19.99 |
Toby Johnson – village maintenance (£41 VAT recoverable) |
£246 |
7. Consider and review village and parish projects
- 7.1 Community emergency plan
- 7.2 Wheldrake Village Hall refurbishment
- 7.3 Communications working group
- 7.4 Friends of Wheldrake park
Motion: The council approves the immediate purchase of a 'Hip Hop' see saw for the play area when funds are transferred to the PC by Friends of Wheldrake Park" Proposed by Cllr. Harker
8. To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary
8.1 Police Report
8.2 Play Area inspection and repairs. Repairs to basket swing required.
8.3 Sandholes Wood Update. Consider proposed new signage.
8.4 Repairs and Maintenance
8.4.1 Consider new dog bin locations; Two new dog bins will replace the existing damaged bins on Back Lane South and on Broad Highway. Two further new dog bins will be located on Main Street next to the post box near Willow Cottage and on the green between the Cranbrooks and Braithegayte.
8.4.2 Silver Birch Trees in verge in front of 1 Derwent Park (U04608) and Birch trees in Broadlands
8.4.3 Consider defibrillator repairs
8.4.4 Potholes on Main Street near old railway crossing. Reported to CYC 18 May 2017 ref; 103418494
8.4.5 Blocked gullies Benjy Lane. Reported to CYC 18 May 2017 ref; 103418492
8.4.6 Overflowing dog bin on Beck Lane. Reported to CYC 15 May 2017 ref; 103416085
8.5 Quiet Lanes
8.6 Christmas trees / lights and sponsorship opportunities
8.7 Wheldrake History Society Dissolution and Parish Council to consider what to do with remaining funds and archives
8.8 Consider parking restrictions at the bus stop on the corner of North Lane on Main Street are considered at the next meeting
8.9 Spoil heap on Broad Highway near Jacksons Farm entrance
9. Council correspondence
10. Consider protocol when receiving complaints from members of the public
12. Consider revised Standing Orders
13. Community Engagement Strategy
14. Recording of meetings
15. Next Monthly Meeting
- To notify clerk of matters for inclusion on the agenda of the next meeting
- To confirm that the next monthly meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 28 June 2017 at 7.30pm in Church Cottage.
[1] Members of the public must register to speak at meetings prior to the meeting and will be limited to 3 minutes each.
Minutes draft
In attendance: Cllrs. S. Mercer (Chair), N. Cox, D. Randon, A. Harker, P. Hodgson, R. Arnold, R. Jordan, J. Myers, J. Tetzner, J. Penn
1. Apologies
Cllr. B. Gilligan, Cllr. Stokes-Roberts, Cllr. C. Barber
2. Declarations of Interest
Declarations of interest under the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct:
Cllr.Hodgson declared an interest in the Local Plan
Cllr. Harker declared an interest in the WRA and FOWP
Cllr. Tetzner declared an interest in FOWP
Cllr. Mercer declared an interest in CYC Planning Committee
3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
An amendment needs to be made before signing
4. Minutes of Meeting for the 10th May
Amendments to be made before signing
5. Planning Matters
5.1 Planning Applications
5.1.1 6 Cranbrook Close, Wheldrake (1701015/FUL)
Councillors agreed no objection
5.1.2 Innisfree Glade, Church Lane, Wheldrake. Fell 3 no. poplar trees in a conservation area. (17/01166/TCA)
Councillors agreed no objection.
5.1.3 Link Hall, Wheldrake Lane, Crockey Hill, Wheldrake (17/01198/FUL). Erection of general purpose building
Councillors agreed no objection
5.2 To Receive the Following Planning Decisions
5.2.1 The Laurels, 32, Main Street, Wheldrake (17/00733)
To reduce and shape a laburnum tree in a Conservation area. Approved by CYC 5th May 2017
5.3.2 21 Derwent Park (15/01354/FUL)
Variation on Planning Conditions – Rendering to property
5.3.3 Wheldrake Industrial Estate (16/00494/COU)
Possible unauthorised change of use. This is now resolved and can be removed from the agenda.
5.4 Consider National or Local Planning Policy
5.4.1 York Local Plan
No further updates. Item to be removed until the autumn.
6. Financial Matters
6.1 Approve Annual Accounts for 2016/17 Audit
It was proposed and seconded with all in favour that the annual accounts should be approved. It was also approved with all in favour that the auditor should be Margaret Jordan.
6.2 A payment has been made of £312.00 for shower tiles for the village hall
6.3 To approve the following accounts for payment
Basket swing repair: £130.00
After some discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council was legally responsible for repair in the Playpark. The Clerk to approach Playscheme as to whether this repair should be undertaken under warranty.
S Look expenses: £14.75
Additional hours for March and April 2017 (agreed at April meeting): £70.00
NALC – Local Councils publication: £19.99
Toby Johnson – village maintenance (£41 VAT recoverable): £246.00
The council asked the clerk to defer payment of the maintenance contract until a breakdown of hours is received. Cllr. Randon agreed to speak with Mr Johnson regarding village maintenance.
7. Consider and Review Village and Parish Projects
7.1 Community Emergency Plan
A meeting is being arranged for the end of June
7.2 Wheldrake Village Hall Refurbishment
Two quotes have been received for the tiling of the village hall
7.3 Communications Working Group
A meeting had taken place, however the policy is in the process of being updated
7.4 Friends of Wheldrake Park
The following motion was presented to the council. “The council approves the purchase of a “hop hop” seesaw for the play area when funds are transferred to the PC by Friends of Wheldrake Park”. Proposed by Cllr Harker. The council agreed that the see-saw can be ordered once there is confirmation of funds together with two separate quotes.
8. Ongoing Issues
8.1 Police Report
Nothing to report
8.2 Play Area Inspection and Repairs
Update to be presented in June meeting
8.3 Sandholes Wood Update
Following a visit from Environmental Health to Sandholes Wood, an area of contaminated land has been confirmed. It was agreed that a sign is required to warn persons not to enter the woodland. Cllr. Myers volunteered to have the sign made and donate it for the village.
8.4 Repairs and Maintenance
8.4.1 The positioning of the new dog bins through Ward funding was approved
The two on Broad Highway are to be replaced with one larger one with a new bin sited between Cranbrooks and Braithegayte. Two existing at South Back Lane to be replaced and a new bin to be sited at the top of Chapel Lane.
8.4.2 Silver Birch Trees in verge in front of 1 Derwent Park
These street trees are the responsibility of Highways at CYC. These are to be inspected later in the year together with two trees in Broadlands which are also in need of maintenance.
8.4.3 Consider Defibrillator Repairs
The handle on the cabinet at the Wenlock Arms is difficult to operate by members of the public. Cllr. Harker volunteered to investigate whether it can be repaired. This was agreed.
8.4.4 Potholes in Main Street near Old Railway Crossing
These have been repaired. Remove from agenda
8.4.5 Blocked Gullies - Benjy Lane
This work has been completed and can now be removed from the agenda
8.4.6 Overflowing Dog Bin on Beck Lane
It was decided that since we will be receiving new dog bins this can be removed from the agenda
8.5 Quiet Lanes
This item can now be removed from the agenda
8.6 Christmas Trees/Lights and Sponsorship Opportunities
Cllr Myers reported that he was happy to sponsor three trees for the village, and the Wenlock Arms has agreed to sponsor the lights for them. It was proposed that Cllr. Myers should go ahead with the plan as outlined by the Parish Council. This was agreed.
8.7 Wheldrake History Society dissolution and the Parish Council to consider what to do with the remaining funds and archives
It was proposed and agreed that the remaining funds from the History Society should be transferred to the Wheldrake Recreation Association and that they should be ring fenced for the use of the current history group.
8.8 Consider Parking Restrictions at the Bus Stop at the Corner of North Lane and Main Street
An officer from CYC will be visiting the site at the end of June and hopefully will be able to make a suggestion to improve the situation
8.9 Spoil Heap on Broad Highway near Jacksons Farm Entrance
There appears to be a rat infestation in the heap. It was agreed that this should be reported to Highways. Clerk to report.
9. Council Correspondence
It was proposed and agreed that Adrianne could help monitor the web site and that she would speak with the Clerk.
10. Consider Protocol When Receiving Complaints from Members of the Public
It was resolved that the clerk should ask Cllr. Barber for a formal response to the request made at the previous meeting
11. Consider Revised Standing Orders
Cllr. Randon is to report back on this issue
12. Community Engagement Strategy
Cllr. Myers discussed how engagement with the community could be improved. It was also suggested there could be a leaflet drop to everyone in the village. Cllr. Penn also volunteered to supply a cartoon for the leaflet. It was agreed to set up a small working party to progress this.
13. Recording of Meetings
It was agreed to look at the procedure for the recording of meetings and discuss at the next meeting
14. Next Monthly Meeting
The meeting was closed at 21.45 hrs. The next monthly meeting is to take place on Wednesday 28th June at 7.30pm
Noted - need to include dates for the budget meeting and annual meeting of the Parish Council