Monthly Meeting (June 2017)
28 June 2017
, 7:00pm
Church Cottage, Wheldrake
Dear Councillor
You are summoned to attend the next monthly meeting of Wheldrake Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 28th June, 2017 at 7.30pm in Church Cottage, Wheldrake
1. To receive apologies for absence
2. To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct
3. To confirm the minutes of the monthly Parish Council meetings held on 26th April, 10th May and 31st May 2017 as a true and correct record
To confirm the minutes of the EGM held on 14th June, 2017 as a true and correct record.
4. Chairman’s Statement
5. Public Time[1]
6. Matters Arising from Meeting held on 31st May, 2017
6.1. Recording of Meetings
6.2. Village Maintenance Account
6.3. Basket swing Account
6.4. Defibrillator cabinet repair
6.5. Councillor Conduct response
6.6. Spoil heap on Broad Highway
6.7. Community Engagement strategy
7. Planning matters:
7.1 To consider the following Planning Application
7.1.1 6 The Ruddings, Wheldrake (17/01271/FUL)
Part conversion of existing garage into living accommodation including single storey rear extension and increase in height of roof
Dated by CYC 7 June 2017. Comments by 28 June 2017 (extension requested)
7.2 To receive the following Planning Decisions
7.2.1 12 Dovecot Close, Wheldrake (17/00878/FUL)
Two storey side extension. Householder approval by CYC 6 June 2017
7.3 Consider and review Planning Enforcement Issues
7.3.1 21 Derwent Park (15/01354/FUL)
Variation on planning conditions - Rendering to property
7.4 Consider National or Local Planning Policy
7.4.1 York Local Plan
8. Financial Matters
8.1 To approve the following accounts for payment:
S Look expenses |
£11.70 |
Autela Group Ltd |
£66 |
9. Consider and review village and parish projects
9.1 Community emergency plan
9.2 Wheldrake Village Hall refurbishment
9.3 Communications working group
9.4 Friends of Wheldrake Park
10. To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary
10.1 Police Report
10.2 Play Area inspection and repairs
10.3 Sandholes Wood Update
10.4 Repairs and Maintenance
10.4.1 Silver Birch Trees in verge in front of 1 Derwent Park (U04608) and Birch trees in Broadlands
11. Correspondence
11.1 Consider Freedom of Information request for a copy of the recording of the May monthly meeting held on 31st May, 2017
11.2 Tree planting funding request
12. Consider revised Standing Orders
13. Draft Minutes
14. Councillor E-mail exchanges
15. Recruitment for Parish Clerk vacancy
16. HR three person sub-committee
17. Purchase of Parish Council laptop
18. Parish Council venue
19. Councillor Vacancies
20. Election of Vice Chair
21. Website provider
22. Formal approval of Wheldrake Parish Council meeting dates 2017/2018 and Budget Meeting date.
23. Next Monthly Meeting
- To notify Clerk of matters for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting (
- To confirm that the next monthly meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 26th July, 2017 at 7.30pm in Church Cottage.
[1] Members of the public must register to speak at meetings by contacting the Clerk no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting and will be limited to three minutes each.
Minutes approved
Minutes of Wheldrake Parish Council meeting held on 28th June 2017 at Church Cottage, Wheldrake
Chair: Cllr S Mercer
Acting Clerk: Mrs H Guest. Email:
Part 1
1. Attendance:
a. Present: Cllrs Mercer, Hodgson, Gilligan, Jordan, Barber (arrived at 7.33pm immediately prior to item 3) and Arnold, the Clerk plus 15 members of the public.
b. Apologies: None.
2. Declarations of Interest:
a. Cllr Hodgson expressed an interest in the York Local Plan.
b. Cllr Mercer expressed an interest in CYC Planning Committee
3. Minutes: It was resolved to accept the Minutes of the meetings held on 11th April, 26th April, 10th May, 31st May and 14th June 2017. The Chairman signed the Minutes as approved.
4. Public Session:
a. A member of the public made a statement to explain that her recent resignation from the Parish Council was due to comments made over the past year by a Councillor, which she believed were vitriolic and untrue.
b. A member of the public stated that at the meeting on 31st May, Councillors had made negative comment about a staff member in an open meeting and correct procedures were not followed. She resigned from her position on the Parish Council as a result.
c. A member of the public stated that she had put a complaint into CYC about a Parish Councillor because of comments and inappropriate language made both directly to her and on social media. When she raised the matter with the Council, the matter was ignored and at a further meeting, she had not been allowed to say what she wanted to in the public session due to interruptions.
5. Chairman’s Statement: Cllr Mercer stated that she was saddened by the tone of comments she had seen on social media and that she had not witnessed any incidences of bullying as alleged. She stated that it was unfair for those who never attend meetings to criticise those who voluntarily give up their time to work on the Council – she invited residents to come to meetings to see what actually happens. There has been concern regarding the way in which the Parish Council has been operating: this is being addressed and she hoped that a line can now be drawn under these issues so that everyone can work together.
6. Matters Arising:
a. Recording of meetings – The Council policy is not in line with current legislation and so the Clerk is to produce an updated policy to bring to the next meeting.
b. Village Maintenance account – A breakdown of tasks was requested, but the contractors were unable to supply this for the April account. It was resolved to pay the invoice and the Clerk will contact the contractor to ensure that itemised invoices are submitted in future.
c. Basket Swing repair – Cllr Arnold reported that he had spoken to the suppliers and they informed him that the design of basket swing meant that problems will occur periodically since it is in a confined space. The damage has been caused due to misuse. He suggested that in the future and should an appropriate space be identified, a ‘crane’ type of swing would be a better option and the existing basket swing could be replaced by two normal swings. The damage will cost £130 to replace the ropes. It was resolved to order the repairs.
d. Defibrillator cabinet repair – The handle on the cabinet does not work well – defer to next meeting.
e. Councillor conduct response – At Chairman’s discretion, this item was moved into Part 2.
f. Spoil heap on Broad Highway with rat infestation – Cllr Mercer to chase this up with CYC.
g. Community Engagement Strategy – it was resolved to defer this item until such time as there are more Parish Councillors.
7. Planning:
a. 17/01271/FUL – Part conversion of existing garage into living accommodation including single storey rear extension and increase in height of roof at 6 The Ruddings, Wheldrake. Deadline for comments 28th June, but extension has been granted. Resolved no objections.
b. 17/00878/FUL – Two storey side extension at 12 Dovecot Close, Wheldrake. Approved.
Planning Enforcement:
c. 15/01354/FUL – Variation on planning conditions at 21 Derwent Park, Wheldrake: rendering to property out of keeping. Clerk to request update from CYC.
National or Local Planning Policy:
d. York Local Plan – The LP working group met on 26th June and the Neighbourhood Plan for Upper and Nether Poppleton is to be adopted.
8. Financial Matters: It was resolved to approve the following:
a. S Look (expenses) £11.70
b. Autela Group (payroll) £66.00
c. Playscheme (see item 6c) £130.00
d. Toby H Johnson (see item 6b) £246.00
9. Village and Parish Projects: It was resolved to defer the following items until there are more Councillors on the Parish Council:
a. Community emergency plan.
b. Wheldrake Village Hall refurbishment.
c. Communications Working Group.
d. Friends of Wheldrake Park.
10. Ongoing Issues: The following were noted:
a. Police Report – None received.
b. Play area inspection and repairs – Cllr Gilligan reported that there were no issues resulting from the recent inspection.
c. Sandholes Wood update – Cllr Hodgson reported that Mr Myers would be donating a sign made out of granite.
d. Repairs and Maintenance: The silver birch tree near No 1 Derwent Park has possible decay and those on Broadlands have roots which are damaging boundary walls. It is understood that all are located on CYC land. Clerk to report to Highways for inspection and any subsequent action.
11. Correspondence Received:
a. Freedom of Information requests received - At Chairman’s discretion, this item was moved into Part 2.
b. Tree planting funding request: Having planted many trees on the roads around Wheldrake, Mr David Liptrot requested funding to purchase 10 additional trees to replace those which have died. It was resolved to give him a budget of up to £100.
12. Revised Standing Orders: This item deferred until a later date.
13. Draft Minutes: Clerk advised that she will circulate the draft Minutes to Councillors to allow for any amendments prior to adding to the website and to ensure that the Minutes are correct before the meeting. Noted.
14. Councillor Email Exchanges: Cllr Barber stated that in the past, emails concerning Parish Council business have been exchanged between perhaps just two Councillors. In the interests of transparency and to ensure all Councillors are kept informed of issues, he requested that all Councillors are copied into emails where relevant. This was agreed.
15. Recruitment for Parish Clerk vacancy: At Chairman’s discretion, this item was moved into Part 2.
16. HR 3-person Committee: At Chairman’s discretion, this item was moved into Part 2.
17. Purchase of Parish Council laptop: It was resolved that the Clerk be given a budget of up to £600 to purchase a laptop, software and ancillaries.
18. Parish Council meeting venue: Cllr Mercer suggested that an alternative venue for meetings should be considered since, once there is a full complement of Councillors and if members of the public continue to attend meetings, the current venue at Church Cottage may be too small. Chairman/Clerk to bring costing/availability options to the meeting next month for consideration.
19. Councillor Vacancies: Cllr Mercer asked that the vacancies be noted and advised that these have been reported to the Monitoring Officer.
20. Election of Vice Chairman:
a. It was resolved that Cllr Arnold is to be the Vice Chairman for the remainder of the year.
b. Acceptance of office form to be signed by Cllr Arnold and witnessed by the Clerk.
21. Website: Chairman reported that she still did not have access to the Chairman’s email address. Clerk reported that emails were being sent with the ex-Clerk’s name and asked for advice as to how to amend this. Cllr Barber agreed to approach the website provider to resolve both issues.
22. Approval of future meeting dates: It was resolved that the meetings would remain as the last Wednesday of the month, with the exception of the December budget meeting. Dates are therefore as follows:
2017: 26th July, 30th August, 27th September, 25th October, 29th November and 13th December.
2018: 31st January, 28th February, 28th March and 25th April.
23. Items for next agenda:
a. Website and email access.
b. Councillor vacancies.
Closure of Part 1 meeting at 8.18pm.
Part 2
24. Confidential Business: It was resolved to exclude press/public on the grounds that the matter affects individual staff members/procedural/finance issues.
25. Councillor Conduct Complaint: It was resolved that Clerk address correspondence.
26. Three FOI requests have now been made for recordings of meetings. It was resolved to release the recordings as requested.
27. HR/Staff: This item to be deferred to a later meeting.
Closure of Part 2 meeting at 9.18pm
Cllr S Mercer, Chairman
26th July 2017