Monthly Meeting (Jan 2017)
25 January 2017
, 7:00pm
Church Cottage
1. To receive apologies for absence
2. To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct
3. To confirm the minutes of the monthly Parish Council meeting held on 30th November 2016, the minutes of the budget meeting held on 14th December 2016 and the minutes of the planning meeting held on 3rd January 2017 as a true and correct record
4. Public Time[1]
5. Planning matters
5.1 To consider the following Planning Applications
5.1.1 North Selby Mine, New Road, Deighton (16/02791/CLD)
Certificate of lawfulness to confirm implementation of planning permission 12/03385/FULM dated 28 April 2014 (Demolition of existing buildings and re-profiling of bunds and areas of the former mine, construction of an anaerobic digestion heat and power facility and horticultural glasshouse and associated infrastructure and works.
Expiry date 9 January 2017. For information only.
5.1.2 Mobile home, Land west of Hagg Wood, Broad Highway (16/02559/FUL)
Conditioning of the planning permission issues.
5.1.3 28 Derwent Park, Wheldrake (16/02863/FUL)
Single storey rear extension and porch canopy extension to front
Dated by CYC 3 January 2017
Comments by 24 January 2017. Extension granted.
5.1.3 Brick Farm, Benjy Lane, Wheldrake (16/02583/FUL)
Siting of 3 no. grain silos to be converted for use as holiday accommodation
Dated by CYC 12 January 2017
For information only. To be decided at Planning Committee meeting on 19 January 2017. Recommendation to refuse.
5.2 To receive the following Planning Decisions/information
5.2.1 9 The Ruddings, Wheldrake (16/02359/FUL)
Conservatory to rear
Approved by CYC on 6 December 2016
5.2.2 47 The Ruddings, Wheldrake (16/02443/FUL)
Two storey side extension and single storey side and rear extentions
Refused by CYC 16 December 2016
5.2.3 Nevada, 54 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/02691/TCA)
Notification to crown reduce 1 x Maple by 50% in a Conservation Area
Approved by CYC 22 December 2016
5.2.4 6 Raker Close, Wheldrake (16/02392/FUL)
Single storey front, side and rear extensions
Approved by CYC 22 December 2016
5.2.5 Fenby, 47 Church Lane, Wheldrake (16/02688/TPO)
Crown reduce 1 x Beech by 15%-20% protected by Tree Preservation Order number 11/1993
Refused by CYC however a Crown lift/reduce end material to provide a clearance of 3.5m over the drive and 5.2m over vehicular highway is permitted.
5.2.6 9 Church Close, Wheldrake (16/02603/FUL)
Single storey rear extension
Approved by CYC 16 January 2017
5.2.7 6 St Helens Rise, Wheldrake (16/02703/FUL)
Single storey front extension and conversion of attached garage into habitable room
Application withdrawn
5.3 Consider and review Planning Enforcement Issues
5.3.1 29 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/00190/EXTH)
Unauthorised siting of shipping container to rear of property
5.3.2 21 Derwent Park (15/01354/FUL)
Variation on planning conditions - Rendering to property
5.3.3 Wheldrake Industrial Estate (16/00494/COU)
Possible unauthorised change of use
5.4 Consider National or Local Planning Policy
5.4.1 York Local Plan
6. Financial Matters
6.1 To consider payroll quote from Autela
6.2 To approve the following accounts for payment:3XG
Wheldrake Parochial Church Council; Church Cottage room hire |
£145 |
S Look expenses - telephone, broadband |
£11.50 |
Greenthumb Autumn / winter treatment |
£40.50 |
CPRE annual membership |
£36 |
A2Z Groundworks; gritting pats – 8hrs |
£96 |
7. Consider and review village and parish projects
- 7.1 Community emergency plan
- 7.2 Wheldrake Village Hall refurbishment
- 7.3 Communications working group
- 7.4 Friends of Wheldrake park
8. To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary
8.1 Police Report
8.2 Play Area inspection and repairs
8.3 Sandholes Wood Update
8.4 Repairs and Maintenance
8.4.1 Ponding of Water at Greengales Court
8.4.2 Hole outside 21 The Courtneys near water supply. Reported to Yorkshire Water 08.09.16
8.4.3 Damaged dog bin on Back Lane South (ReporXS2
3ted 08.09.16 ref: 103263346) and Broad Highway (ref: 103317529, 22.11.16)
8.4.4 Pothole on Main Street near old railway crossing (Reported to CYC 03.10.16 ref 103286594)
8.4.5 Silver Birch Tree in verge in front of 1 Derwent Park (U04608)
8.4.6 Grass verge damage, Church Lane
8.4.7 Yorkshire Water foul water main maintenance chamber near to the allotments
8.4.8 Ditch clearance Back Lane South
8.5 Quiet Lanes
8.6 Parish Council / WRA Representative
9. Next Monthly Meeting
- To notify clerk of matters for inclusion on the agenda of the next meeting
- To confirm that the next monthly meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 22 February 2016.
[1] Members of the public must register to speak at meetings prior to the meeting and will be limited to 3 minutes each.
Minutes approved
In attendance:
Cllrs D Randon (Chair) R Jordan, J Tetzner, S Mercer, R Arnold, J Penn, B Gilligan, P Hodgson, J Myers and A Harker
S Look (Clerk)
Member of the public
1. Apologies
Cllrs C Barber, A Stokes-Roberts and N Cox.
2. Declarations
Declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct:
Cllr Harker declared an interest in the WRA. Cllr Jordan declared he no longer has an interest in the WRA.
Cllr Tetzner declared an interest in Friends of Wheldrake Park.
Cllr Mercer declared an interest in the CYC Planning Committee.
3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the November monthly Parish Council meeting held on 30th November 2016 were read, proposed and seconded as a true and correct record with one amendment to item 9.3; delete last sentence with 3 Councillors against the decision and 3 abstentions. It was noted that according to the standing orders agenda items need to be registered with the clerk at least 7 days prior to a Parish Council meeting.
The minutes of the budget meeting held on 14 December 2016 were read, proposed and seconded as a true and correct record with one abstention.
The minutes of the Planning Meeting held on 3rd January 2017 were read, proposed and seconded as a true and correct record with 6 abstentions.
4. Public Time
No residents had registered to speak
5. Planning Matters
5.1 Planning applications
5.1.1 North Selby Mine, New Road, Deighton (16/02791/CLD)
Certificate of lawfulness to confirm implementation of planning permission 12/03385/FULM dated 28 April 2014 (Demolition of existing buildings and re-profiling of bunds and areas of the former mine, construction of an anaerobic digestion heat and power facility and horticultural glasshouse and associated infrastructure and works.
Expiry date 9 January 2017. For information only.
5.1.2 Mobile home, Land west of Hagg Wood, Broad Highway (16/02559/FUL)
Conditioning of the planning permission issues. The Parish Council agreed to the Planning Committee recommendation to request clarification from CYC planning department on the effectiveness of the conditions attached to the main permission for the development which did not include control of some aspects of the development phase especially transport of bulk materials. It was unanimously agreed with two abstentions that a request is sent to CYC Planning Department to request an explanation.
5.1.3 28 Derwent Park, Wheldrake (16/02863/FUL)
Single storey rear extension and porch canopy extension to front
Dated by CYC 3 January 2017. Councillors unanimously agreed with one abstention that (B) they have no objections to the above application.
5.1.4 Brick Farm, Benjy Lane, Wheldrake (16/02583/FUL)
Siting of 3 no. grain silos to be converted for use as holiday accommodation
Dated by CYC 12 January 2017
For information only. Application went to Planning Committee meeting on 19 January 2017 with a recommendation to refuse however decision was deferred.
5.2 Planning Decisions
5.2.1 9 The Ruddings, Wheldrake (16/02359/FUL)
Conservatory to rear. Approved by CYC on 6 December 2016
5.2.2 47 The Ruddings, Wheldrake (16/02443/FUL)
Two storey side extension and single storey side and rear extentions
Refused by CYC 16 December 2016
5.2.3 Nevada, 54 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/02691/TCA)
Notification to crown reduce 1 x Maple by 50% in a Conservation Area. Approved by CYC 22 December 2016
5.2.4 6 Raker Close, Wheldrake (16/02392/FUL)
Single storey front, side and rear extensions. Approved by CYC 22 December 2016
5.2.5 Fernby, 47 Church Lane, Wheldrake (16/02688/TPO)
Crown reduce 1 x Beech by 15%-20% protected by Tree Preservation Order number 11/1993
Refused by CYC however a Crown lift/reduce end material to provide a clearance of 3.5m over the drive and 5.2m over vehicular highway is permitted.
5.2.6 9 Church Close, Wheldrake (16/02603/FUL)
Single storey rear extension
Approved by CYC 16 January 2017
5.2.7 6 St Helens Rise, Wheldrake (16/02703/FUL)
Single storey front extension and conversion of attached garage into habitable room
Application withdrawn
5.3 Planning Enforcement Issues
5.3.1 29 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/00190/EXTH)
Unauthorised siting of shipping container / mobile site hut to rear of property. It was noted that the container is on wheels and has got a tow bar. Ongoing investigation with CYC
5.3.2 21 Derwent Park, Wheldrake (15/01354/FUL)
Variation on planning conditions - rendering to property. No update from CYC
5.3.3 Wheldrake Industrial Estate (16/00494/COU)
Possible unauthorised change of use. No update from CYC
5.4 Local Plan
Cllr Mercer attended a LPWG meeting on Monday when they agreed to change the name of the Southern Gateway to the Castle Gateway. Officers are seeking confirmation from the MOD
regarding dates for exiting both Strensall and Imphal Barracks. While awaiting this confirmation a six month extension to the submission of the Local Plan to Government has been approved. No further update at this time on the Local Plan.
6. Financial Matters
6.1 It was resolved to transfer payroll to Autela as RFO would like to relinquish this responsibility as HMRC procedures have changed. Autela charge £30 to set the PC on their system and £12 per month. Proposed to use Autela, seconded with all in favour. Councillors thanked Cllr Jordan for all his hard work on this to date.
6.2 To approve the following accounts for payment:
Wheldrake Parochial Church Council; Church Cottage room hire for the year 2016 |
£145 |
S Look expenses - telephone, broadband |
£11.50 |
Greenthumb Autumn / winter treatment |
£40.50 |
CPRE annual membership |
£36 |
A2Z Groundworks; gritting paths – 8hrs |
£96 |
RESOLVED that the listed expenditure was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed.
7. Consider and review Parish Projects
7.1 Community Emergency Plan
Cllr Tetzner progressing
7.2 Wheldrake Village Hall refurbishment
No further work has been carried out
7.3 Communications working group update
A motion to approve the policy to be added at the February Parish Council meeting agenda
7.4 Friends of Wheldrake Park
Cllr Mercer to follow up invoice from CYC for park path
8. Consider and Review Reports and General Matters
8.1 Police report
No report received this month
8.2 Play area inspection and repairs
Inspection completed by Cllr Gilligan. Nothing major to report. Litter pick done. Roundabout to be greased.
8.3 Sandholes wood
Cllr Hodgson reported a pigeon cull is to be done with local farmers during February.
8.4 Repairs and Maintenance
- Ponding of water at Greengales Court. Highways to come out within next two weeks.
- Hole outside 21 The Courtneys near water supply. CYC to repair. No date given.
- Damaged bins on Broad Highway and Back Lane South have been reported to CYC. Cllr Mercer to follow up. A new bin may have to be purchased.
- Pothole and ponding on Main Street near old railway crossing / Calpin development. Contractors have patched the area but pot holes are still present. Await any further action from CYC.
- Silver Birch trees in verge in front of 1 Derwent Park (U04608). Cllr Randon has contacted CYC and they are coming out to inspect all CYC registered highway trees in Wheldrake during this year so will check these at that time.
- Grass verge damage; Church Lane. A letter has been sent to resident to request that they do not park on the grass verge as it is causing damage however the car is still being parked there. Cllr Mercer to report to CYC highways to assess.
- Yorkshire Water foul water main maintenance chamber near to the allotments has been left in an untidy state. Problems at pumping station last year and damage remains where temporary barriers are. Yorkshire Water have had a change in contractor that they use so they are coming out to do an inspection.
- Ditch clearance on Back Lane South. Complaint received about the mess that has been left with the remaining twigs etc. It was agreed that this is typical of the work that has been done and there is no tidy way of doing it. It is also thought that it will get absorbed and will grow over.
8.5 Quiet Lanes
Cllr Tetzner has been looking into other Quiet Lanes in relation to investigating if Broad Highway could be considered. Cllr Mercer to investigate with CYC and find out what their policy is. Survey can now be done more easily throughout the whole community.
8.6 Parish Council / WRA Representative
It was explained to Councillors that the Parish Council representative on the WRA should be an observer and not take part in the management. It was resolved that the receipt of the minutes will be sufficient to observe the running of the WRA. It was also noted that a trustee has been reported in the press as he has appeared in court over a financial matter which had no relation to the WRA. It was also pointed out that no fundraising money raised for the defibrillator were collected by this person.
9. Next monthly meeting
- It was confirmed that the next monthly meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 22 February 2017
- Communications Policy to be confirmed
- Request from residents for a salt bin on Broad Highway funded by Ward funding
- Christmas trees / lights and sponsorship opportunities
- Meeting closed at 8.30pm.