Monthly Meeting (Apr 2017)
27 April 2017
, 7:00pm
Church Cottage
1. To receive apologies for absence
2. To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct
3. To confirm the minutes of the monthly Parish Council meeting held on 28th March 2017, the EGM held on 11th April 2017 and the planning committee meeting held on 11th April 2017 as a true and correct record
4. Public Time[1]
5. Planning matters
5.1 To consider the following Planning Application
5.1.1 12 Dovecot, Wheldrake (17/00878/FUL)
Two story side extension
Dated by CYC 21 April 2017. Comments by 12 May 2017
5.2 To receive the following Planning Decisions
5.2.1 35 The Cranbrooks, Wheldrake (16/01503/FUL)
Retention of existing rooflights to side roof slope
Refused by CYC 17 April 2017
5.2.2 Land west of Hagg Wood, Broad Highway, Wheldrake
Siting of agricultural workers mobile home
Approved by CYC 11 April 2017
5.2.3 2 St Helens Rise, Wheldrake
Single storey side extension (resubmission of approved scheme 13/00318/FUL)
Approved by CYC 11 April 2017
5.3 Consider and review Planning Enforcement Issues
5.3.1 29 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/00190/EXTH)
Unauthorised siting of mobile site hut to rear of property
5.3.2 21 Derwent Park (15/01354/FUL)
Variation on planning conditions - Rendering to property
5.3.3 Wheldrake Industrial Estate (16/00494/COU)
Possible unauthorised change of use
5.4 Consider National or Local Planning Policy
5.4.1 York Local Plan
Correspondence from Pilgrim PR re ST15 proposed garden village located west of Elvington Lane and including Elvington Airfield.
6. Financial Matters
6.1 Consider Clerks additional hours over March and April 2017
6.2 To approve the following accounts for payment:
Greenthumb; Spring treatment on village green opposite Church |
£40.50 |
S Look expenses |
£14.75 |
7. Consider and review village and parish projects
- 7.1 Community emergency plan
- 7.2 Wheldrake Village Hall refurbishment
- 7.3 Communications working group
- 7.4 Friends of Wheldrake park
8. To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary
8.1 Police Report
8.2 Play Area inspection and repairs
8.3 Sandholes Wood Update
8.4 Repairs and Maintenance
8.4.1 Damaged dog bin on Back Lane South (Reported 08.09.16 ref: 103263346) and Broad Highway (ref: 103317529, 22.11.16)
8.4.2 Silver Birch Trees in verge in front of 1 Derwent Park (U04608) and Birch trees in Broadlands
8.4.3 Grass verge damage, Church Lane
8.4.4 Verge damage in Main Street and Church Lane caused by agricultural and possible other heavy vehicles
8.5 Quiet Lanes
8.6 Christmas trees / lights and sponsorship opportunities
8.7 Wheldrake History Society Dissolution and Parish Council to consider what to do with remaining funds and archives
9. Correspondence
9.1 Crockey Hill traffic signalised junction changes
9.2 Proposed cycle route from Wheldrake to York
9.3 Update from Julian Sturdy MP
10. Annual meeting of the Parish
11. Defibrillator repairs
12. Consider Grievance and Discipline Policy
13. Standing Order review
14. Consider protocol on amendment of minutes prior to meetings and to confirm agenda setting protocol in relation to the EGM's
15. Next Monthly Meeting and Annual meeting
- To notify clerk of matters for inclusion on the agenda of the next meeting
- To confirm that the next monthly meeting of the Parish Council and the Annual meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 31 May 2017 at 7pm in Church Cottage. To confirm the Annual meeting of the Parish is to be held on 10 May 2017 at 7pm in the Village Hall lounge.
[1] Members of the public must register to speak at meetings prior to the meeting and will be limited to 3 minutes each.
Minutes draft
In attendance: Cllrs D Randon (Chair), J Tetzner, S Mercer, P Hodgson, A Harker, J Penn, and J Myers. S Look (Clerk) Member of the public
1. Apologies
Cllr. B Gilligan, R Arnold, C Barber, N Cox, A Stokes-Roberts and R Jordan.
2. Declarations
Declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct:
Cllr Harker declared an interest in the WRA
Cllr Tetzner declared an interest in FOWP
Cllr Mercer declared an interest in the CYC Planning Committee
Cllr Hodgson declared an interest in the Local Plan
3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The approval of the minutes of the monthly Parish Council meeting held on 29th March 2017 were read, proposed and accepted as a true and correct record with an amendment to item 8.4.
The approval of the minutes of the EGM held on 11th April 2017 were read, proposed and accepted as a true and correct record with one abstention.
The approval of the minutes of the Planning meeting held on 11th April 2017 were read, proposed and accepted as a true and correct record with 4 abstentions.
4. Public Time
No members of the public spoke at the meeting.
5. Planning Matters
5.1 Planning applications
12 Dovecot Close, Wheldrake (17/00878/FUL)
Two story side extension
It was proposed, seconded and agreed with one abstention that Councillors object to the application due to the proposal causing a terracing and massing effect. Councillors raised concern that it would be over development of the site and out of character with neighbouring properties in a conservation village.
5.2 Planning Decisions
5.2.1 35 The Cranbrooks, Wheldrake (16/01503/FUL)
Retention of existing rooflights to side roof slope. Refused by CYC 17 April 2017
5.2.2 Land west of Hagg Wood, Broad Highway, Wheldrake
Siting of agricultural workers mobile home. Approved by CYC 11 April 2017
5.2.3 2 St Helens Rise, Wheldrake
Single storey side extension (resubmission of approved scheme 13/00318/FUL). Approved by CYC 11 April 2017
5.2.4 1 Ruffhams Close, Wheldrake (17/00428/FUL)
Two storey rear extension. Refused by CYC 24 April 2017
5.3 Planning Enforcement Issues
5.3.1 29 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/00190/EXTH)
Unauthorised siting of site hut to rear of property. No further action to be taken as use is domestic storage.
5.3.2 21 Derwent Park, Wheldrake (15/01354/FUL)
Variation on planning conditions - rendering to property. No update from CYC
5.3.3 Wheldrake Industrial Estate (16/00494/COU)
Possible unauthorised change of use. No update from CYC
5.4 Consider National or Local Planning Policy
5.4.1 York Local Plan. No further developments at this stage.
Correspondence from Pilgrim PR re ST15 proposed garden village located west of Elvington Lane and including Elvington Airfield.
6. Financial Matters
6.1 It was proposed, seconded and resolved that an additional 7 hours pro rata will be paid to the clerk for additional hours in March and April 2017 and Clerk to contact RFO to check which expenditure budget to put it to.
6.2 RESOLVED that the listed expenditure was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed:
Greenthumb; Spring treatment on village green opposite Church |
£40.50 |
S Look expenses |
£14.75 |
Item 7.2 brought forward. Wheldrake Village Hall refurbishment. Update given by Cllr Harker. The following three motions were
proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed:
Motion: That the RFO and Parish Clerk be authorised to pay the pro forma invoice for tiles for the showers at Wheldrake Village Hall on demand. The amount not exceeding £1000.
Motion: That the sum allocated to Wheldrake Recreation Association as a grant for changing room benches be authorised and paid immediately.
Motion: That the major grant allocated to the Wheldrake Recreation Association be retained by the Parish Council until further notice.
7. Consider and review Parish Projects
7.1 Community Emergency Plan
Cllr Tetzner progressing.
7.2 Wheldrake Village Hall refurbishment
Discussed under finance.
7.3 Communications working group update
Updated policy to be submitted to Councillors in June.
7.4 Friends of Wheldrake Park
Meeting play companies for further quotes.
8. Consider and Review Reports and General Matters
8.1 Police report
No report received.
8.2 Play area inspection and repairs
Inspection done by Cllr Gilligan.
8.3 Sandholes wood
Inspection done by Cllr Hodgson. Cllr Randon to investigate contaminated land and waste materials signage.
8.4 Repairs and Maintenance
- Damaged dog bins on Broad Highway and Back Lane South have been reported to CYC. Councillor Mercer is arranging for four new dog bins to be installed in the village.
- Silver Birch trees in verge in front of 1 Derwent Park (U04608). Ongoing.
- Grass verge damage; Church Lane. Vehicle has now been moved. CYC do monthly checks and will monitor it.
- Verge damage in Main Street caused allegedly by agricultural vehicles. Reported.
8.5 Quiet Lane on Broad Highway
No progress at this stage.
8.6 Christmas tree / lights and sponsorship opportunities
Cllr Myers updated Councillors on progress. Cllr Mercer to notify Highways of proposed locations.
8.7 Wheldrake History Society Dissolution
PCC have agreed to keep the archives in Church Cottage. It was proposed that the WRA to be responsible for the archives and that the funds should be transferred to the WRA with the condition that a proportion of the funds will be spent on a suitable cabinet. To be proposed to the WRA and revisited at May Parish Council meeting.
9. Correspondence
9.1 Crockey Hill traffic signalised junction changes.
Councillors raised concerns about the current light sequencing not working as it should and the new sequence of lights at the A64 roundabout need to be taken into account so that it is more effective. The Parish Council also support Deighton Parish Councils request for a footpath on the North East approach.
Cllr Hodgson left the meeting.
9.2 Proposed cycle route from Wheldrake to York
This will be considered if the new garden village goes ahead near Elvington airfield.
9.3 Update from Julian Sturdy MP
Follow up from his Parish meeting held in January.
10. Annual meeting of the Parish
Martin Grainger (CYC) cannot attend the Annual meeting of the Parish but would like to propose a joint meeting with all villages within the ward. Annual Parish Meeting to be held on 10th May 2017. It was also agreed that the Annual meeting of the Parish Council will be held on the same evening.
11. Defibrillator Repairs
Quotes required to supply new handle. Clerk to follow up.
12. Consider Grievance and Discipline Policy
To be deferred until November 2017.
13. Standing Order review
Amendments to be made by Cllr Randon. To be reviewed at the May Parish Council meeting.
14. Consider protocol on amendment of minutes prior to meetings and to confirm agenda setting in relation to the EGM’s
It was confirmed that the amendment of minutes needs to be considered by Councillors at the monthly Parish Council meetings.
EGM Agenda setting to be deferred until May meeting.
15. Confirmation of next monthly meeting and Annual Meetings
- Cllr Myers requested that parking restrictions at the bus stop on the corner of North Lane on Main Street are considered at the next meeting.
- It was confirmed that the Annual meeting of the Parish and the Annual meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on 10 May 2017 at 7pm in the Village Hall lounge.
- It was confirmed that the next monthly meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 31 May 2017 at 7pm in Church Cottage.