Staffing Committee Meeting 16.09.24

16 September 2024 , 7:00pm


Notice is given that a Meeting of the staffing committee will be held on Monday 16th September 2024 at 7.00pm

Venue: Church Cottage, Main Street, Wheldrake


Dear Councillors,

You are hereby summoned to the committee meeting of Wheldrake Parish Council to be held on Monday 16th September 2024 at 7.00pm.


Please note that members of the public may be excluded from parts of the meeting under standing order 2(d)


Agenda of the said meeting is shown below.

Jessica Bedford

Proper Officer

10th September 2024



Welcome and apologies

To receive apologies for absence received in advance of the meeting



To approve the minutes of the last committee meeting held as a true and accurate record


Declarations of interest

a. To receive Declarations of interests from Members not already declared under members Code of Conduct or members register of interests, in any business to be transacted.

b. To consider any dispensation requests received.


Public Speaking Session (20 minutes)

Members of the public and representatives from other organisations are invited to speak during this session. We ask that each person keeps the presentation short (<5 mins)


To consider the exclusion of the press and public under standing order 2(d)


General Staffing Matters

a. The consider the selection of a suitable candidate for the role of Parish Clerk/RFO

b. To appoint a candidate to the role of Parish Clerk/RFO

c. The consider the contract of employment for the role of Parish Clerk/RFO


Next Meeting of Wheldrake Parish Council Staffing Committee

To confirm a date, time and venue for the next meeting (if required)



No minutes have been published for this meeting.
