Monthly Meeting (Sep 2017)
27 September 2017
, 7:30pm
Church Cottage, Wheldrake
Chairman: Cllr S Mercer
Acting Clerk/RFO: Mrs H Guest, 40 Linden Way, Thorpe Willoughby, YO8 9ND
Meetings are open to the Press and Public except for any item labelled as part 2 under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, Section 1
Meetings are open to press and public except for any item labelled as Part 2 under the Public Bodies (1960) Act
Press and public may not speak when the council is in progress; when councillors are discussing council business; when councillors are in the process of decision making.
- Any elector is entitled to attend this meeting and any concerns, questions or suggestions will be taken after the Chairman welcomes those present. The time for this will be limited to 5 minutes.
- Listeners may also speak at the end of the meeting (for information only).
- Decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda.
- Councillors, clerk, public and press are requested to sign the attendance book.
Councillors are summoned to attend the Meeting of the Parish Council detailed above and to consider and resolve the business to be transacted on the agenda below.
Agenda items
Part 1
17067: Apologies/Attendance:
- Attendees: Clerk to note Councillors and visitors present at the meeting.
- Apologies: Council to receive apologies and any reasons for absence from councillors; to consider and resolve whether or not to accept any reasons given.
- Attendance Book: All present are requested to sign the Attendance book.
17068: Interests: Chair to remind members to make any declarations of interest in any agenda items.
17069: Welcome: Chair to welcome councillors, clerk and visitors to the meeting.
17070: Minutes
- To resolve whether to accept the Minutes of the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 30th August 2017, including Part 2 items.
- If approved, Chairman to sign minutes as a true record.
17071: Council to receive comments on agenda items or other questions/comments from electors present. (For information only; clerk to make notes of comments; no answers or discussion at this meeting)
Items received by the Clerk since the last meeting and to resolve any action to be taken:
- Resident complaint about parked vehicles on Broad Highway causing an obstruction to traffic.
- Presentation by Peter Vernon regarding the proposed housing allocation site (ST33) from the York Local Plan.
17072: Reports, for information only, from:
a) County Councillor
b) Ward Councillor
c) Police
d) Other
17073: Planning: To resolve comments on the following:
- Applications:
- 17/01841/FUL: Erection of dormer bungalow with parking and external alterations to outbuilding at 40 Main Street, Wheldrake.
- 17/01895/FUL: Retention of existing rooflights to side roof slope at 35 The Cranbrooks, Wheldrake.
- 17/01865/LBC - Damp proof works to ground floor internal wall and external repair works to chimney stack, exterior walls and roof at Ingle Cottage, 5 Main Street, Wheldrake.
- 17/02187/FUL: First floor rear extension at Orchard Farm, Wheldrake Lane, Wheldrake.
- 17/02140/TCA: Fell conifer tree in a conservation area at Derwent House, Main Street, Wheldrake.
- 17/02141/TCA: To reduce Mountain Ash tree by 25% in a conservation area at The Laurels, 32 Main Street, Wheldrake.
a. 17/01628/TCMAS: Replacement of 15m high monopole structure and 1no. equipment cabinet with upgraded 15m high monopole structure and 2no. equipment cabinets and associated ancillary development at White Rose (Interiors) Ltd Unit 1 Millfield Industrial Estate Wheldrake. Approved.
3. Consultations/Other:
a. York Local Plan Pre-Publication Draft Consultation: To note that and event is to be held on 27th September for YLCA members – this unfortunately clashes with the Parish Council meeting but the Clerk has received a list of venues/dates where the Plan and associated documents will be available for discussion.
b. 15/02549/OUTM: Egg production farm at West Haggwood Farm, Broad Highway – concerns have been expressed regarding this application.
17074: RFO to report on closing balances and recent payments.
a) Payments made under delegated powers:
b) Payments to be made
2. Toby H Johnson (Lengthsman) £1,302.00
3. Autela Group Ltd (payroll) £36.00
c) Receipts:
4. Double Taxation payment £367.25
d) Audit: Clerk to give any update.
e) Other:
5. To note payment of Clerk’s salary.
It was resolved to accept the report and payments made.
17075: Reports fromCommittees and Working Groups:
- Planning Working Group
- Play Park Working Group
- Communications Working Group
- Website Working Group
17076: Councillor Training Session: To agree a date for a further training session for both existing and new Councillors.
17077: Correspondence received:
- Rural Services Network news items forwarded to Councillors.
- Various advertising leaflets received.
17078: Comments from public present on agenda items – Note: decisions cannot be made on items brought to this stage of the meeting.
17079: Items for the next agenda
17080: To note the dates of future meetings: all meetings are to be held on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm – venue to be confirmed:
2017 – 25th October, 29th November and 15th December.
2018 – 31st January, 28th February, 28th March and 25th April.
Closure of Part 1 meeting.
Part 2
17081: Confidential business: To consider and resolve whether to exclude Public and Press on the grounds that matters for discussion affect individual staff members/ procedures/ legal/ finance issues.
17082: Staffing matters:
- To consider a meeting of the Finance and Admin Committee to resolve the A/Clerk’s contract.
17083: Website access/issues:
17084: Clerk’s report on Confidential matters: Clerk to report on confidential issues.
Closure of meeting.
Signed Helen Guest
Acting Clerk/RFO, Wheldrake Parish Council
Date: 22nd September 2017
Minutes draft
Chairman: Cllr S Mercer
Acting Clerk/RFO: Mrs H Guest, 40 Linden Way, Thorpe Willoughby, YO8 9ND
Part 1
17067: Apologies/Attendance:
- Attendees: Cllrs Mercer, Southern, Gilks, Dudley-Smith, Nelson, Myers, Surtees, Vass, Jordan, Arnold, the Clerk and six visitors.
- Apologies: Council received apologies from Cllr Hodgson: it was resolved to accept the reason and Cllr Gilligan: it was resolved not to accept the reason.
- Attendance Book: All present were requested to sign the Attendance book.
17068: Interests: Chair reminded members to make any declarations of interest in any agenda items.
Cllr Jordan declared an interest in item 17373,1a.
17069: Welcome: Chair welcomed councillors, clerk and visitors to the meeting.
17070: Minutes
- It was resolved to accept the Minutes of the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 30th August 2017, including Part 2 items.
- Chairman signed minutes as a true record.
17071: Council received comments on agenda items or other questions/comments from electors present: None.
Items received by the Clerk since the last meeting and to resolve any action to be taken:
- Resident complaint about parked vehicles on Broad Highway causing an obstruction to traffic. Discussed and established that all such issues should be reported at the time they occur to the Police or Highways for action. A further suggestion had been made regarding the removal of grassed verges and replace with parking areas – Councillors advised that this has been raised previously, but that CYC have no funds to implement this type of work at present.
- Raised post agenda preparation – pollution in the dyke behind Back Lane South – Clerk has reported this to the Environment Agency and awaiting response.
- Presentation by Peter Vernon regarding the proposed housing allocation site (ST33) from the York Local Plan.
17072: Reports, for information only, from:
a) County Councillor
b) Ward Councillor
c) Police
d) Other
17073: Planning: The following comments were resolved:
- Applications:
- 17/01841/FUL: Erection of dormer bungalow with parking and external alterations to outbuilding at 40 Main Street, Wheldrake. Resubmission which has previously been to the Planning Inspectorate and refused on the grounds of overdevelopment of the site and access restrictions. To reiterate previous objections on the same grounds.
- 17/01895/FUL: Retention of existing rooflights to side roof slope at 35 The Cranbrooks, Wheldrake. Previous objections submitted regarding invasion of neighbour privacy. To reiterate.
- 17/01865/LBC - Damp proof works to ground floor internal wall and external repair works to chimney stack, exterior walls and roof at Ingle Cottage, 5 Main Street, Wheldrake. No objections and no comments.
- 17/02187/FUL: First floor rear extension at Orchard Farm, Wheldrake Lane, Wheldrake. No objections.
- 17/02140/TCA: Fell conifer tree in a conservation area at Derwent House, Main Street, Wheldrake. Incorrectly advised – property is in Elvington.
- 17/02141/TCA: To reduce Mountain Ash tree by 25% in a conservation area at The Laurels, 32 Main Street, Wheldrake. No objections.
2. Decisions:
a. 17/01628/TCMAS: Replacement of 15m high monopole structure and 1no. equipment cabinet with upgraded 15m high monopole structure and 2no. equipment cabinets and associated ancillary development at White Rose (Interiors) Ltd Unit 1 Millfield Industrial Estate Wheldrake. Approved. Noted.
3. Consultations/Other:
a. York Local Plan Pre-Publication Draft Consultation: Noted that an event is to be held on 27th September for YLCA members – this unfortunately clashes with the Parish Council meeting but the Clerk has received a list of venues/dates where the Plan and associated documents will be available for discussion. It was resolved that an event be held in Wheldrake for the benefit of residents – details to be advertised in due course.
b. 15/02549/OUTM: Egg production farm at West Haggwood Farm, Broad Highway – concerns have been expressed regarding this application. It was ascertained that this is not yet in operation, a plan regarding the passing places is still awaited from Highways and the access road is not required until the business is up and running. Noted.
17074: RFO to report on closing balances and recent payments.
a) Payments made under delegated powers:
1. None.
b) Payments to be made
2. Toby H Johnson (Lengthsman) £1,302.00
3. Autela Group Ltd (payroll) £36.00
Additional payments to be made (advised post agenda preparation):
HMRC £1,287.37
Green Thumb £47.25
c) Receipts:
4. Double Taxation payment £367.25
d) Audit: Clerk advised that paperwork has been sent to external auditors.
e) Other:
5. To note payment of Clerk’s salary.
It was resolved to accept the report and payments made.
17075: Reports from Committees and Working Groups: The following were noted/resolved:
- Planning Working Group – None.
- Play Park Working Group – The WG to establish from the FOWP whether a plan of the play park exists: to then arrange a meeting to review the siting of the play equipment and future priorities.
- Communications Working Group – A draft leaflet has already been produced. WG members to seek quotes for printing and to action up to the value of £300.
- Website Working Group – Awaiting training and new passwords from website providers.
17076: Councillor Training Session: It was resolved that the Clerk to arrange a date for a further training session for both existing and new Councillors.
17077: Correspondence received:
- Rural Services Network news items forwarded to Councillors.
- Various advertising leaflets received.
17078: Comments from public present on agenda items – None.
17079: Items for the next agenda
- Christmas lights
- Resident issue with IDB.
- Money from History group (amount TBC) to be transferred to WRA.
17080: Noted the dates of future meetings: all meetings are to be held on Wednesday evenings. At Chairman’s discretion, it was resolved to bring the start time forward to 7pm – venue to be confirmed ahead of meetings:
2017 – 25th October, 29th November and 15th December.
2018 – 31st January, 28th February, 28th March and 25th April.
Closure of Part 1 meeting.
Part 2
17081: Confidential business: It was resolved to exclude Public and Press on the grounds that matters for discussion affect individual staff members/ procedures/ legal/ finance issues.
17082: Staffing matters:
- It was resolved that Cllr Mercer identify a date for a meeting of the Finance and Admin Committee to resolve the A/Clerk’s contract, Ctte/WG Terms of Reference and discuss Legal issues.
17083: Website access/issues: Resolved to chase providers for training.
17084: Clerk’s report on Confidential matters: Clerk reported on confidential issues.
8.45pm: Closure of meeting.
Cllr S Mercer, Chairman
25th October 2017