Monthly Meeting (Sep 2015)

30 September 2015 , 7:00pm
Church Cottage


1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct

3. To confirm the minutes of the August monthly Parish Council meeting held on 26th August 2015 as a true and correct record

4. Consider / review the following Planning Applications:

4.1 Ingle House, 5 Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01700/LBC)

    • Installation of internal damp proof course to ground floor
    • Dated by CYC 27 August 2015
    • Comments by 17 September 2015
    • No objections submitted 

4.2 Felsted, 34 Main Street, Wheldrake (15/02024/TPO)

    • Prune Maple Tree protected by tree preservation order
    • Dated by CYC 9 September 2015
    • Comments by 30 September 2015 (extension requested)

4.3 Felsted, 34 Main Street, Wheldrake (15/02051/TCA)

    • Fell Conifer tree in a Conservation Area
    • Dated by CYC 16 September 2015
    • Comments by 7 October 2015

4.4 17 Braithegayte, Wheldrake (15/02080/FUL)

    • First floor front extension.
    • Dated by CYC 18 September 2015
    • Comments by 9 October 2015

 4.5 1 Sheepwalk Farm Cottages, New Road, Deighton (15/02088/FUL)

    • Erection of a double garage, store, workshop, and stable block following existing demolition of existing outbuildings
    • Dated by CYC 17 September 2015
    • Comments by 9 October 2015

4.6 21 Derwent Park, Wheldrake (15/01354/FUL)

    • First Floor side and single storey rear extensions and porch to front. Revised plans
    • Dated by CYC 16 September 2015
    • Comments by 1st October 2015 (extension granted)

5. Review the following planning decisions:

5.1 North Back House, 3B Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01264/FUL)

    • Single storey side and rear extensions
    • Dated 5 June 2015
    • Approved by CYC 4 September 2015

5.2 Cranbrook Close, Wheldrake (15/01434/FUL 7)

    • Two storey side extension
    • Dated 30 June 2015
    • Approved by CYC 3 September 2015    

5.3 72 Main Street, Wheldrake re Church Lane trees on Village Green (15/01755/TCA)

    • Crown reduce by 20% 2 trees in a conservation area
    • Dated 3 August 2015
    • Approved byCYC 14 September 2015

5.4 60 Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01457/LBC)

    • Repair and refurbishment of existing first floor front windows including the installation of secondary glazing and replacement timber windows to front, side and rear
    • Dated by CYC 27 July 2015
    • Approved by CYC 21 September 2015

5.5 62 Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01461)

    • Replacement windows to front and rear
    • Dated 27 July 2015. Approved 21 September 2015

5.6 52 Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01125/LBC)

    • External and internal alterations including replacement roof and flooring, installation of gas and waste pipes, new internal openings, removal of fireplace to provide doorway and new external openings, removal of fireplace to provide doorway and new external opening to ground floor side elevation for new doors.
    • Dated by CYC 13 May 2015
    • Approved by CYC 25 September 2015

6. Consider National or Local Planning Policy

6.1 York Local Plan

6.2 Community Assets

7. Consider and Review Village and Parish Projects:

7.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park Project

7.2 Parish Council website update

7.3 Community Emergency Plan

7.4 Wheldrake Village Hall                                                           

8. Consider and Review reports and general matters:

8.1 Police Report

8.2 Parking outside Wheldrake School

8.3 Play Area; Inspection and repairs

8.4 Sandholes Wood update

8.5 Repairs and Maintenance:

8.5.1. Ponding of water at Greengales Court. Reported to Cllr Barton 10.02.14

8.6 Buffer store outside storage Ref:15/00093/UNTIDY

8.7 Dog fouling / bin relocation on Back Lane South

8.8 Treework on green opposite Church

8.9 Devolution; elected Mayer consultation

8.10 LED Streetlights

8.11 Tree work on green area outside 8 Broad Highway

8.12 SLOW markers

8.13 Dog fouling signage at Wheldrake Woods

8.14 Debris in beck behind The Ruddings

9. Oil and gas licensing round number 14

10. Inclusion of 'Public time' on agenda

11. Standing Orders

12. Financial Matters:

12.1 To approve the following accounts for payment:

A2Z Groundworks. Village Maintenance; cut, strim grasses and hedges up to & inc 23/09/15


S Look expenses.  Broadband and telephone


13. Correspondence:

13.1 Goods Vehicle Operators License (T & TA Park Transport Ltd)

13.2 Ward Committee Meeting: 21st October 2015, 6.30pm, Naburn Village Hall

13.3 YLCA Agenda for Branch Meeting to be held on 1 October 2015, 7pm in Folk Hall, New Earswick

14. Items for inclusion in the next monthly meeting

15. To confirm that the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 30th October 2015 at 7pm

Minutes approved

In attendance:

Cllrs. D Randon (Chair), R. Jordan, R. Arnold, J. Tetzner, A. Harker, P. Hodgson and C. Barber.

Ward Cllr S. Mercer

S. Look (Clerk)

1. Apologies

Cllr N. Cox

2. Declarations

Declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct:

  • Cllrs Randon, Harker, Arnold and Jordan declared an interest in the WRA
  • Cllrs Harker, Tetzner and Arnold declared an interest in Friends of Wheldrake Park
  • Cllr Hodgson declared an interest in the Local Plan

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the August 2015 monthly Parish Council meeting were read, proposed and seconded as a true and correct record with four abstentions. 

4. Planning Applications

4.1 Ingle Cottage, 5 Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01700/LBC)

  • Installation of internal damp proof course to ground floor
  • Dated by CYC 27 August 2015
  • The Parish Council proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed that they have no objections to the application

4.2 Felsted, 34 Main Street, Wheldrake (15/02024/TPO)

  • Prune Maple Tree protected by tree preservation order
  • Dated by CYC 9 September 2015
  • Comments by 30 September 2015 (extension requested)
  • The Parish Council proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed that they have no objections to the application

4.3 Felsted, 34 Main Street, Wheldrake (15/0251/TCA)

  • Fell Conifer tree in a Conservation Area
  • Dated by CYC 16 September 2015
  • Comments by 7 October 2015
  • The Parish Council proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed that they have no objections to the application

4.4 17 Braithegayte, Wheldrake (15/02080/FUL)

  • First floor front extension
  • Dated by CYC 18 September 2015
  • Comments by 9 October 2015
  • Comments were made to the Council by both the applicant and residents from a neighbouring property
  • The Parish Council proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed that they have no objections to the application

4.5 1 Sheepwalk Farm Cottages, New Road, Deighton (15/02088/FUL)

  • Erection of a double garage, store, workshop, and stable block following demolition of existing outbuildings
  • Dated by CYC 17 September 2015
  • Comments by 9 October 2015
  • The Parish Council proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed that they have no objections to the application

4.6 21 Derwent Park, Wheldrake (15/01354/FUL)

  • First Floor side and single storey rear extensions and porch to front. Revised plans
  • Dated by CYC 16 September 2015
  • Comments by 1st October 2015 (extension granted)
  • The Parish Council proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed that they have no objections to the revised application

4.7 Brick Farm, Benjy Lane, Wheldrake (15/02124/FUL)

  • Erection of replacement general purpose agricultural storage building
  • Dated by CYC 29 September 2015
  • Comments by 20 October 2015
  • Councillors 'C' do not object but wish to seek safeguards. They would like the applicant to ensure they respect the heritage aspect of the existing adjacent brick built barn. 

4.8 35 The Cranbrooks, Wheldrake

  • A complaint has been received regarding an extension that is being built at the above address
  • There are concerns regarding the scale and how it effects the view to the rear
  • Councillors raised concerns about massing and requested that the Clerk contacts CYC to investigate the matter

5. Review the following planning decisions

5.1 North Back Lane, 3B Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01264/FUL)

  • Single storey side and rear extensions
  • Dated by CYC 5 June 2015
  • Approved by CYC 4 September 2015 (Noted)

5.2 7 Cranbrook Close, Wheldrake (15/01434/FUL)

  • Two storey side extension
  • Dated 30 June 2015
  • Approved by CYC 3 September 2015 (Noted)             

5.3 72 Main Street, Wheldrake (re Church Lane trees on Village Green) (15/01755/TCA)

  • Crown reduce by 20% 2 trees in a conservation area
  • Dated 3 August 2015
  • Approved by CYC 14 September 2015 (Noted)

5.4 60 Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01457/LBC)

  • Repair and refurbishment of existing first floor front windows including the installation of secondary glazing and replacement timber windows to front, side and rear
  • Dated by CYC 27 July 2015
  • Approved by CYC 21 September 2015 (Noted)

5.5 62 Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01461)

  • Replacement windows to front and rear
  • Dated 27 July 2015
  • Approved 21 September 2015 (Noted)

5.6 52 Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01125/LBC)

  • External and internal alterations including replacement roof and flooring, installation of gas and waste pipes, new internal openings, removal of fireplace to provide doorway and new external openings, removal of fireplace to provide doorway and new external opening to ground floor side elevation for new doors.
  • Dated by CYC 13 May 2015
  • Approved by CYC 25 September 2015 (Noted)

5.7 4 The Courtneys, Wheldrake (15/01707/FUL)

  • Single storey rear extension
  • Dated by CYC 4 August 2015
  • Approved by CYC 28 September 2015 (Noted)

6. National and Local Planning Policy

6.1 York Local Plan

Cllr Arnold attended a meeting with York Local Plan Working Group on 29 September 2015. Cllr Mercer was also present. Cllr Arnold reported that an update was given regarding housing objectives and ARUP (the consultants) produced a report on housing needs. The base figure presented was 758. Figures were also presented on occupancy, however there were no further details on locations. Officers may organise a further meeting before Christmas but no date confirmed as yet.

6.2 Community Assets

Clerk to submit further details to CYC

7. Village and Parish Projects

7.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park Project

  • An application has been submitted to Yorventure for funding towards phase two of the project. Clerk met Yorventure at the park to discuss application. Decision to be made early November.
  • The FOWP Committee raised £900 at Village Show towards the project.
  • Derwent Lions have agreed to donate £500 to the project this Christmas if FOWP help with Rocking Rudolf for two nights in December. 

7.2 Parish Council Website Update

Cllr Harker to set up access so that Clerk can make amendments to the site and add documents. 461 visits to the site this month. It was suggested that 'draft' minutes are added to the Parish Council website prior to the being approved by Councillors. Clerk to confirm with YLCA. Councillors agreed in principal.

7.3 Community Emergency Plan

Cllrs agreed that feedback is needed from residents. Suggestion made to approach the football managers who have all had training to use the defibrillator. It was agreed that the plan will need younger volunteers to take responsibility and help in light of an emergency.  Key contacts in the village required as well as a list of key holders for various venues like White Rose House and the Village Hall. Cllr Tetzner to follow up.

7.4 Wheldrake Village Hall

WRA meeting held on Tuesday 29th September. Funds are coming in and the funds required for phase one is nearly within reach.  This will include replacing the roof and securing the structure but it will not mean it can be used. There is a growing concern about the stability of the village hall and the main structure. The roof is bowing and there is concern that pressure of heavy rain / snow etc could cause collapse. Contractors have submitted quotations and timescales are now urgently required.  Phase two will include replacing the changing rooms and toilet block. A solar PV consultant is also looking at options. As suggestion was made to request financial assistance from the Parish Council however the budget is set for this financial year so cannot be considered until next year.  Two external grant applications have been submitted this week. A contribution may be available from the Ward Committee but this has not been confirmed yet. The WRA AGM will be held on 19th October.                                                                       

8. Reports and General Matters                                 

8.1 Police Report


9th September Commercial Burglary reported at the sawmill on Benjy Lane. Enquiries ongoing.

Suspicious Circumstances

10th September Reports of persons 'cold calling' on The Ruddings, no offences for police, trading standards would need to be informed.

8.2 Parking Outside Wheldrake School

An order has been raised to repaint the zig zags outside the school so it is in the system.  CYC are recommending restrictions of a single yellow line on North Lane opposite the school where the bus stops and opposite the junction of Broad Highway. The restriction will operate Monday to Friday to coincide with the zig zag markings. The signs will be installed onto the existing lamp columns.  Cllr Mercer to contact CYC to ascertain timescales.

8.3 Play Area

Inspection and repairs. The basket swing fitted by Playscheme in February was reported broken this week resulting in the safety catch coming loose. Clerk reported the damage to Playscheme and requested remedial action urgently. This has now been fixed but concern has been raised regarding the design. Clerk to raise query with Playscheme to see if they can install a permanent fixing like a metal channel through the chain to prevent children twisting it.

8.4 Sandholes Wood Update

Resolved at the last meeting to cut back the overgrown bracken at the appropriate time of year. Cllr Randon to contact the Community Payback Officer at CYC to request assistance.

8.5 Repairs and Maintenance

Ponding of Water at Greengales Court

Reported to Cllr Barton 10.02.14. No progress. Cllr Mercer to follow up.

8.6 Buffer Store Outside Storage (15/00093/UNTIDY)

Cllr Harker presented the original Industrial Estate plans which stated that a turning space for vehicles will be provided, maintained and free from obstructions. It stated that no external storage is allowed on site. CYC conducted a site survey on 1st April and then followed up on 14th April 2015 which concluded that the condition of the land does not warrant enforcement action. The case was then closed. Unfortunately the area has deteriorated considerably and is again being used for storage including pallets and shipping containers. Clerk to contact planning enforcement to ask them to re-open the case. 

8.7 Dog Fouling / Bin Relocation on Back Lane South

CYC are getting someone to assess the dog bin with the missing lid for repairs. With regard to moving the bin they were under the impression that the Parish Council agreed to placing the two bins together when they were getting too full to save CYC making extra trips to empty them. This was not the case. The Parish Council requested that the bins would be replaced due to the deterioration of the original bins. CYC have not got any resources to purchase any more bins at the moment, however this situation may change. Cllr Mercer to follow up with CYC. Clerk to forward correspondence.

8.8 Tree Work on Green Opposite Church

Two quotes were presented to the council and it was agreed to go with the cheaper one. Cllr Randon to speak to contractor.

8.9 Devolution: Elected Mayor Consultation

Cllr Mercer reported that proposals are being presented and options for York regarding devolution.  This would mean the region would need an elected Mayor. The preferred option is to have York as a lead city but it is very much in the early stages and no decisions have been made. 

8.10 LED Streetlights

All orange lights in the village have been replaced as CYC can no longer get the bulbs. Main Street and Church Lane have not been replaced yet.  

8.11 Tree Work on Green Area Outside 8 Broad Highway

A resident has requested that a dead tree is removed from the green outside 8 Broad Highway. Clerk to contact CYC to ascertain who is responsible as they have previously claimed that only up to 3.25m from the kerb is Highways and the rest is not adopted. Clerk and Cllr Randon to follow up.

8.12 SLOW Markers

The existing ‘SLOW’ sign (which is now badly worn/illegible) is located half way down Broad Highway. Cllr Barber contacted CYC to repaint it however no progress has been made yet.

8.13 Dog Fouling Signage at Wheldrake Woods

Cllr Barber has been in correspondence with the Forestry Commission to request a larger sign re dog fouling. The UK wide signage / labelling / phone numbers are changing so they cannot print new signs just yet (which is centralised in Bristol), but they are looking at alternatives in the meantime.

8.14 Debris in Beck Behind The Ruddings

Resident contacted internal drainage board and they did come out and follow it up. No further complaints.       

9. Oil and Gas Licensing - round number 14

Cllr Randon reported on the proposed license. The designated sites include Special Areas of Conservation, Sites of Community Importance, Special Protection Areas and sites under the Ramsar Convention which relates to wetlands of international importance. Wheldrake Ings and a large section of the Lower Derwent Valley is protected by three of the above including Ramsar.  Natural England have agreed that the approach taken on this assessment is 'appropriate and proportionate'. Activities which may be permitted in the licensed blocks have been classified. In the case of Wheldrake Ings and the Lower Derwent Valley sites high level restrictive license conditions will apply and the potential sensitivity of the buffer zone has been highlighted. The Local Authorities could impose restrictions within the buffer zones. It was concluded that Councillors need more information regarding regulatory controls if and when it goes ahead.  

10. Inclusion of 'Public time' on Agenda

Cllr Barber to seek advice from YLCA.  It was agreed that Public Time would need to take place at the beginning of the meeting and the time is restricted.

11. Standing Orders

Amendment made to sections 3 (Recording) and 9 (Contracts). It was resolved that all Councillors agree to adopt the amended orders. 

12. Financial Matters

12.1 To approve the following accounts for payment:

A2Z Groundworks. Village Maintenance


S Look. Expenses; Postage, Broadband and telephone calls


YLCA training course for Cllr Barber


RESOLVED that the listed expenditure was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed.  Cheques for the Grants to be made payable to WPCC (£500), Wheldrake Youth Club (£1000) and Wheldrake Recreation Association (£2000) to be paid (previously approved). 

Financial update presented to Councillors. Projection to year end given. Second instalment of precept now received. No other surplus funds available in this financial year. Clerk to investigate any surplus section 106 monies.

13. Correspondence

13.1 Complaint

Complain about the location of the bench on Back Lane South

Clerk has received a letter from Julian Sturdy regarding a complaint about the location of the bench on Back Lane South. It is facing a large hedge with no view. Cllr Randon to speak to the farmer to request that the hedge is reduced.

13.2 Goods Vehicle Operators License (T&TA Park Transport Ltd)

The Parish Council have received an acknowledgement from the Office of the Traffic Commissioner with a form to complete if they wish to pursue the matter. Representative from T&TA Park Transport in attendance to explain the reason for the application for an increase to the operators license. It was explained that it is to simplify the business structure and consolidate vehicles from one operator's license to another. He assured Councillors that it is just a paper exercise and will not have an impact on the surrounding area.  It was resolved not to pursue the matter any further.

13.3 Ward Committee Meeting

21st October 2015, 6.30pm, Naburn Village Hall. This meeting will allow residents to talk to the local Ward Councillors and put forward any comments or requests.

13.4 YLCA Agenda for Branch Meeting

To be held on 1 October 2015, 7pm in Folk Hall, New Earswick. Cllr Barber to attend on behalf of the Parish Council. 

14. Next Meeting and AOB

14.1 Bus Service Changes

The no. 36 service has changed some of the times on the timetable. Cllr Randon has amended the timetable located on the bench on Dalton Hill. Clerk has contacted CYC and EYMS (East Yorkshire Motor Services) to request confirmation of the changes and also query why return tickets are not being accepted on both routes by some drivers.

14.2 Grass Cutting Arrangements

Proposal for the PC to take over all grass cutting arrangements from CYC.

14.3 Clerk to Advertise Grants

14.4 Next Meeting Date

To confirm that the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 30th October 2015 at 7pm.

Meeting closed at 9.50pm.