Monthly Meeting (Oct 2017)
25 October 2017
, 7:00pm
Church Cottage, Wheldrake
Chairman: Cllr S Mercer
Acting Clerk/RFO: Mrs H Guest, 40 Linden Way, Thorpe Willoughby, YO8 9ND
Meetings are open to the Press and Public except for any item labelled as part 2 under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, Section 1
Meetings are open to press and public except for any item labelled as Part 2 under the Public Bodies (1960) Act
Press and public may not speak when the council is in progress; when councillors are discussing council business; when councillors are in the process of decision making.
- Any elector is entitled to attend this meeting and any concerns, questions or suggestions will be taken after the Chairman welcomes those present. The time for this will be limited to 5 minutes.
- Listeners may also speak at the end of the meeting (for information only).
- Decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda.
- Councillors, clerk, public and press are requested to sign the attendance book.
Councillors are summoned to attend the Meeting of the Parish Council detailed above and to consider and resolve the business to be transacted on the agenda below.
Agenda items
Part 1
17085: Apologies/Attendance:
- Attendees: Clerk to note Councillors and visitors present at the meeting.
- Apologies: Council to receive apologies and any reasons for absence from councillors; to consider and resolve whether or not to accept any reasons given.
- Attendance Book: All present are requested to sign the Attendance book.
17086: Interests: Chair to remind members to make any declarations of interest in any agenda items.
17087: Welcome: Chair to welcome councillors, clerk and visitors to the meeting.
17088: Minutes
- To resolve whether to accept the Minutes of the meeting held on 27th September, including Part 2 items and the Minutes of the Finance & Admin Committee meeting held on 18th October.
- If approved, Chairman to sign minutes as a true record.
17089: Council to receive comments on agenda items or other questions/comments from electors present. (For information only; clerk to make notes of comments; no answers or discussion at this meeting)
Items received by the Clerk since the last meeting and to resolve any action to be taken:
- Resident complaint about pollution in the dyke at the southern end of Back Lane South. See agenda item 17096 below.
- Resident query about responsibility for cutting the grass opposite the Church – Clerk to confirm with resident.
- Resident request to locate Parish Councillors Register of Interests online. Upon checking, two ROIs were missing and one displayed should have been removed some time ago and signatures for all new Councillors were visible, therefore presenting a security risk. Clerk requested CYC correct website and informed resident.
- Resident complaint about the overgrown hedges along the ginnel between Main Street and Back Lane South: Clerk has contacted contractors.
17090: Reports, for information only, from:
a) County Councillor
b) Ward Councillor
c) Police
d) Other
17091: Planning: To resolve comments on the following:
- Applications:
- 17/02355/TCA: Crown reduce beech tree in a conservation area at Orchard House, North Lane, Wheldrake. Response from PWG of no objections – sent.
- 17/02426/TPO: Prune lower branches overhanging property; remove upright sucker growth from Ash tree protected by TPO no 1/1988 at The Newlands, Back Lane South, Wheldrake. Deadline for comments – 3rd November.
- 17/01895/FUL: Retention of existing rooflights to side roof slope at 35 The Cranbrooks, Wheldrake. Refused.
- 17/02013/TPO: Crown thin, crown reduce by 2 to 4m Sycamore tree protected by Tree Preservation Order no. 15/1989 at 16 Dovecot Close Wheldrake. Approved.
- 17/01904/FUL: First floor extension to increase height of house to create first floor living accommodation with dormer windows to front, single storey side and rear extension and porch to front at 13 North Lane Wheldrake. Approved.
3. Consultations/Other:
a. York Local Plan Pre-Publication Draft Consultation: Following feedback received at an event held in the Village, to decide upon a response from the Parish Council.
17092: RFO to report on closing balances and recent payments.
a) Payments made under delegated powers:
1. None.
b) Payments to be made
2. S Mercer (reimburse printing costs) £85.00
c) Receipts:
3. None.
d) Audit: To note completion of external audit and comments made by auditors. Also, that the audit paperwork has been published on the website.
e) Other:
4. To note payment of Clerk’s salary.
5. WRA accounts for 2016/17 now received – to resolve whether to release grant payment of £25,000.00 (as per budget agreed at December 2016 meeting) and donation towards benches/changing room improvements of £450.00.
6. To establish amount of money expected as a result of the dissolution of the History Group – these funds, once received, are to be donated to the WRA.
To resolve whether to accept the report and payments made.
17093: Reports from Committees and Working Groups:
- Finance & Admin Committee – meeting held on 18th October. To resolve Terms of Reference for F&A Cttee and PWG.
- Planning Working Group
- Play Park Working Group – meeting held on 18th October.
- Communications Working Group
- Website Working Group
17094: Councillor Training Session: To agree a date for a further training session for Councillors.
17095: Snow Wardens: Cllr Mercer to report on this CYC initiative and to resolve any action.
17096: Pollution in the dyke at the southern end of Back Lane South. Clerk reported this to the Environment Agency who subsequently attended the area. The EA reported that this issue has been raised with them previously and they believe that the pollution was as a result of a misconnected domestic appliance such as a washing machine discharging incorrectly into the dyke. They have recently written to all residents of Back Lane South to ask whether their washing machines are correctly plumbed in – of the few responses received back by the EA, residents advised that their washing machines were connected correctly. The EA does not have the resources to investigate further at this time. To resolve what actions, if any, the Parish Council would like to take.
17097: Christmas Lights: To resolve requirements and costings for Christmas lights.
17098: Resident issue with IDB - To establish whether the Parish Council is in a position to assist and, if so, to resolve any action.
17099: Correspondence received:
- Rural Services Network news items forwarded to Councillors.
- Various advertising leaflets received.
17100: Comments from public present on agenda items – Note: decisions cannot be made on items brought to this stage of the meeting.
17101: Items for the next agenda
17102: To note the dates of future meetings: all meetings are to be held on Wednesday evenings at 7pm – venue to be confirmed:
2017 – 29th November and 15th December.
2018 – 31st January, 28th February, 28th March and 25th April.
Closure of Part 1 meeting.
Part 2
17103: Confidential business: To consider and resolve whether to exclude Public and Press on the grounds that matters for discussion affect individual staff members/ procedures/ legal/ finance issues.
17104: Finance and Admin Committee to report on staffing matters.
17105: Website access/issues: Cllr Mercer to report on issues.
17106: Clerk’s report on Confidential matters: Clerk to report on confidential issues.
17107: Contractual issues: To review and resolve Village contracts.
Closure of meeting.
Signed Helen Guest
Acting Clerk/RFO, Wheldrake Parish Council
Date: 20th October 2017
Minutes draft
Chairman: Cllr S Mercer
Acting Clerk/RFO: Mrs H Guest, 40 Linden Way, Thorpe Willoughby, YO8 9ND
Part 1
17085: Apologies/Attendance:
- Attendees: Cllrs Mercer, Arnold, Jordan, Gilks, Surtees, Southern, Myers, Hodgson, Dudley-Smith, Vass, Nelson, the Clerk and 4 members of the public.
- Apologies: Cllr Gilligan absent. To consider whether or not to accept reasons given at next meeting.
- Attendance Book: All present were requested to sign the Attendance book.
17086: Interests: Chair reminded members to make any declarations of interest in any agenda items.
Cllr Hodgson – Local Plan.
Cllr Mercer – Local Plan and Planning Committee.
17087: Welcome: Chair welcomed councillors, clerk and visitors to the meeting.
17088: Minutes
- It was resolved to accept the Minutes of the meeting held on 27th September, including Part 2 items and the Minutes of the Finance & Admin Committee meeting held on 18th October.
- Chairman to sign minutes as a true record.
17089: Council received comments on agenda items or other questions/comments from electors present.
Items received by the Clerk since the last meeting:
- Resident complaint about pollution in the dyke at the southern end of Back Lane South. Cllr Mercer reported that she has escalated this to CYC to establish who is connected to the main drainage. Noted.
- Resident query about responsibility for cutting the grass opposite the Church – Clerk to confirm with resident. Noted.
- Resident request to locate Parish Councillors Register of Interests online. Upon checking, two ROIs were missing and one displayed should have been removed some time ago and signatures for all new Councillors were visible, therefore presenting a security risk. Clerk requested CYC correct website and informed resident. Noted.
- Resident complaint about the overgrown hedges along the ginnel between Main Street and Back Lane South: Clerk has contacted contractors. Noted.
17090: Reports, for information only, from:
a) County Councillor – None.
b) Ward Councillor – Cllr Mercer reported that the Local Plan session held at Church Cottage was well attended, with all but two people strongly opposed to the development. The proposal for the area (ST33) to accommodate 147 houses was considered inappropriate for the size and infrastructure of the Village, with the School already being full and having no room to expand. Concerns were raised that the proposed housing borders an industrial site which would be noisy for people living adjacent. The site was originally rejected for development because it fell outside the 800m boundary of the Village – this requirement has now changed and so it has been incorporated. The Parish Council was in favour of an increase in the size of the garden village (ST15) to reduce pressure on the land at ST33. It was resolved that the Clerk draft a response, circulate to Councillors and send to Cllr Mercer by Friday 27th October, so that she could incorporate comments into the Ward Councillor’s report to Planning. Parish response due in by 30th October.
c) Police – Report for September stated that there were no issues.
d) Other – None.
17091: Planning: Comments on the following were resolved:
- Applications:
- 17/02355/TCA: Crown reduce beech tree in a conservation area at Orchard House, North Lane, Wheldrake. Response from PWG of no objections – sent. Noted.
- 17/02426/TPO: Prune lower branches overhanging property; remove upright sucker growth from Ash tree protected by TPO no 1/1988 at The Newlands, Back Lane South, Wheldrake. Deadline for comments – 3rd November. It was resolved to support this application.
- 17/02517/TCA: Reduce and shape Walnut tree by 30% in a Conservation Area at 3 Forge Close, Wheldrake (item received post-agenda preparation). It was resolved to submit comments of no objections, but to ask whether CYC have inspected this tree and found the work appropriate and whether or not they would be able to oversee the works.
- 17/01895/FUL: Retention of existing rooflights to side roof slope at 35 The Cranbrooks, Wheldrake. Refused. Cllr reported that the Director of Planning is to advise her on the next actions.
- 17/02013/TPO: Crown thin, crown reduce by 2 to 4m Sycamore tree protected by Tree Preservation Order no. 15/1989 at 16 Dovecot Close Wheldrake. Approved.
- 17/01904/FUL: First floor extension to increase height of house to create first floor living accommodation with dormer windows to front, single storey side and rear extension and porch to front at 13 North Lane Wheldrake. Approved.
- 17/02049/FUL: Single storey rear extension at Blackberry Station House, Main Street, Wheldrake. Approved (note that this item arrived post-agenda preparation).
3. Consultations/Other:
a. York Local Plan Pre-Publication Draft Consultation: See Ward Councillor’s report above.
17092: RFO reported on closing balances and recent payments.
a) Payments made under delegated powers:
1. None.
b) Payments to be made
2. Fulprint (printing costs) £85.00
c) Receipts:
3. None.
d) Audit: Noted completion of external audit and comments made by auditors. Also, that the audit paperwork has been published on the website.
e) Other:
4. Noted payment of Clerk’s salary.
5. WRA accounts for 2016/17 now received – during discussions, concerns were expressed by Councillors that whilst the basic accounts provided appeared to have been accepted by the Charity Commission as per their guidelines, they did not contain a list of receipts and payments, a balance sheet, did not appear to have been independently audited, that the person compiling the accounts could not guarantee the accuracy of the figures and that there did not appear to be any forward planning beyond paying off imminent debts due. It was resolved that the Clerk contact the Charity Commission to look into these issues. It was further resolved that the proposed grant of £25,000 be withheld until such time as the Charity Commission have had the opportunity to look into Parish Council concerns and advised of their findings. In addition, it was disputed whether the amount of £450 requested by the WRA was accurate – Councillors recollection was that the amount agreed was £400 – Clerk to establish the correct figure from previous Minutes.
6. Amount of money expected as a result of the dissolution of the History Group – these funds, once received, are to be donated to the WRA. Cllr Jordan to advise correct amount, once information and cheque received.
It was resolved to accept the report and payments made.
17093: Reports from Committees and Working Groups:
- Finance & Admin Committee – meeting held on 18th October. It was resolved to approve the proposed Terms of Reference for Finance & Admin Committee and Planning Working Group.
- Planning Working Group – None.
- Play Park Working Group – meeting held on 18th October. Cllr Arnold reported the following: Following a suggestion to incorporate Village Maintenance within the remit of the WG, it was agreed to bring this to the full Council meeting for approval. This was resolved and the Working Group will be referred to as the VM&PPWG. The frequency of inspections was discussed and it was proposed that operational inspections are carried out at 3 monthly intervals (1x annual inspection and then 3x further inspections) each year. Subject to Council approval, quotes for this contract will be requested from suppliers - resolved. It was further proposed that the WG membership be increased by one or two more members – It was resolved that Cllr Myers join the WG. The intention is that the next meeting of the VM&PPWG will focus on the inspection report and identify the work needed to ensure that the Play Park equipment is in a good state of repair, also to look at whether equipment should be relocated to allow for safe use of it.
- Communications Working Group – A leaflet has now been produced and is being printed. Cllrs to distribute around the Village once ready. Discussions were held regarding the production of a regular newsletter/booklet and how that might be funded.
- Website Working Group – None.
17094: Councillor Training Session: It was resolved that the Clerk book a training session, as last time, to allow remaining Councillors the opportunity to attend.
17095: Snow Wardens: Cllr Mercer reported on this CYC initiative: Volunteers required to clear snow in a given area and to grit pavements – CYC offer training and equipment. Councillors suggested that leaf clearance might also be advantageous. Cllr Mercer to obtain a poster from CYC to advertise for volunteers.
17096: Pollution in the dyke at the southern end of Back Lane South. Clerk reported this to the Environment Agency who subsequently attended the area. The EA reported that this issue has been raised with them previously and they believe that the pollution was as a result of a misconnected domestic appliance such as a washing machine discharging incorrectly into the dyke. They have recently written to all residents of Back Lane South to ask whether their washing machines are correctly plumbed in – of the few responses received back by the EA, residents advised that their washing machines were connected correctly. The EA does not have the resources to investigate further at this time. Discussed at item 17089.1. above.
17097: Christmas Lights: It was resolved that Cllr Mercer seeks advice from CYC/Highways regarding the placing of Christmas trees and Cllr Southern to retrieve the Christmas lights from the previous Chairman. During discussions, it was established that the trees would be supplied/sponsored and erected at no additional cost to the Parish Council, but that the lights used last year need to be retrieved. Cllr Southern agreed to do this. Cllr Myers reported that further lights may also be donated. Further cabling and sockets may, however, need to be purchased.
17098: Resident issue with IDB - Debris being flung across a garden whilst the dyke hedges behind the Ruddings is being cut. It was resolved that the Clerk send an email to the Clerk of the IDB to ask whether any more can be done to assist the resident, then to advise the resident.
17099: Correspondence received:
- Rural Services Network news items forwarded to Councillors.
- Various advertising leaflets received.
- Correspondence from David Liptrot (post-agenda preparation) regarding purchase of trees (£100 has already been approved) – noted that he will submit an invoice later in the year.
17100: Comments from public present on agenda items Councillors raised the following and at Chairman’s discretion, resolutions were made as follows:
- Dead tree on Broad Highway – Clerk to progress removal of this.
- Mound on Broad Highway – Clerk to progress removal of this.
- Silver Birch trees on Derwent Park – Clerk to request the removal of the large trees and to request replacement (smaller) trees.
- Advertise co-option of Councillor to fill existing vacancy – Clerk to draft an advert.
- New handle required on the defibrillator outside the Wenlock Arms – Clerk to progress.
17101: Items for the next agenda – None.
17102: The dates of future meetings were noted: all meetings are to be held on Wednesday evenings at 7pm – venue to be confirmed:
2017 – 29th November and 15th December.
2018 – 31st January, 28th February, 28th March and 25th April.
At Chairman’s discretion, it was resolved to move the start time of future meetings of the Council to 7pm.
Closure of Part 1 meeting.
Part 2
17103: Confidential business: It was resolved to exclude Public and Press on the grounds that matters for discussion affect individual staff members/ procedures/ legal/ finance issues.
17104: Finance and Admin Committee It was resolved to arrange for a Committee meeting to discuss staffing and other matters.
17105: Website access/issues: Cllr Mercer reported that she has received some training in how to use the website. Passwords to access the website have not been changed, however and this was of concern. During discussions, it was resolved that the Clerk and Cllr Surtees liaise regarding utilising a website which was more user-friendly.
17106: Clerk’s report on Confidential matters: Clerk reported on her meeting at YLCA regarding concerns about the previous governance of the Parish Council. It was resolved that this matter to be discussed at the next meeting of the F&A Committee and an appropriate wording for the Minutes approved in order to draw a line under the issue – a meeting to be arranged at the earliest opportunity.
17107: Contractual issues: It was resolved to end the contracts with Green Thumb, since Councillors reported that the treated grass looks no different from the untreated grassed areas. In addition, it was resolved to end the annual subscription with CPRE, as the Council could see no direct benefit to Wheldrake. Clerk to action. During discussions, it was considered that the grassed areas opposite the Church look as though they have been adopted by residents who have put plants on the Parish Council land beyond their garden walls. Noted.
8.40pm: Closure of meeting.
Cllr S Mercer, Chairman
29th November 2017