Monthly Meeting (Nov 2017)

29 November 2017 , 7:00pm
Church Cottage, Wheldrake




Chairman: Cllr S Mercer


Acting Clerk/RFO: Mrs H Guest, 40 Linden Way, Thorpe Willoughby, YO8 9ND


Meetings are open to the Press and Public except for any item labelled as part 2 under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, Section 1

Press and public may not speak when the council is in progress; when councillors are discussing council business; when councillors are in the process of decision making.


• Any elector is entitled to attend this meeting and any concerns, questions or suggestions will be taken after the Chairman welcomes those present. The time for this will be limited to 5 minutes.

• Listeners may also speak at the end of the meeting (for information only).

• Decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda.

• Councillors, clerk, public and press are requested to sign the attendance book.


Councillors are summoned to attend the Meeting of the Parish Council detailed above and to consider and resolve the business to be transacted on the agenda below.


Agenda items


Part 1


17108: Apologies/Attendance:

a. Attendees: Clerk to note Councillors and visitors present at the meeting.

b. Apologies: Council to receive apologies and any reasons for absence from councillors; to consider and resolve whether or not to accept any reasons given.

c. Attendance Book: All present are requested to sign the Attendance book.


17109: Interests: Chair to remind members to make any declarations of interest in any agenda items.


17110: Welcome: Chair to welcome councillors, clerk and visitors to the meeting.


17111: Minutes

a. To resolve whether to accept the Minutes of the meeting held on 25TH October, including Part 2 items and the Minutes of the Finance & Admin Committee meeting held on 6th November.

b. If approved, Chairman to sign minutes as a true record.


17112: Council to receive comments on agenda items or other questions/comments from electors present. (For information only; clerk to make notes of comments; no answers or discussion at this meeting)


Items received by the Clerk since the last meeting and to resolve any action to be taken:

1. Resident complaint about grassed area/shrubs opposite the church apparently not being tended to by the contractor. Clerk contacted contractor to confirm that this area should be done.




2. Resident queried why some payments reported on the last agenda were approved and some not – Clerk explained that these sums were allocated for different reasons.


17113: Councillor Vacancy: Those interested in the Parish Council vacancy should make themselves known at this point. Any person co-opted to this vacancy to complete an Acceptance of Office form, to be witnessed by the Clerk.


17114: Reports, for information only, from:


a) Ward Councillor

b) Police – Police public meeting to be held on 29th November- poster added to Facebook and website.

c) Other – Cllr Nelson to report on his attendance at the Parish Councils Working Together meeting held on 29th November.


17115: Planning: To resolve comments on the following:


1. Applications:

a. 17/02591/FUL: First floor front and single storey rear extensions at 3 Greengales Court, Wheldrake. Deadline for responses 29th November – extension applied for but no response received – chaser sent.

b. 17/02665/FUL: First floor side extension, single storey front and rear extensions and conversion of garage into living accommodation at Puffin House, North Lane, Wheldrake. Deadline for responses 8th December.

c. 17/02704/TCA: Reduce and shape Judas tree in a Conservation Area at Salamanca, North Lane, Wheldrake. Deadline for responses 12th December.


2. Decisions:

a. 17/02355/TCA: Crown reduce beech tree in a conservation area at Orchard House, North Lane, Wheldrake. Approved (no TPO made).

b. 17/02517/TCA: Reduce and shape Walnut tree by 30% in a Conservation Area at 3 Forge Close, Wheldrake. Approved (no TPO made).

3. Consultations/Other: None.


17116: RFO to report on closing balances and recent payments.

a) Payments made under delegated powers:


1. None.

b) Payments to be made

2. WRA (donation for benches) £400.00

3. H Guest (receipted expenses/allowances) £247.99

c) Receipts:

3. None.

e) Other:

4. To note payment of Clerk’s salary.


5. Notification received of external auditor appointment – this is to remain as PKF Littlejohn LLP, as in previous years.


6. To establish amount of money expected as a result of the dissolution of the History Group – these funds, once received, are to be donated to the WRA.

To resolve whether to accept the report and payments made.


17117: Reports from Committees and Working Groups:


1. Finance & Admin Committee – meeting held on 6th November. Committee to present revised Standing Orders and Grant Awarding Policy – to resolve whether to accept these.

2. Planning Working Group

3. Play Park Working Group – This group will now be referred to as the Village Maintenance & Play Park Working Group (VM&PPWG) to incorporate maintenance within its’ remit. WG meeting held on 22nd November. Report to be given by WG regarding meeting held with FOWP representatives and proposed schedule of inspections. To resolve any actions. Note that any discussion may be moved to the Confidential session, since it involves contractual information.

4. Communications Working Group – WG to report on delivery of leaflets within the Village.

5. Website Working Group – WG to report on meeting held on 14th November.


17118: Councillor Training Session: Clerk to report on training session held on Saturday 25th November.


17119: Snow Wardens: Cllr Mercer give any update.


17120: Parish Council Governance: Clerk’s report: The matter has been looked at and YLCA advised that the Parish Council had previously been operating contrary to standard procedures and best practice in a number of areas. YLCA are confident that these issues are being addressed and that the new Council has recognised previous difficulties and has recommended procedures to ensure that full compliance is in hand and will continue in the future.


17121: Christmas Lights: Cllr Myers to give any update and to resolve any further action.


17122: Resident issue with IDB - To note that the Clerk has sent 3 emails to the IDB to ask that they revisit the issue and contact the resident – to date, no response received.

17123: Archiving of Minutes – to discuss and resolve whether to archive historic Parish Council documents with City of York Council.


17124: Correspondence received:

1. Rural Services Network news items forwarded to Councillors.

2. Various advertising leaflets received.


17125: Comments from public present on agenda items – Note: decisions cannot be made on items brought to this stage of the meeting.


17126: Items for the next agenda


17127: To note the dates of future meetings: all meetings are to be held on Wednesday evenings at 7pm – venue to be confirmed:

2017 – 4th December (F&A Committee), 15th December (budget meeting).

2018 – 31st January, 28th February, 28th March and 25th April.


Closure of Part 1 meeting.

Part 2


17128: Confidential business: To consider and resolve whether to exclude Public and Press on the grounds that matters for discussion affect individual staff members/ procedures/ legal/ finance issues.


17129: Finance and Admin Committee to report on staffing matters.


17130: Website provision.


17131: Councillor communications.



Closure of meeting.

Signed Helen Guest

Acting Clerk/RFO, Wheldrake Parish Council

Date: 24th November 2017


Minutes draft



Chairman: Cllr S Mercer

Acting Clerk/RFO: Mrs H Guest, 40 Linden Way, Thorpe Willoughby, YO8 9ND


Part 1


17108:  Apologies/Attendance:

  1. Attendees: Cllrs Mercer, Jordan, Gilks, Dudley-Smith, Arnold, Vass, Surtees, Southern, Nelson, Myers, Hodgson, the Clerk and 9 members of the public.
  2. Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr Gilligan.  It was resolved not to accept reason.  Cllr Gilligan advised that he may be late to arrive for the meeting on 29th November, but did not attend – no apologies received.  Reason for absence not accepted.
  3. Attendance Book: All present are requested to sign the Attendance book.


17109:  Interests: Chair reminded members to make any declarations of interest in any agenda items.


17110: Welcome: Chair welcomed councillors, clerk and visitors to the meeting.           


17111: Minutes

  1. It was resolved to accept the Minutes of the meeting held on 25th October, including Part 2 items and the Minutes of the Finance & Admin Committee meeting held on 6th November.
  2. Chairman signed minutes as a true record.


17112: Council received comments on agenda items or other questions/comments from electors present.

Items received by the Clerk since the last meeting:

  1. Resident complaint about grassed area/shrubs opposite the church apparently not being tended to by the contractor.  Clerk contacted contractor to confirm that this area should be done.
  2. Resident queried why some payments reported on the last agenda were approved and some not – Clerk explained that these sums were allocated for different reasons.

During the meeting:

  1. Immediately prior to the meeting, Councillors met with members of the WRA to discuss requirements ahead of grant applications, including the requirement that they provide a set of independently audited accounts.
  2. A representative from the recently dissolved FOWP read out a statement in which she said that she understood monies paid to the Parish Council following the dissolution of the Group would not be spent on a piece of equipment which they had specified.  It was confirmed that the money paid to the Parish Council has been ring-fenced for this purpose, but that there were Health and Safety issues which had arisen as a result of a recent play park inspection.  These need to be dealt with first, including the possible re-siting of items of equipment to ensure the safety of the children using the play park.


17113: Councillor Vacancy: Three members of the public indicated their interest in the vacancy: this item was moved to the Confidential session at the end of the meeting at Chairman’s discretion.  Result to be reported on at the next meeting.


17114: Reports, for information only, from:

a)            Ward Councillor

b)            Police – Police public meeting to be held on 29th November- poster added to Facebook and website.

c)            Other – Due to work commitments, Cllr Nelson was unable to attend the Parish Councils Working Together meeting held on 29th November.


17115: Planning: Comments resolved as follows:

  1. Applications:
    1. 17/02591/FUL: First floor front and single storey rear extensions at 3 Greengales Court, Wheldrake.  It was resolved to object on the grounds of over-development.
    2. 17/02665/FUL: First floor side extension, single storey front and rear extensions and conversion of garage into living accommodation at Puffin House, North Lane, Wheldrake.  Deadline for responses 8th December.  No objections.
    3. 17/02704/TCA: Reduce and shape Judas tree in a Conservation Area at Salamanca, North Lane, Wheldrake.  Deadline for responses 12th December.  No objections.
    4. Decisions: The following were noted.
      1. 17/02355/TCA: Crown reduce beech tree in a conservation area at Orchard House, North Lane, Wheldrake.  Approved (no TPO made).
      2. 17/02517/TCA: Reduce and shape Walnut tree by 30% in a Conservation Area at 3 Forge Close, Wheldrake.  Approved (no TPO made).
      3. Consultations/Other: None.


17116: RFO reported on closing balances and recent payments.

a)      Payments made under delegated powers:

1. None.

b)   Payments to be made

                2.   WRA (donation for benches)                                                                     £400.00

                3.   H Guest (receipted expenses/allowances)                                                  £247.99

                4.   PKF Littlejohn LLP (external audit – additional item)                                   £360.00

                5.   WRA (money received from History Society and ring-fenced for the purchase of History Society document storage).  See receipts below.                                                                       £1,250.01

c)   Receipts:

                6.   History Society dissolution (cheque presented at meeting).                       £1,250.01

e)   Other:

                7.  Noted payment of Clerk’s salary.

                8.  Notification received of external auditor appointment – this is to remain as PKF Littlejohn LLP, as in previous years.

                9.  The dissolution of the History Group has been reported – see receipts and payments above.

                It was resolved to accept the report and payments made.


17117: Reports from Committees and Working Groups:

  1. Finance & Admin Committee – meeting held on 6th November.  Committee presented Grant Awarding Policy – it was resolved to accept this Policy.  Revised Standing Orders to be produced in due course.
  2. Planning Working Group – no report.
  3. Play Park Working Group – This group will now be referred to as the Village Maintenance & Play Park Working Group (VM&PPWG) to incorporate maintenance within its’ remit.  WG meeting held on 22nd November.  Report given by Cllr Arnold regarding meeting held with FOWP representatives and proposed schedule of inspections.  Proposed annual cost to be £1545 + VAT which would ensure that the PC is fully compliant with insurance requirements.  He advised the Council that a meeting had been held with members of the now defunct FOWP regarding the Play Park regarding the purchase of a Hip Hop Swing.  FOWP had been informed that Playscheme had advised that to incorporate this piece of equipment, another item of equipment would need to be removed to avoid overcrowding/H&S issues – the cost to do this may not be possible with current levels of Parish Council funds.  FOWP had also been advised that the money transferred as a result of the dissolution of the group was ring-fenced for a piece of equipment in due course.  Councillors discussed a number of options regarding siting new equipment.
  4. Communications Working Group – Parish Council information leaflets have now been delivered around the Village: resident views were requested and these are to be reported on at the next meeting.
  5. Website Working Group – Cllr Surtees reported that he had looked into options for a new website, but to avoid a large investment of time, recommended that a provider identified by the Clerk should be used.  It was resolved that the Clerk establish costings ahead of the next meeting.


17118: Councillor Training Session: Clerk reported that training session held on Saturday 25th November was successful.  There are a number of Councillors who still need to attend this training, but this will be arranged to incorporate new Councillors.  Clerk advised that attendance on a training session will be a prerequisite to membership of Council Committees and Working Groups in the future.


17119: Snow Wardens: Cllr Mercer stated that there had been no volunteers.


17120: Parish Council Governance: Clerk’s report: The matter has been looked at and YLCA advised that the Parish Council had previously been operating contrary to standard procedures and best practice in a number of areas.  YLCA are confident that these issues are being addressed and that the new Council has recognised previous difficulties, and has recommended procedures to ensure that full compliance is in hand and will continue in the future.  Noted.


17121: Christmas Lights:  Cllr Myers reported that a rooted tree has now been planted at the junction of North Lane and Broad Highway; the tree in the Agar’s field will not be erected this year; the tree towards Crockey Hill be erected shortly; the lights will be added in due course.  Noted.


17122: Resident issue with IDB -  Noted that the Clerk has sent 3 emails to the IDB to ask that they revisit the issue and contact the resident.  The IDB have said that the will contact the resident ahead of future hedge-trimming works.  Resident advised of this and thanked the Parish Council for their assistance in this matter.


17123: Archiving of Minutes – Options were discussed: one was that the Minutes and other documents be handed to the Wheldrake History Club (not the History Society) for safekeeping, with the understanding that they would be returned to the Parish Council in the event that the Club dissolves; the other option was to have the historic Minutes bound and present to the Borthwick Institute for safekeeping.  This item deferred until a later date to allow Councillors to consider options.


17124:  Correspondence received:

  1. Rural Services Network news items forwarded to Councillors.
  2. Various advertising leaflets received.


17125: Comments from public present on agenda items – It was proposed that the Parish Council send official thanks to the Friends of Wheldrake Park for the fund raising they have carried out to improve the facilities in the Play Park.  This to be added to a future agenda.

  1. Thanks to FOWP.
  2. Look at alternative meeting venues, since Church Cottage is too small for the current numbers attending meetings.


17126: Items for the next agenda:


17127: The dates of future meetings were noted: all meetings are to be held on Wednesday evenings at 7pm – venue to be confirmed: 

2017 – 4th December (F&A Committee), 13th December (budget meeting).

2018 – 31st January, 28th February, 28th March and 25th April.


8.05pm: Closure of Part 1 meeting.



Part 2


17128: Confidential business:  It was resolved to exclude Public and Press on the grounds that matters for discussion affect individual staff members/ procedures/ legal/ finance issues.


Item 17113 (moved to this point at Chairman’s discretion) Councillor Vacancy:  Councillors discussed the candidates, during which Cllr Hodgson announced his retirement from the Parish Council.  Since this would create a second vacancy (subject to 10 electors requesting an election), it was resolved to invite Shawn Buckle to join the Parish Council with effect from the December meeting and Joanne Goode to join the Parish Council once the statutory notice has expired.


17129:  Finance and Admin Committee: Cllr Mercer informed those Councillors not present at the meeting with the WRA of the discussions which took place immediately before the current meeting.


17130: Website provision.  This item was discussed in the Public session under Website Working Group.


17131: Councillor communications.  At Chairman’s discretion it was proposed and resolved that Cllr Surtees to create and distribute the appropriate wording for all to add to their signature blocks.


*Additional item not on agenda:

Cllrs Dudley-Smith and Arnold elected to make statements to the Council within the Confidential session.  No action to take.



Closure of meeting.



Cllr S Mercer, Chairman

31st January 2018