Monthly Meeting (May 2016)

25 May 2016 , 7:00pm
Church Cottage


1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct

3. To confirm the minutes of the April monthly Parish Council meeting held on 27th April 2016 as a true and correct record

4. Public Time. Members of the public must register to speak at meetings prior to the meeting and will be limited to 3 minutes each

4.1 Mr A Carter

5. Consider / review the following Planning Applications:

5.1 Ref: 16/01106/TCA 51 Main Street, Wheldrake

    • Fell Willow tree in Conservation area
    • Dated by CYC 16 May 2016
    • Comments by 6 June 2016

5.2 Ref: 16/01129/TCA 2 Old Barn Court, North Lane, Wheldrake

    • Fell Field Maple tree in Conservation area
    • Dated by CYC 16 May 2016
    • Comments by 6 June 2016

6. Review the following planning decisions:

6.1 North Selby Mine Site – Review of the Planning Approval. Approved 14/05/2013 (12/03385/FULM)

6.2 35 The Cranbrooks, Wheldrake (16/00613/FUL)

    • Retention of existing rooflights (retrospective)
    • Application withdrawn 5 May 2016

6.3 Hardmoor Farm, Broad Highway, Wheldrake (16/00006/FUL)

    • Erection of general purpose agricultural building
    • Approved by CYC 5 May 2016

6.4 39 The Cranbrooks, Wheldrake (16/000574/FUL)

    • Single storey side and rear extension
    • Approved 11 May 2016

7. Consider and review any Planning Enforcement Issues.

      7.1 Ref: 16/00190/EXTH 29 Main Street, Wheldrake. Unauthorised siting of shipping container to rear of property

8. Consider National or Local Planning Policy

      8.1 York Local Plan

9. Consider and Review Village and Parish Projects:

      9.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park Project

      9.2 Parish Council website update

      9.3 Community Emergency Plan

      9.4 Wheldrake Village Hall. WRA Financial regulations                                                           

10. Consider and Review reports and general matters:

      10.1 Police Report

      10.2 Play Area; Inspection and repairs

      10.3 Sandholes Wood update

      10.4 Repairs and Maintenance; Ponding of water at Greengales Court. Reported to Cllr Barton 10.02.14

      10.5 Dog fouling / bin relocation on Back Lane South

      10.6 Parish Council Communications

11. Financial Matters:

      11.1 Wheldrake Cricket Club grant (£250 towards mobile cricket covers)

      11.2 To approve the following accounts for payment;

S Look expenses


A2Z Groundworks


12. Correspondence

      12.1 Request for grant information

13. Items for inclusion in the next monthly meeting

14. To confirm that the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 29th June 2016 at 7pm in Church Cottage 

Minutes approved

In attendance:

Cllrs D. Randon (Chair), R. Jordan, R. Arnold, A. Harker, B. Gilligan, S. Mercer, J. Tetzner, P. Hodgson, N. Cox, J. Penn.

Cllr A. Stokes-Roberts arrived at Para. 5.1


1. Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr. C. Barber and S. Look (clerk)

2. Declarations of Interest

Declarations of Interest under the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct:

Cllrs Randon, Harker, Arnold and Jordan declared an interest in the WRA.

Cllrs Harker, Tetzner and Arnold declared an interest in Friends of Wheldrake Park.

Cllr. Hodgson declared an interest in the Local Plan.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting

Following extensive amendments to item 6.3 and correction to 8.4, the minutes of the April monthly Parish Council held on Wednesday 27th April were read, proposed and seconded  and agreed with 3 abstentions as a true  and correct record.

4. Public Time

A resident, Mr Anthony Carter, had registered to speak on this item.  It was decided at 17 minutes past 7 to move on the next item as he was not present.

5. Planning Applications

5.1 51 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/01106/TCA)

  • Fell Willow Tree in Conservation Area
  • Dated by CYC 16th May 2016
  • Comments by 6th June 2016
  • It was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed by councillors to refer this to CYC under Option C.

5.2 Old Barn Court, North Lane, Wheldrake (16/01129/TCA)

  • Fell Field Maple Tree in Conservation area
  • Dated by CYC 16th May 2016
  • It was decided to object to this application on the grounds of insufficient information.
  • The motion was proposed, seconded and agreed unanimously

6. Review of Planning Decisions

6.1 North Selby Mine Site – Review of the Planning Approval of 14/05/2013 (12/03385/FULM)

It was decided to take this forward to the next meeting and that the clerk should make enquiries with York as to the progress made.

6.2 35 The Cranbrooks, Wheldrake (16/00513/FUL)

  • Retention of existing roof-lights (retrospective)
  • Application withdrawn 5 May 2016
  • This item has now been included in the enforcement list in order to comply with City of York’s requirements

6.3 Hardmoor Farm, Broad Highway, Wheldrake (16/00006/FUL)

  • Erection of General Purpose Agriculural Building
  • Approved by CYC 5 May 2016
  • The City of York Council request that certain conditions are observed and carried out before work commences

6.4  39 The Cranbrooks, Wheldrake (16/000574)

  • Single Storey Side and Rear Extension
  • Approved 11 May 2016
  • This item has now been approved by City of  York Council
  • Matching materials must be used

7. Consider and Review any Planning Enforcement Issues

7.1  29, Main Street, Wheldrake (16/00190/EXTH)

  • Unauthorised siting of shipping container to rear of property
  • City of York Council is now investigating

8. Consider National or Local Planning Policy

8.1 York Local Plan

Cllr. Mercer stated that the City of York Local Plan was still on course to be issued at the end of June followed by three months of consultation.

9. Consider and  Review Village and Parish Projects

9.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park Project

Cllr. Mercer will investigate progress on the path with CYC

9.2 Parish Council Website Update

Cllr Harker was thanked by councillors for the all the work she carried out on setting up the old website and keeping it running at very little cost to the Parish Council

9.3 Community Emergency Plan

The clerk has contacted an officer at CYC who will provide a map for the use of the emergency committee. A further meeting of the committee is to be held within the next few weeks.

9.4 Wheldrake Village Hall / WRA Financial Regulations

9.4.1 Wheldrake Village Hall

It was reported that the bowls club should soon be able to use the end room of the village hall, without further access to the rest of the building. The Phase 2 extension works are now taking place, with the roof to be raised shortly. The contractors are on course to finish with the 26th August agreed as the handover date.

9.4.2 WRA Financial Regulations

The financial regulations for the village hall were tabled by Cllr. Arnold and noted.

10.  Consider and Review Reports and General Matters

10.1 Police Report

There was no police report this month. Cllr. Randon reported that there was evidence that someone had broken into the village hall after it had been locked up on one occasion. This matter was reported to the PCSO.

10.2 Play Area

It was reported that the play park was being well used and that the muddy surface was now drying out.

10.3 Sandholes Wood

Cllr Hodgson reported that reported that the wood has been too muddy to enter. Paul will try again to check the wood.

10.4 Ponding of Water – Greengales Court

No change

10.5 Dog Bins

Cllr Mercer reported that a new bin has been ordered for Back Lane South

10.6 Parish Council Communications

This is to be discussed at the next meeting, when Cllr. Harker will propose a motion.

11. Financial Matters

11.1 Wheldrake Cricket Club Grant (£250 towards mobile cricket covers)

It was reported that the cricket club had provided proof of its solvency, and that some arrears had now been paid. It was also confirmed that matched funding of £250.00 pounds  would also be paid by the cricket authorities. It was agreed that a grant of £250.00 could now be paid.

11.2 Derwent Ducklings

It was proposed that in view of the current situation, it was not possible to pay any further grants. Derwent Ducklings and Wheldrake Parish Council should now deal directly with Thorganby Village Hall.

It was also suggested that in future all applications for grants should be accompanied by financial accounts and that a business account should be in place.

11.3 Audit

Cllr Jordan reported the need to record that we have carried out a review. After considering the governance statement we must make sure no payments are made by cash and that all are made by cheque. Payments should only be made following receipt of an invoice and cheque and approved by the councillors.

Formal Resolution. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed that the governance statement should be approved.

11.4 The following payments were proposed, seconded and unanimously approved:

S Look  expenses   £11.50
AZZ Groundworks £480
Play Scheme Phase 2 £38,109-60 (£31758-60plus VAT)
Village Hall Project £11026.05 Phase 1



12. Correspondence

12.1 Request for grant information (Freedom of Information)

12.2 The area of grass near York Linings. Cllr. Randon will pursue this issue

13. Next Meeting

Inclusion in next month's agenda:

  • Communications
  • Hydraulic Fracturing (fracking)
  • Village Maintenance

To confirm that the next monthly meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 29th June at 2016 at 7.00 pm in Church Cottage.