Monthly Meeting (May 2015)

27 May 2015 , 7:00pm
Church Cottage


1. To receive apologies for absence

2.  Declarations

2.1 Chairman's declaration of acceptance of office

2.2 To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct

3. BT Broadband update. Roy Grant and Steve Dann (CYC)

4. Confirmation of minutes:

4.1 April monthly Parish Council meeting held on 29th April 2015 as a true and correct record

4.2 Annual Parish Council meeting held on 29th April 2015 as a true and correct record

4.3 Annual meeting of the Parish Council held on 20th May 2015 as a true and correct record

5. Consider / review the following Planning Applications:

5.1 2 Kitty Garth, Wheldrake (15/00/FUL)

  • Single storey rear extension
  • Dated by CYC 8 May 2015
  • Comments by 29 May 2015

5.2 Blueslates, 43 Church Lane, Wheldrake (15/00962/FUL)

  • Extension to side boundary wall
  • Dated by CYC 20 May
  • Comments by 20 June 2015

5.3 Ref: 15/01069/FUL 5 Hall Close, Wheldrake

  • Single storey rear extension
  • Dated by CYC 20 May 2015
  • Comments by 10 June 2015

6. Review the following planning decisions:

6.1 2 Haggwood Cottages, Broad Highway, Wheldrake (15/00308/FUL)

  • Installation of sewage treatment system for 1 and 2 Haggwood Cottages
  • Householder approved granted by CYC 1 May 2015

7. Consider National or Local Planning Policy.

7.1 York Local Plan.

7.2 Localism Act 2011, Community Assets.

8. Consider and Review Village and Parish Projects:

8.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park Project

8.2 Parish Council website update

8.3 Village Design Statement

8.4 Community Emergency Plan

8.5 Wheldrake Village Hall

8.5.1  Variation of Trusts - Progress advice from Harrowells Solicitors

8.5.2 Refurbishment

8.5.3 Sports field drainage grant application      

9. Consider and Review reports and general matters

9.1 Police Report

9.2 Parking outside Wheldrake School

9.3 Play Area; Inspection and repairs

9.4 Sandholes Wood update

9.5 Repairs and Maintenance

9.5.1. Ponding of water at Greengales Court. Reported to Cllr Barton 10.02.14

9.5.2. Footpath Barrier on North Lane / Main Street

9.5.3 Green area on Church Lane outside Sycamore House

9.6 Wenlock Arms advertising boards

9.7 Buffer store outside storage

9.8 Parking on grass verges

9.9 Footpath on Greengales Lane from Broadlands

9.10 Electric scooters on footpaths.

10. Local Council Award Scheme.

11. Financial Matters:

11.1. To approve the following accounts for payment;

A2Z Groundworks. Village Maintenance


S Look. Clerks May 2015 Salary


S J Danby Ltd. Remaining outstanding balance for Phase One


Local Councils Awards Scheme registration (invoice to be sent upon application)


12. Items for inclusion in the next monthly meeting.

13. To confirm that the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 24th June 2015 at 7pm.

Minutes approved

In attendance

Cllrs: D. Randon (Chair), R. Jordan, R. Arnold, and P. Hodgson.

Ward Cllr S. Mercer

Member of the public

1. Apologies

Cllrs. J Tetzner, A Harker, Norman Cox and S Look (Clerk)

2. Declarations

2.1  Chairman's  declarations of acceptance of office

Chairman Cllr Randon signed the declaration and Cllr Jordan witnessed it

2.2 Declarations

Declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct:

  • Cllrs Randon, Jordan and Arnold declared an interest in the WRA
  • Cllr Arnold declared an interest in the Friends of Wheldrake Park
  • Cllr Hodgson declared an interest in the Local Plan

3. Broadband Update

Broadband update from Roy Grant from City of York Council

Roy Grant explained progress with Phase One by use of maps of the North Yorkshire area - copies were distributed to each Councillor. All Wheldrake installation is now done and the final testing in progress. Phase two is that for the Leeds City Region and will target areas missed by Phase One. It is hoped that European funding can be used to help fund this phase. Parish Council will be updated on progress but target completion is early 2017 at the latest.

4. Footpath from Broadlands along Greengales Lane

Reviewed request for action relating to alleged dangerous crossing for pedestrians at the end of Broadlands. Ward Councillor advised that CYC will not fund a new footpath because cost will be £500 per metre. Victoria Hunter was invited to comment. Advised numbers and ages of residents of Broadlands. Noted that there were previous proposals in November 2012 with several options. Cllr Mercer offered to request a Highways Survey of Greengales Lane from the school to Broadlands. Agreed.

5. Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the April 2015 monthly Parish Council meeting were read, proposed and seconded as a true and correct record subject to amendments.

6. Planning Applications

6.1 2 Kitty Garth, Wheldrake (15/00/FUL)

  • Single storey rear extension
  • Dated by CYC 8 May 2015
  • It was proposed, seconded and agreed with all in favour that Councillors have no objections to the application

6.2 Blueslates, 43 Church Lane, Wheldrake (15/00962/FUL)

  • Extension to side boundary wall
  • Dated by CYC 20 May
  • It was proposed, seconded and agreed with all in favour that Councillors have no objections to the application

6.3 5 Hall Close, Wheldrake (15/01069/FUL)

  • Single storey rear extension
  • Dated by CYC 20 May 2015
  • It was proposed, seconded and agreed with all in favour that Councillors have no objections to the application

6.4 52 Main Street (15/00544/LPC)

  • Application withdrawn

6.5 10 Greengales Court, Wheldrake (15/01065/LHE)

  • Erection of single storey extension extending 7.280 metres beyond the rear wall of the original house, with a height to the eaves of 2.500 metres and a total height of 3.869 metres.
  • Large Home extension for information only

7. Planning Decisions

7.1 2 Haggwood Cottages, Broad Highway, Wheldrake (15/00308/FUL)

  • Installation of sewage treatment system for 1 and 2 Haggwood Cottages
  • Householder approved granted by CYC 1 May 2015. Noted.

7.2 National and Local Planning Policy

7.2.1 York Local Plan

Cllr Mercer advised that Working Group had been formed and that she is a member.     

7.2.2 Localism Act 2011

Community Assets. No discussion.  

8. Village and Parish Projects             

8.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park

Work outstanding noted in order to sign off remaining balance of £5000. Agreed cheque to be paid subject to final completion of works. Application submitted to Aviva noted for a new roundabout.

8.2 Website

No report

8.3 Village Design Statement

Noted that Cllr Harker will be arranging a launch for the VDS booklets

8.4 Community Emergency Plan

Defer until the next meeting

8.5 Wheldrake Village Hall

  • Invoice received from Harrowells. Agreed that Chair should respond from the Parish Council stating the understanding that no further costs will be due for completion of the variation work.
  • Wheldrake Recreation Association Extraordinary General Meeting noted for Tuesday 2nd June 2015 at White Rose House.
  • Sports field drainage application had been unsuccessful.

9. Reports and General Matters

9.1 Police Report

Anti social behaviour

  • Male arrested for drunk and disorderly and report of vehicles racing along Broad Highway.

9.2 Parking outside Wheldrake School

Noted the request for refresh of zig-zags and possible control measures for the opposite side of the road.

9.3 Play Area Inspection and Repairs

All good apart from the dips under the basket swing.

9.4 Sandholes Wood Update

Cllr Hodgson reported that fence repair work had been carried out to a good standard and that badgers were active again within the wood.

9.5 Repairs and Maintenance

9.5.1 Ponding of Water on Greengales Court

Repairs still outstanding

9.5.2 Footpath Barrier in North Lane / Main Street

Works still outstanding

9.5.3 Green Area on Church Lane Opposite the Church

All work completed including placing of wood chip supplied by Lewis Tree Surgery

9.6 Wenlock Arms Advertising Boards

Noted that PCSO did not consider his action required. Could be referred to CYC Highways if complaints continue.

9.7 Buffer Store Outside Storage

Reported to CYC where advise was given that it is not permitted. Continued accumulation seen.  Reported to CYC on 11 May 2015. Ref: 102822394.

9.8 Parking on Grass Verges

Letter sent to resident on Church Lane. Noted.

9.9 Electric Scooters on Footpaths

Noted that the PSCO preferred an educational response to the problem. Wheldrake School have been informed.

10. Local Council Awards Scheme

Deferred until the next meeting.

11. Financial Matters

11.1 To approve the following accounts for payment:

A2Z Groundworks. Village Maintenance


S Look. Clerks May 2015 Salary


S J Danby Ltd. Remaining outstanding balance for Phase One


RESOLVED that the expenditure was proposed, seconded and agreed unanimously.

12. Next Meeting

It was confirmed that the next Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 24th June 2015 at 7pm in Church Cottage. There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 9pm.