Monthly Meeting (Mar 2016)

30 March 2016 , 7:00pm
Church Cottage


1. To receive apologies for absence. 

2. To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct.

3. To confirm the minutes of the February monthly Parish Council meeting held on 24th February 2015 as a true and correct record.

4. Public Time. Members of the public must register to speak at meetings prior to the meeting and will be limited to 3 minutes each.

5. Consider / review the following Planning Applications:

5.1 Willow Cottage, 9B Main Street, Wheldrake (16/00563/TCA)

    • Reduce Willow by 25 to 30% tree protected by a tree preservation order TPOCYC346
    • Dated by CYC 9 March 2016
    • Comments by 31 March 2016
    • Extension requested to 31 March 2016

5.2 Wenlock House, Dalton Hill, Wheldrake (16/0364/FUL)

    • Single storey rear extension. Dated by CYC 26 February 2016
    • Comments by 16 March 2016
    • Extension granted to 31 March 2016

5.3 39 The Cranbrooks, Wheldrake (16/00574/FUL)

    • Single storey side and rear extension
    • Dated by CYC 16 March 2016
    • Comments by 6 April 2016

5.4 35 The Cranbrooks, Wheldrake (16/00613/FUL)

    • Retention of existing rooflights
    • Dated by CYC 18 March 2016
    • Comments by 8 April 2016   

5.5 Hardmoor Farm, Broad Highway, Wheldrake (16/00006/FUL)

    • Erection of general purpose agricultural building
    • Dated by CYC 14 March 2016
    • Comments by 11 April 2016

6. Review the following planning decisions:

6.1 T & T A Park (Transport) Ltd, Low Well Farm, Wheldrake Lane, Crockey Hill

    • The Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Act 1995
    • Traffic Commissioner has decided to grant the application

6.2 Spion Kopje, Crockey Hill Road, Wheldrake (16/00437/AGNOT)

    • Erection of agricultural building
    • For information only
    • Refused

6.3 Land at Grid Reference 469030 to 444830 Church Lane, Wheldrake (15/02885/FUL)

    • Erection of four seasonal tents utilising existing access, the creation and maintaining of a footpath link, and the incorporation of a habitat enhancement plan
    • Refused by CYC Planning Committee on 17 March 2016

6.4 Winteringham, North Lane, Wheldake (16/00562/TCA)

    • Reduce Rowan tree by 25% in a Conservation
    • Dated by CYC 2 March 2016
    • Approved by CYC 23 March 2016

7. Consider National or Local Planning Policy

7.1 York Local Plan

8. Consider and Review Village and Parish Projects:

8.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park Project

8.2 Parish Council website update

8.3 Community Emergency Plan

8.4 Wheldrake Village Hall

9. Consider and Review reports and general matters:

9.1 Police Report

9.2 Play Area; Inspection and repairs

9.3 Sandholes Wood update

9.4 Repairs and Maintenance;

9.4.1 Ponding of water at Greengales Court. Reported to Cllr Barton 10.02.14

9.4.2 Ditch clearance on Back Lane South

9.4.3 Beck Lane - Yorkshire Water repairs

9.5 Dog fouling / bin relocation on Back Lane South

9.6 Grass verge damage

9.7 Wheldrake number 36 bus service

9.8 Village defibrillator

9.9 Parking issues;

9.9.1 New restrictions outside school

9.9.2 Church Lane parking opposite White Rose House / Wheldrake Church

9.10 Cold calling zones

9.11 New Onshore Oil and Gas exploration license

10. Annual meeting of the Parish Council and Annual Parish meeting agenda: Wednesday 11th May 2016

11. Standing Orders and Financial Regulations for approval

12. Parish Councillor vacancies

13. Financial Matters:

13.1 Financial update from RFO

13.2 Zurich Insurance renewal

13.3 Local Government Section 136 Expenditure Limit 2016/17

13.4 To approve the following accounts for payment;

S Look expenses


YLCA Membership 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017


Zurich Insurance Renewal 2 May 2016 to 1 May 2017


14. Correspondence

14.1 Green bin collections resume April

14.2 Annual return from PKF Littlejohn

15. Items for inclusion in the next monthly meeting

16. To confirm that the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 27th April 2016 at 7pm in Church Cottage.

Minutes approved

In attendance:

Cllrs: D. Randon (Chair), R. Jordan, R. Arnold, J. Tetzner, A. Harker, P. Hodgson, N. Cox and C. Barber.

S Look (Clerk)

Members of the public

1. Apologies

No apologies from Parish Councillors. Apologies received from Ward Cllr S Mercer and PCSO Barge.

2. Declarations

Declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct:

  • Cllrs Randon, Harker, Arnold and Jordan declared an interest in the WRA
  • Cllrs Harker, Tetzner and Arnold declared an interest in Friends of Wheldrake Park
  • Cllr Hodgson declared an interest in the Local Plan.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the February monthly Parish Council held on 24 February 2016 were read, proposed and seconded as a true and correct record.

4. Public Time

Members of the public present did not wish to raise any issues.

5. Planning Applications

5.1 Willow Cottage, 9B Main Street, Wheldrake (16/000563/TCA)

Reduce Willow by 25 to 30% tree protected by a tree preservation order TPOCYC346

Dated by CYC 9 March 2016. Comments by 31 March 2016. Extension requested to 31 March 2016. It was proposed, seconded and agreed that Councillors have no objections with all in favour. 

5.2 Wenlock House, Dalton Hill, Wheldrake (16/00364/FUL)

Single storey rear extension. Dated by CYC 26 February 2016. Comments by 16 March 2016. Extension granted   to 31 March 2016. It was proposed, seconded and agreed that Councillors have no objections with all in favour.

5.3 39 The Cranbrooks, Wheldrake (16/00574/FUL)

Single storey side and rear extension. Dated by CYC 16 March 2016. Comments by 6 April 2016. It was proposed, seconded and agreed that Councillors have no objections with all in favour.

5.4 35 The Cranbrooks, Wheldrake (16/00613/FUL)

Retention of existing roof lights. Dated by CYC 18 March 2016. Comments by 8 April 2016. It was proposed, seconded and agreed with all in favour that Councillors object on planning grounds due to the technicality on the planning application. The windows installed do not meet the conditions relating to that class of development. To be permitted development the windows should be obscure glazed and fixed shut up to 1.7m from floor level. Councillors also noted that the application had been completed incorrectly in part 12. The site can be viewed from the road side.

5.5 Hardmoor Farm, Broad Highway, Wheldrake (16/00006/FUL)

Erection of general purpose agricultural building. Dated by CYC 14 March 2016. Comments by 11 April 2016. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed with all in favour that Councillors object to the application due to insufficient information being provided. There is no supporting information in terms of why the application is being proposed within the greenbelt.

6. Planning Decisions

6.1 T & T A Park (Transport) Ltd, Low Well Farm, Wheldrake Lane, Crockey Hill

The Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Act 1995. Traffic Commissioner has decided to grant the application. Noted. 

6.2 Spion Kopje, Crockey Hill Road, Wheldrake (16/000437/AGNOT)

Erection of agricultural building. For information only. Refused. Noted.

6.3 Land at Grid Reference 469030 to 444830 Church Lane, Wheldrake (15/02885/FUL)

Erection of four seasonal tents utilising existing access, the creation and maintaining of a footpath link, and the incorporation of a habitat enhancement plan. Refused by CYC Planning Committee on 17 March 2016. Noted. 

6.4 Winteringham, North Lane, Wheldrake (16/00562/TCA)

Reduce Rowan tree by 25% in a Conservation Area. Dated by CYC 2 March 2016. Approved by CYC 23 March 2016. Noted. The application was determined by CYC without fulfilling the consultation period to enable the Parish Council to comment.

7. Consider National and Local Planning Policy

7.1 York Local Plan

There has been no further information received at this stage. No local plan working group meetings have taken place this month.

8. Village and Parish Projects

8.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park Project

Cllr Tetzner updated the Council on progress. Concerns raised about the removal of the single woodland bench in the toddler area and replacement with the wooden large bench and seating without consultation with the FOWP committee. Playscheme have completed the toddler area which includes an extended area, new surfacing, swings, springer and hopsctotch markings. An inclusive roundabout has been installed and the dragon swing is on order, expected to be delivered within the next few weeks. Quote has been received from CYC for a new pathway which has been accepted. Work due to start on it at the end of April. Clerk proposed to purchase a covered seating area for the junior area. Concerns raised about vandalism. Resolved to consult with the FOWP committee. Clerk has completed claim form to Yorventure for final grant. Invoice to be paid to Playscheme when all works are complete. Playscheme to be asked to level off the ground where it has been damaged. Councillors thanked Clerk and the FOWP committee for their hard work over the last three years on this project.

8.2 Parish Council Website Update

Terms of reference doc has been distributed to Councillors. Biographies and photographs of all Councillors have been requested for the new site. Final content validation next week. Hosting service has been added. Cllr Harker requested confirmation of termination conditions in the contract if either parties wish to withdraw. Their standard contract which would apply to private clients is not applicable in this case (since a lot of the work we are getting is being done for free) and the data being published belongs in the public domain. The intention is to use the open source framework used by, therefore a lot of the usual clauses about intellectual property etc. do not apply either (although there may be some which apply around any bespoke graphics/designs which are also provided for free by the vendor). Cllr Harker is going to keep the original domain for a community website. It was resolved to pay overtime to the Clerk for extra hours committed. Clerk to ascertain from YLCA how far back the minutes are required to go back on the new website. Cllrs thanked Councillor Barber for his work on this.

8.3 Community Emergency Plan

The first meeting took place last week with a group of people interested in being involved in developing a Community Emergency Plan. The people in the group have got a good skill set and will meet up again the end of April. A sub committee is going to meet to discuss a place of refuge.

8.4 Wheldrake Village Hall

Cllr Randon gave an update on the progression of the work to date. The roof and external structure is complete. A partition wall is being erected to separate the bowling section from the storage area. First fix electrical work has been done. The emergency door on the north side has been closed off and a new one will be put in on the car park side. The protective sheeting has been removed from the internal floor and it has been resolved to replace the carpet in the bar area. There is still a lot of the dampness in the building that needs to dry out before the plastering is done. Acoustic panels to be installed in the main hall. Phase one should be complete within the next six weeks. The committee are awaiting a second quote for phase two. Expecting project to be complete mid August. The fundraising team are looking at further funding and grants. Plans will be on display on 2nd April in Church Cottage.

9. Reports and General Matters

9.1 Police report 12 Feb - 19 March 2016

Anti social behaviour / dispute; Wenlock Gardens.

Suspicious circumstances; 1st March Officers attended address on Braithgayte as neighbours had concerns due to a vehicle left on drive with engine running for over one hour. All found to be ok.

9.2 Play Area

Inspection and repairs. Nothing to report this month. 

9.3 Sandholes Wood Update

Cllr Hodgson has continued to manage the woods this month. Flytipping reported.

9.4 Repairs and Maintenance

9.4.1 Ponding of Water at Greengales Court

No progress expected until next year.

9.4.2 Ditch Clearance on Back Lane South

Mr Hebditch from CYC visited the site and witnessed raw sewerage in the ditch. This will now be reported to the Environmental Health team. Due to changes in environmental regulations this needs reassessing. Clerk to follow up.

9.4.3 Beck Lane Drainage Work

Work is now complete at the pumping station although work continues at the water treatment works. Clerk has made a formal complaint to Yorkshire Water on behalf of residents regarding the noise levels from the overnight workers swearing and shouting, the verge damage and litter left on Beck Lane. Cllr Randon to make a written complaint.  

9.5 Dog Fouling / Bin Relocation on Back Lane South

The dog bin has not yet been moved. Ask Cllr Mercer to follow up again.

9.6 Grass Verge Damage

Resident has made a verbal complaint regarding a police speed van parking on the grass verge on Church Lane after they had reseeded it. Clerk has reported it to the PCSO.

9.7 Wheldrake Number 36 Bus Service

Clerk has made enquiries with CYC regarding the continuation of the number 36 bus during the next financial year.  The Council’s budget proposals include a reduction to the subsidy levels for local bus services. No decisions have been made as to which services will be retained and which will be withdrawn, suffice to say that it is highly unlikely that any withdrawals will occur ahead of August 2016 (when all of the current local bus contracts are up for re-tender). The public will have the opportunity to comment on the proposals through a consultation which will be undertaken in the Spring. Clerk to get further details.

9.8 Village Defibrillator

The village hall defibrillator has now been relocated to the outside wall of the pub. Michael Graham is raising funds to purchase a second defibrillator.

9.9 Parking Issues

9.9.1 Parking Outside School

The restrictions are now in place.

9.9.2 Parking Opposite Church

Complaint received regarding parking opposite the church making visibility difficult for people crossing. Resolved that parking in this area is only for short periods of time and not a main crossing point in the village.

9.10 Cold Calling Zones

Clerk has contacted PCSO for further information on Neighbourhood Watch schemes.  Only certain areas in the village have been nominated cold calling zones (The Cranbrooks, Courtneys, Low Well Park and St Helens Rise). Resolved that the entire village cannot be made a cold calling zone unless all residents request it.

9.11 New Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration Licenses

CPRE and Council Members to attend a meeting with Cuadrilla to gain more information for residents. A public meeting will then be organised for residents.

10. Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and Annual Parish Meeting

It was resolved that the Annual meetings will be held on Tuesday 17 May at 7pm in Church Cottage. Clerk to invite Cllr Mercer to give residents an update on the local plan. 

11. Standing Orders and Financial Regulations

The Standing Orders and Financial Regulations (amended February 2016) were read, proposed and approved with all in favour.

12. Communications

Clerk to investigate courses in digital communication

13. Parish Councillor Vacancies

The Parish Council have got 13 seats and only 8 Councillors. Clerk to advertise the vacancies on both Facebook and in the Parish News         

14. Financial Matters

14.1 Financial update from RFO

To be carried over to the next meeting due to technical issues.

14.2 Zurich Insurance Renewal

Clerk to get a revised quote based on park equipment now being worth £80,000

14.3 Local Government Section 136 Expenditure Limit 2016/17

Awaiting confirmation from YLCA regarding the  transfer of funds to WRA for the Village Hall.

14.4 Derwent Ducklings

Grant Funding requested prior to the summer. Request information from Ducklings re amount that it is costing to hire Thorganby village hall.

14.5 To approve the following accounts for payment:

S Look expenses


YLCA Membership 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017


Plump website development


RESOLVED that the listed expenditure was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed. 

15. Correspondence

15.1 Green Bin Collections Resume April


15.2 Annual Return from PKF Littlejohn

RFO to complete

15.3 Request to get the Snicket Re-gravelled Opposite Costcutter

16. AOB

16.1 Public rights of way

Two still outstanding. Clerk to follow up.

17. Next Meeting

To confirm that the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 27th April 2016 at 7pm.

Meeting closed at 9.45pm