Monthly Meeting (Jun 2015)
24 June 2015
, 7:00pm
Church Cottage
1. To receive apologies for absence
2. Co-option of new Councillor
3. To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct
4. To confirm the minutes of the May monthly Parish Council meeting held on 27th May 2015 as a true and correct record
5. Consider / review the following Planning Applications:
5.1 52 Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01125/LBC)
- External and internal alterations including replacement roof and flooring, installation of waste and gas pipes, new internal openings, removal of fireplace to provide doorway and new external opening to ground floor side elevation for new doors
- Dated by CYC 2 June 2015
- Comments by 23 June 2015
- Determined at a planning committee meeting held on 22 June 2015
5.2 4 Broadlands, Wheldrake (15/01174/FUL)
- First floor side extension; single storey side and rear extensions and porch to front
- Dated by CYC 2 June 2015
- Comments by 23 June 2015
- Determined at a meeting of the planning committee held on 22 June 2015
5.3 Hardmoor House, Broad Highway, Wheldrake (15/01100/FUL)
- Creation of equestrian ménage
- Dated by CYC 15 June 2015
- Comments by 6 July 2015
5.4 Woodhouse, Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01134/FUL)
- Dormers to front of existing garage
- Dated by CYC 10 June 2015
- Comments by 1 July 2015
5.5 North Back House, 3B Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01264/FUL)
- Single storey side and rear extensions
- Dated by CYC 18 June 2015
- Comments by 9 July 2015
6. Review the following planning decisions:
No decisions received to date this month
7. Consider National or Local Planning Policy
7.1 York Local Plan
7.2 Localism Act 2011, Community Assets
8. Consider and Review Village and Parish Projects:
8.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park Project
8.2 Parish Council website update
8.3 Village Design Statement
8.4 Community Emergency Plan
8.5 Wheldrake Village Hall
8.5.1 Variation of Trusts - Progress advice from Harrowells Solicitors
8.5.2 Refurbishment
9. Consider and Review reports and general matters:
9.1 Police Report
9.2 Parking outside Wheldrake School
9.3 Play Area; Inspection and repairs
9.4 Sandholes Wood update
9.5 Repairs and Maintenance:
9.5.1. Ponding of water at Greengales Court. Reported to Cllr Barton 10.02.14
9.5.2. Footpath Barrier on North Lane / Main Street
9.6 Buffer store outside storage
9.7 Footpath on Greengales Lane from Broadlands
9.8 Verges along Broad Highway
9.9 Complaint re untidy frontage on Main Street. Ref: 15/00193/UNTIDH
10. Local Council Award Scheme
11. Financial Matters:
11.1 To approve the following accounts for payment:
A2Z Groundworks. Village Maintenance; grass cutting, strimming, hedge cutting, barrier repair |
£984 |
S Look. Clerks June 2015 Salary |
£250 |
Spectrum Signs: 3 signs for park and installations |
£54 |
Local Councils Awards Scheme registration (invoice to be sent upon application) |
£50 |
Greenthumb Spring Treatment |
£38 |
12. Items for inclusion in the next monthly meeting
13. To confirm that the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 29th July 2015 at 7pm
Minutes approved
In attendance
Cllrs: D. Randon (Chair), R. Jordan, R. Arnold, J. Tetzner, A. Harker, C. Barber, N. Cox and P. Hodgson
Ward Cllr S. Mercer
S Look (Clerk)
1. Apologies
No apologies this month
2. Co-Option of New Councillor
Chris Barber was co-opted as a new Councillor
3. Declarations
Declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct:
- Cllrs Randon, Harker, Jordan and Arnold declared an interest in the WRA
- Cllr Arnold, Harker and Tetzner declared an interest in the Friends of Wheldrake Park
- Cllr Hodgson declared an interest in the Local Plan
4. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the May 2015 monthly Parish Council meeting were read, proposed and seconded as a true and correct record with 4 abstentions.
5. Planning Applications
5.1 52 Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01125/LBC)
- External and internal alterations including replacement roof and flooring, installation of waste and gas pipes, new internal openings, removal of fireplace to provide doorway and new external opening to ground floor side elevation for new doors
- Dated by CYC 2 June 2015
- Application supported at a planning committee meeting held on 22 June 2015
5.2 4 Broadlands, Wheldrake (15/01174/FUL)
- First floor side extension; single storey side and rear extensions and porch to front
- Dated by CYC 2 June 2015
- Approved at a meeting of the planning committee held on 22 June 2015
5.3 Hardmoor House, Broad Highway, Wheldrake (15/01100/FUL)
- Creation of equestrian ménage
- Dated by CYC 15 June 2015
- It was proposed, seconded and agreed with all in favour that Councillors have no objections to the application
5.4 Woodhouse, Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01134/FUL)
- Dormers to front of existing garage
- Dated by CYC 10 June 2015
- It was proposed, seconded and agreed with all in favour that Councillors have no objections to the application
5.5 North Back House, 3B Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01264/FUL)
- Single storey side and rear extensions
- Dated by CYC 18 June 2015
- It was proposed, seconded and agreed with all in favour that Councillors object to the application. The application contravenes the following Parish guidelines relating to conservation as stated in Wheldrake Village Design Statement. Point 15 in the VDS states that 'Space should be maintained around dwellings to avoid loss of soft landscaping'. Point 42 states that 'Resist inappropriate development of residential gardens, where development would cause harm to the local area'
6. Planning Decisions
No planning decisions received this month
7. National and Local Planning Policy
7.1. York Local Plan
Cllr Mercer advised that the Working Group met last week
It is hoped that brown field can be used for higher density development rather than Green belt
7.2 Localism Act 2011 / Community Assets
No further responses received
It was resolved that the Clerk will complete the necessary action to nominate the following community assets: The Village Shop, White Rose House, Wheldrake Woods where there is permitted access.
8. Village and Parish Projects
8.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park
Work is now underway to raise funds for Phase Two of the play park development which will include expanding the toddler area which will include a resin bound surface to enable pushchairs and wheelchairs to access easier. Quotes being obtained with a breakdown of each cost to compare.
8.2 Website
- 1138 hits on the site this month with a lot being for Wheldrake Ings
- Wheldrake Recreation Association (WRA) would like a dedicated page on the site - Cllr Harker to action
8.3 Village Design Statement
- Over 100 copies have been sold
- VDS treasurer due to send the final balance of all remaining monies to the Parish Council. Clerk to follow up.
8.4 Community Emergency Plan
Cllr Tetzner is going to complete the necessary forms to form a plan
8.5 Wheldrake Village Hall
- Credit note and apology received from Solicitor for the further invoice sent in error. Agreement still required from the Charity Commission. Cllr Randon has contacted the solicitor to ask them to progress at the earliest convenience especially in light of current problems with the Village Hall being out of use. Parish Council need to be registered as the trustee in order for the WRA to apply for grants as a charity.
- Wheldrake Recreation Association Extraordinary General Meeting was held on 2nd June 2015 and no one put forward a plan to rebuild the village hall at this stage. It was agreed to progress with the repair of the roof when funding is available. Cllrs Harker and Randon met with Nick Settle (Sports Participation Officer from York City Council). He suggested the WRA apply for a grant from Sports England to refurbish / rebuild the changing rooms at the same time as the roof work which will also incorporate solar panels. Sports England will provide Design Contractors who can manage the project. It was agreed that women's sports are not present in the village and the toilet facilities are inadequate for both adults and children to share. The Cricket and Football clubs are both supportive of these proposals. The timescale for funding is hoped to be by December 2015 / January 2016.
- There will be Community Fundraising to help with the project. Letters of support required from the Parish Clerk and the local PCSO. Clerk to arrange.
9. Reports and General Matters
9.1 Police Report
- No report received this month
- Request made for web link for the 20mph zone petition as the one given does not work
- Clerk to contact PCSO
9.2 Parking Outside Wheldrake School
Still causing problems
Request for refresh of zig-zags and possible control measures for the opposite side of the road has been made to CYC. They have reported the refresh work to their maintenance team to action. The request for yellow lines on the opposite side of the road from school will be added to their annual review.
9.3 Play Area Inspection and Repairs
- Inspection required of the toddler bridge
- Loose screw on chain link
- Suggestion of cable ties to deter the pigeons from the swings
- Clerk to organise
- 9.4 Sandholes Wood update. Cllr Hodgson reported that the trees are doing well and the fencing is all fine. Bracken is over grown. Location and history of the woods explained to Cllr Barber.
9.5 Repairs and Maintenance
- Ponding of water on Greengales Court. Repairs still outstanding.
- Footpath barrier in North Lane/ Main Street. Complete.
9.6 Buffer Store Outside Storage
- Reported to CYC where advise was given that it is not permitted
- Continued accumulation seen
- Reported to CYC on 11 May 2015. Ref: 102822394
- No progress. Clerk to follow up
9.7 Footpath from Broadlands along Greengales Lane
Response received from CYC states the following: ' CYC have not got the budget allocated to this scheme in this financial year and it is probably well down the list due to the fact that it will only serve 11 properties and thus would not necessarily represent good value for money at a time when budgets are relatively constrained. There is a section in the middle where the adjacent hedge restricts the width available and even if we can squeeze a path in will mean that the hedge will need to be trimmed back much more regularly than it probably is at the moment. the gap in the footpath provision on that side of the Greengales Lane is approximately 160m long, of which 120m is currently not kerbed. Providing kerbing and associated carriageway drainage will add further to the cost of the scheme. There is already a footpath on the opposite side of Greengales Lane. Obviously this requires the users to cross the road either once or twice depending where they are headed, however the crossing at the mouth of Broadlands is within the 30mph zone and visibility should be good as it is near the apex of the bend. At the school end of the section the crossing point is within the 20mph school safety zone and is on a speed table. Users of this side will be required to cross The Courtneys however as this is a “no-through road” traffic levels should be relatively low.
Unfortunately with dwindling funding from the Department for Transport we have to ensure that the relatively small budget we have available for footway schemes benefits the maximum number of users'.
Councillors noted how disappointing this response is especially when the request was rejected due to lack of funding previously and do not agree that the visibility is acceptable.
9.8 Verges along Broad Highway
Cllr Mercer contacted Highways at CYC. Either side of the junctions are mowed to improve visibility for drivers to see down the road when leaving the junction and there is a sharpish looking bend which will also be mown both sides of the road. The rest of the road will not be mown because of financial constraints and CYC cannot set presidents by cutting this road and not other rural roads.
9.9 Complaint
Relating to untidy frontage on Main Street. Ref: 15/00193/UNTIDH. Clerk contacted resident. to report the complaint. The fencing outside the property has now been removed. Concerns raised by Councillors about barbed wire which is visible from the public footpath now that the hedge has been cut back.
10. Local Council Awards Scheme
Resolved that Clerk will complete the necessary paperwork to register for the Foundation Standard
11.Financial Matters
To approve the following accounts for payment:
A2Z Groundworks. Village Maintenance; grass cutting, strimming, hedge cutting, barrier repair |
£984 |
S Look. Clerks June 2015 Salary |
£250 |
Spectrum Signs: 3 signs for park and installations |
£54 |
Local Councils Awards Scheme registration (invoice to be sent upon application) |
£50 |
Greenthumb Spring Treatment |
£38 |
RESOLVED that the expenditure was proposed, seconded and agreed unanimously.
12. Next Meeting
Items to include on the agenda:
- Sex establishment policy
- Sewerage smell on Back Lane South
- Transparency code
It was confirmed that the next Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 29th July 2015 at 7pm in Church Cottage.
There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting.