Monthly Meeting (July 2024)
31 July 2024
, 7:00pm
Church Cottage, Main Street, Wheldrake
Official notice of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting to be held on Wednesday 31st July 2024 at 7.00pm,
Venue: Church Cottage, Main Street, Wheldrake
Dear Residents,
You are invited to attend the Ordinary Parish Council meeting of Wheldrake Parish Council to be held on the 31st July 2024 at 7.00pm.
Please see the business below to be transacted.
Please note that members of the public may be excluded from parts of this meeting under standing order 2(d)
Aidan Nelson
Proper Officer
25th July 2024
57. Welcome
58. To receive apologies and consider accepting the reasons for absence.
59. To receive declarations of interests from members, in any business to be transacted.
60. To approve the minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on the 26th June 2024 and the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting held on the 17th July 2024 as a true and accurate record.
61. Public participation
Any resident may speak for up to 3 minutes on any matter on the agenda.
62. To receive reports from the following:
a. Chair
b. Proper Officer
c. Ward Councillor
d. Community Police Officer
63. To receive and consider Council sub group reports from:
a. Playpark
b. Village Maintenance
c. Defibs
64. Planning
a. Decision Notices.
Status |
Reference |
Location |
Description |
Refused |
24/00968/FUL |
Haggwood Farm Broad Highway Wheldrake York YO19 6BE |
Erection of dwelling with formation of natural swimming pool/attenuation pond, car parking area and widened vehicular access following the demolition of existing dwelling, garage and outbuildings |
Approved |
24/00803/FUL |
Blackwoods Farm Broad Highway Wheldrake York YO19 6BG |
Single storey rear extension and balcony to first floor rear window (resubmission) |
b. Application Notices.
c. Enforcement issues.
d. Consultations.
City of York Local plan - Consultation on proposed modifications to policy h5 ‘gypsies and travellers’
65. Finance
a. To consider the payments presented for authorisation up to the 25th July 2024 and any other invoices that come in prior to the meeting.
Description |
Expenditure |
Payroll Services |
90.96 |
64.60 |
Salaries |
258.60 |
Personnel Advice |
120.00 |
b. To consider any Clerk/RFO expenses.
c. To note the bank reconciliation and current net position.
66. To consider speeding and traffic calming measures
67. To consider the relationship with WRA and any required actions.
68. To consider agenda items for the next meeting.
69. To consider the exclusion of the press and public under standing order 2(d).
70. To receive and consider an update from the staffing committee
71. Date of next meeting
25th September 2024 at 7.00pm
Minutes draft
Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 31st July 2024 at 7.00pm.
Venue: Church Cottage, Main Street, Wheldrake
Present: Cllr Urwin (Chairman), Cllr Surtees, Cllr Myers, Cllr Southern, Cllr Brown, Cllr Elsey-Jeffry, Cllr Cranfield, Cllr Nelson, Cllr Batchelor, Cllr White, Cllr Wood, Cllr Sneesby, Cllr Reed and the Clerk.
No members of the public
57. Welcome
Cllr Urwin welcomed everyone to the meeting.
58. To receive apologies and consider accepting the reasons for absence.
No apologies were received.
59. To receive declarations of interests from members, in any business to be transacted.
No Declarations were received.
60. To approve the minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on the 26th June 2024 and the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting held on the 17th July 2024 as a true and accurate record.
The item was deferred to the next meeting.
61. Public participation
Any resident may speak for up to 3 minutes on any matter on the agenda.
62. To receive reports from the following:
a. Chair
The chair provided the following updates:
- Road closure on Main Street from the 8th to the 15th August and the lack of posters and consultation.
Action: RFO to contact CYC highways about the lack of consultation with the Parish Council and residents.
- Confirmation that a letter to Elvington Medical Centre regarding the current ineffective pharmacy service has been sent. No response has been received.
- A letter has been sent to CYC (City of York Council) regarding the Parish Council taking over responsibility for Braithgate Green. No response has been received.
- Communication from Church Cottage regarding hire procedures has been received.
- CYC have issued communications about their big budget consultation.
Action: RFO to add details to the Parish Council website.
- Good Councillor guides are available on the NALC website and have been distributed to Councillors by email.
b. Proper Officer
No update
c. Ward Councillor
d. Community Police Officer
63. To receive and consider Council sub group reports from:
a. Playpark
An update was received regarding recent frayed metal ropes and a subsequent injury. The Council received confirmation that a temporary repair was enacted as soon as details were received.
The Council received details of the most recent inspection report.
It was RESOLVED to do the following:
- to approve a quotation for a permanent repair at a cost of £544.80.
- Cllr Batchelor will investigate other potential playpark contractors.
- Cllr Myers will investigate annual inspections with ROSPA and conduct monthly inspections.
- The RFO will write the Wheldrake Primary School regarding the bordering fence.
- A playpark policy, inspection form and health and safety requirements will be prepared for approval at the next meeting.
b. Village Maintenance
The following matters were discussed:
- A resident request to set up a working group to clear weeds within road gullies around the village.
It was RESOLVED that the Chairman will reply to the resident. The RFO will contact CYC Highways department.
- Overgrown hedges.
- Tree at the end of North Lane causing visibility issues for vehicles pulling out.
It was RESOLVED that the RFO will contact CYC about the matter.
c. Defibs
The Parish Council received an update that all defibrillators are in working order.
64. Planning
a. Decision Notices.
Status |
Reference |
Location |
Description |
Refused |
24/00968/FUL |
Haggwood Farm Broad Highway Wheldrake York YO19 6BE |
Erection of dwelling with formation of natural swimming pool/attenuation pond, car parking area and widened vehicular access following the demolition of existing dwelling, garage and outbuildings |
Approved |
24/00803/FUL |
Blackwoods Farm Broad Highway Wheldrake York YO19 6BG |
Single storey rear extension and balcony to first floor rear window (resubmission) |
b. Application Notices.
The following application was received after publication of the agenda
Status |
Reference |
Location |
Description |
New |
24/01350/TCA |
Dovefields, 38A Main street, Wheldrake |
Fell 1no. Hornbeam in rear garden – tree in conservation zone |
The Council confirmed no objection to 24/01350/TCA
A discussion took place regarding the bramble wood development and who will be responsible for the green space and playpark.
It was RESOLVED to write to CYC proposing that the Parish Council take on the responsibility on behalf of City of York Council.
It was NOTED that the Parish Council will monitor the situation in relation to planning conditions.
c. Enforcement issues.
d. Consultations.
City of York Local plan - Consultation on proposed modifications to policy h5
‘gypsies and travellers’
No comments
65. Finance
a. To consider the payments presented for authorisation up to the 25th July 2024 and any other invoices that come in prior to the meeting.
Description |
Expenditure |
Payroll Services |
90.96 |
64.60 |
Salaries |
258.60 |
Personnel Advice |
120.00 |
It was RESOLVED to approve the payments presented for authorisation.
b. To consider any Clerk/RFO expenses.
c. To note the bank reconciliation and current net position.
The bank reconciliations for April, May, June and July were noted. The net position was noted as £43,121.21.
It was noted that the bank mandate needs to be updated to the RFO address and to appoint Cllr Urwin, Nelson, Myers and Surtees as signatories.
66. To consider speeding and traffic calming measures
A discussion took place regarding the installation of speed monitoring cables on Church Lane and permanent speed watch signage. The Council did not deem cables necessary as the community speed watch will include the area, once police authorisation is received and felt that the current signage is sufficient.
67. To consider the relationship with WRA and any required actions.
The item was deferred to the September meeting
68. To consider agenda items for the next meeting.
Community Defibrillator training day – Cllr Elsey-Jeffry will investigate potential dates.
69. To consider the exclusion of the press and public under standing order 2(d).
It was RESOLVED to exclude the press and public from item 70.
70. To receive and consider an update from the staffing committee
A discussion took place in relation to a confidential staffing report.
It was RESOLVED to:
- Call an extraordinary meeting for Wednesday 7th August 2024 to discuss the role of RFO and Parish Clerk.
- Cllrs Cranfield, White, Sneesby and Southern will form the review panel
71. Date of next meeting
25th September 2024 at 7.00pm
Meeting closed 8.45pm
Signed ………………………………………..
Cllr G Urwin, Chairman
25th September 2024
Agenda 31.07.24Monthly Meeting (July 2024)