Monthly Meeting (July 2017)

26 July 2017 , 7:30pm
Church Cottage, Wheldrake



Chairman: Cllr S Mercer

Acting Clerk/RFO: Mrs H Guest, 40 Linden Way, Thorpe Willoughby, YO8 9ND

Meetings are open to the Press and Public except for any item labelled as part 2 under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, Section 1

Meetings are open to press and public except for any item labelled as Part 2 under the Public Bodies (1960) Act

Press and public may not speak when the council is in progress; when councillors are discussing council business; when councillors are in the process of decision making.

  • Any elector is entitled to attend this meeting and any concerns, questions or suggestions will be taken after the Chairman welcomes those present. The time for this will be limited to 5 minutes.
  • Listeners may also speak at the end of the meeting (for information only).
  • Decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda.
  • Councillors, clerk, public and press are requested to sign the attendance book.

Councillors are summoned to attend the Meeting of the Parish Council detailed above and to consider and resolve the business to be transacted on the agenda below.


Agenda items

Part 1


17001:  Apologies/Attendance:

  1. Attendees: Clerk to note Councillors and visitors present at the meeting.
  2. Apologies: Council to receive apologies and any reasons for absence from councillors; to consider and resolve whether or not to accept any reasons given.
  3. Attendance Book: All present are requested to sign the Attendance book.


17002:  Interests: Chair to remind members to make any declarations of interest in any agenda items.

17003: Welcome: Chair to welcome councillors, clerk and visitors to the meeting.           

17004: Minutes

  1. To resolve whether to accept the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 28th June 2017.
  2. If approved, Chairman to sign minutes as a true record.

17005: Council to receive comments on agenda items or other questions/comments from electors present. (For information only; clerk to make notes of comments; no answers or discussion at this meeting)

Items received by the Clerk since the last meeting:

  1. None.


17006: To receive reports, for information only, from:

a)            County Councillor

b)            Ward Councillor  

c)            Police – the last police report was received on 29th June, the day after our last meeting.  The next report has been requested before the 26th July – response awaited.  Note that on the last report, a section asked what the Parish Council would be doing about the local crime issues – the Ward Councillor and also the A/Clerk have suggested to NYP that a Parish Council would not normally be expected to carry out actions to deal with crime and to clarify the meaning of this question.  The response received indicated that this question referred to any joint initiatives that may be suggested by the Parish Council – to note.

d)            Other

                1.            Clerk’s report: Clerk to report on findings into Council Governance and Accounting, with information regarding advice from YLCA and the External Auditors, as appropriate.  Note that some items will not be reported on during the Public Session and will be moved to the Confidential Session.  The Publicly available comments will be published on the website ahead of the meeting – comments from the Internal Auditor are to be confirmed.


17007: Planning: To resolve any comments on the following:

  1. Applications:           

a.            17/01681/FUL:   Single storey rear extension (resubmission) at 1 Ruffhams Close, Wheldrake. 

b.            17/01185/LBC:  Replacement roof to existing rear extension at 55 Main Street, Wheldrake.

2.  Decisions:  

a.            17/01271/FUL: Part conversion of existing garage into living accommodation including single storey rear extension and increase in height of roof at 6 The Ruddings, Wheldrake – Approved.

b.            17/01134/FUL: Two storey side and single storey rear extensions at 47 The Ruddings, Wheldrake. Approved.

c.             17/00878/FUL: Two storey side extension at 12 Dovecot Close, Wheldrake.  Approved.

d.            17/00660/FUL: Conversion of garage into living accommodation with single storey extension to rear at Sycamore House Church Lane, Wheldrake.  Approved.

                3.  Consultations/Other:

                a.            Application No 15/01354/FUL: 21 Derwent Park, Wheldrake - to note that the Clerk requested an update from Planning Enforcement regarding concerns about the render on this property, since it had been reported last October and nothing has been heard since.  It would appear that the issue has not actually been previously reported as expected: the issue is now logged and Planning Enforcement are dealing.

                b.  Minerals and Waste Joint Plan: proposed changes to draft plan.  Responses required by 6th September 2017

                c.  Working Better Together: Consultation from the PCC regarding the possibility of the PCC taking over control of the Fire Service, as well as the Police Service.  The consultation can be accessed at:   The deadline for responses is 22nd September 2017.

                d.  Recycling Bank Consultation: Consultation to seek views on best use of recycling facilities.  The survey can be accessed at:     Responses by 9th August 2017.


17008: RFO to report on closing balances and recent payments.

a)   Payments made since last meeting under Clerk’s delegated powers


b)   Payments to be made

                1.   H Guest (reimburse laptop)                                                               £561.30

                2.   S Look (expenses)                                                                                   £54.14

                3.   A2Z Groundworks (emergency repairs to P/F hedge)                               £80.00

                4.   H Guest (expenses)                                                                                 £TBC     

c)   Receipts:

                1.   Northern Powergrid (wayleave)                                                           £3.45

d)   Audit:

                1.            To note that advice from both YLCA and the external auditors has stated that the accounts/audit needed to be redone.  These have now been completed.

                2.            The Internal Auditor highlighted a number of issues:  Clerk to give an overview of comments made, omitting those which would not be appropriate for the Public Session.

                3.            To note that due to the level of income/expenditure, the expected cost of the external audit should be a standard £360.  In addition to this and due to a necessary delay, an extension of time for submission has been granted, but there will be an extra charge of £30 for a letter having been sent.  Due to the number of issues, it is not known what the final charge may be.

                4.            Approval of Governance Statement: to compile responses within Governance Statement and to resolve whether to approve.  Chairman and Clerk/RFO to sign if approved.

                5.            Approval of Accounting Statement: to resolve whether to approve the Accounting Statement.  Chairman and Clerk/RFO to sign if approved.

e)   Other: None.


17009: Procedure for Recording Parish Council Meetings – To resolve whether to accept the draft policy, previously circulated to Councillors.


17010: Parish Council By Election: An election process is currently underway, due to at least 10 Electors requesting that this happens.  The deadline for nominations is 4pm on the 28th July 2017.  If 7 candidates or less put themselves forward, they will automatically join the Parish Council: if more than 7 candidates put themselves forward, there will be an election.  The Polling Day is scheduled for 24th August.  To note Clerk’s report as a ‘document’ accompanying the agenda on the website ahead of the meeting for further information.


17011: Committees and Working Groups: To discuss and resolve the requirements for Committees and Working Groups within the Parish Council.


17012: Issues with trees on Derwent Park and Broadlands: At the last meeting, it was reported that silver birch trees on Broadlands were damaging boundary walls due to root growth and that a silver birch outside 1 Derwent Park was decaying.  It was understood that both areas and therefore the trees were on CYC land.  Information has been received that CYC will take no action since these areas are regularly monitored with no issues and that any perceived problems must be actioned by the householder under CYC insurance.  It is understood that the tree on Derwent has now been dealt with locally.  Conflicting information was subsequently received that the trees may, in fact, be on Parish Council land, due to the fact that the maintenance falls within the Lengthsman’s contract.  To determine ownership of the relevant land and trees and resolve any action.


17013:  Future Council meeting venues:  To discuss possibilities and resolve any action.


17014:  Health & Safety issues:

  1. Loose piece of timber on the multi-play unit in the park: Clerk reported this to contractors and it was rectified the following day.
  2. Report received that youths have been gaining access to the dyke which runs between the playing field and the back of Broadlands.  It would seem that the shoring on the dyke sides has been damaged, along with garden fences, with the potential that a serious accident could occur.  Repairs carried out and fencing improved to inhibit access to the area.

17015: Correspondence received:

  1. News items received by email forwarded to Councillors.
  2. Various advertisements received.           


17016: Letters/Emails Sent or Action Taken Since Last Meeting: Nothing additional.


17017:Minor Items (for information only).


17018: Comments from public present on agenda items – Note: decisions cannot be made on items brought to this stage of the meeting.


17019: Items for the next agenda            


17020: To resolve the dates of future meetings: all meetings are to be held on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm – venue to be confirmed: 

2017 – 30th August, 27th September, 25th October, 29th November and 15th December.

2018 – 31st January, 28th February, 28th March and 25th April.



Closure of Part 1 meeting.



Part 2


17021: Confidential business:  To consider and resolve whether to exclude Public and Press on the grounds that matters for discussion affect individual staff members/ procedures/ legal/ finance issues.


17022:  Legal items:

  1. Freedom of Information Requests: Clerk to report on actions taken.


17023:  Staffing matters:

  1. To consider and resolve Terms and Conditions for the temporary Clerk/RFO and any payments due.


17024:  Response to email from Clerk: Clerk to report to Council.


17025:   Lengthsman contract: To discuss current issues and resolve any action.


17026: Website access/issues: To discuss and resolve requirements.


17027: Clerk’s report on Confidential matters: Clerk to report on confidential issues, legal advice received and subsequent actions.



Closure of Part 2 meeting.




Signed    Helen Guest   

Acting Clerk/RFO, Wheldrake Parish Council   

Date: 21st July 2017

Minutes approved





Chairman: Cllr S Mercer


Acting Clerk/RFO: Mrs H Guest, 40 Linden Way, Thorpe Willoughby, YO8 9ND



17001:  Apologies/Attendance:


  1. Attendees: Cllrs Mercer, Arnold, Gilligan, Barber, Jordan, the A/Clerk and 11 members of the public.
  2. Apologies: None.




17002:  Interests: Chair reminded members to make any declarations of interest in any agenda items:


Cllr Mercer – CYC Planning Committee.




17003: Welcome: Chair welcomed councillors, clerk and visitors to the meeting.           




17004: Minutes


  1. It was resolved to accept the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 28th June 2017.
  2. Chairman signed minutes as a true record.


Note that Cllr Barber arrived at the meeting at 7.35pm.




17005: Comments on agenda items or other questions/comments from electors present – None received.




17006: Reports, for information only, from:


a)            County Councillor – None.


b)            Ward Councillor – None.


c)            Police – the last police report was received on 29th June, the day after our last meeting.  The next report has been requested before the 26th July – response awaited.  Note that on the last report, a section asked what the Parish Council would be doing about the local crime issues – the Ward Councillor and also the A/Clerk have suggested to NYP that a Parish Council would not normally be expected to carry out actions to deal with crime and to clarify the meaning of this question.  The response received indicated that this question referred to any joint initiatives that may be suggested by the Parish Council – noted.


d)            Other


                Clerk’s report: Clerk reported on findings into Council Governance and Accounting, with information regarding advice from YLCA and the External Auditors, as appropriate.  Noted that some items were not reported on during the Public Session and were moved to the Confidential Session.  The Publicly available comments were published on the website ahead of the meeting – comments from the Internal Auditor were confirmed.




17007: Planning: Actions on the following were resolved as indicated:


  1. Applications:           


a.            17/01681/FUL:   Single storey rear extension (resubmission) at 1 Ruffhams Close, Wheldrake. Response to be sent of no objections.


b.            17/01185/LBC:  Replacement roof to existing rear extension at 55 Main Street, Wheldrake. Response to be sent of no objections.


2.  Decisions:  


a.            17/01271/FUL: Part conversion of existing garage into living accommodation including single storey rear extension and increase in height of roof at 6 The Ruddings, Wheldrake – Approved.


b.            17/01134/FUL: Two storey side and single storey rear extensions at 47 The Ruddings, Wheldrake. Approved.


c.             17/00878/FUL: Two storey side extension at 12 Dovecot Close, Wheldrake.  Approved.


d.            17/00660/FUL: Conversion of garage into living accommodation with single storey extension to rear at Sycamore House Church Lane, Wheldrake.  Approved.


                3.  Consultations/Other:


                a.            Application No 15/01354/FUL: 21 Derwent Park, Wheldrake – It was noted that the Clerk requested an update from Planning Enforcement regarding concerns about the render on this property, since it had been reported last October and nothing has been heard since.  It would appear that the issue has not actually been previously reported as expected: the issue is now logged and Planning Enforcement are dealing.


                b.  Minerals and Waste Joint Plan: proposed changes to draft plan.  Responses required by 6th September 2017.  This item deferred until the meeting at the end of August.


                c.  Working Better Together: Consultation from the PCC regarding the possibility of the PCC taking over control of the Fire Service, as well as the Police Service.  The consultation can be accessed at:   The deadline for responses is 22nd September 2017.  This item deferred until the meeting at the end of August.


                d.  Recycling Bank Consultation: Consultation to seek views on best use of recycling facilities.  The survey can be accessed at:     Responses by 9th August 2017.  It was resolved not to make any comments.




17008: RFO reported on closing balances and recent payments.


a)   Payments made since last meeting under Clerk’s delegated powers




b)   Payments to be made


                1.   H Guest (reimburse laptop)                                                   £561.30


                2.   S Look (expenses)                                                                £54.14


                3.   A2Z Groundworks (emergency repairs to P/F hedge)                £80.00


                4.   H Guest (expenses)                                                               Deferred            


c)   Receipts:


                1.   Northern Powergrid (wayleave)                                              £3.45


d)   Audit:


                1.            It was noted that advice from both YLCA and the external auditors has stated that the accounts/audit needed to be redone.  These have now been completed.


                2.            The Internal Auditor highlighted a number of issues:  Clerk gave an overview of comments made, omitting those which would not be appropriate for the Public Session.


                3.            Noted that due to the level of income/expenditure, the expected cost of the external audit should be a standard £360.  In addition to this and due to a necessary delay, an extension of time for submission has been granted, but there will be an extra charge of £30 for a letter having been sent.  Due to the number of issues, it is not known what the final charge may be.


                4.            Approval of Governance Statement: Responses were compiled within Governance Statement and it was resolved to approve.  Chairman and Clerk/RFO signed as approved.


                5.            Approval of Accounting Statement: It was resolved to approve the Accounting Statement.  Chairman and Clerk/RFO signed as approved.


e)   Other: None.


                It was resolved to accept the report and payments made.




17009: Procedure for Recording Parish Council Meetings – It was resolved to accept the draft policy, previously circulated to Councillors.  Chairman signed as approved.




17010: Parish Council by Election: An election process is currently underway, due to at least 10 Electors requesting that this happens.  The deadline for nominations is 4pm on the 28th July 2017.  If 7 candidates or less put themselves forward, they will automatically join the Parish Council: if more than 7 candidates put themselves forward, there will be an election.  The Polling Day is scheduled for 24th August.  Council noted Clerk’s report as a ‘document’ accompanying the agenda on the website ahead of the meeting for further information.




17011: Committees and Working Groups: Requirements for Committees and Working Groups within the Parish Council – deferred.




17012: Issues with trees on Derwent Park and Broadlands: At the last meeting, it was reported that silver birch trees on Broadlands were damaging boundary walls due to root growth and that a silver birch outside 1 Derwent Park was decaying.  It was understood that both areas and therefore the trees were on CYC land.  Information has been received that CYC will take no action since these areas are regularly monitored with no issues and that any perceived problems must be actioned by the householder under CYC insurance.  It is understood that the tree on Derwent has now been dealt with locally.  Conflicting information was subsequently received that the trees may, in fact, be on Parish Council land, due to the fact that the maintenance falls within the Lengthsman’s contract.  It was resolved that Cllr Mercer to establish ownership of the trees and report back to the Council.




17013:  Future Council meeting venues:  Deferred – Cllr Mercer to make further inquiries.




17014:  Health & Safety issues: The following were noted -


  1. Loose piece of timber on the multi-play unit in the park: Clerk reported this to contractors and it was rectified the following day.
  2. Report received that youths have been gaining access to the dyke which runs between the playing field and the back of Broadlands.  It would seem that the shoring on the dyke sides has been damaged, along with garden fences, with the potential that a serious accident could occur.  Repairs carried out and fencing improved to inhibit access to the area.


17015: Correspondence received:


  1. News items received by email forwarded to Councillors.
  2. Play Park event organised by YLCA featuring a speaker from ‘Playscheme’ – Resolved that Cllr Arnold is to attend on behalf of the Parish Council at no cost.
  3. Various advertisements received.           




17016: Letters/Emails Sent or Action Taken Since Last Meeting: Nothing additional.




17017:Minor Items (for information only).




17018: Comments from public present on agenda items – Note: decisions cannot be made on items brought to this stage of the meeting.




17019: Items for the next agenda            




17020: To resolve the dates of future meetings: all meetings are to be held on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm – venue to be confirmed: 


2017 – 30th August, 27th September, 25th October, 29th November and 15th December.


2018 – 31st January, 28th February, 28th March and 25th April.






Closure of Part 1 meeting.




Part 2




17021: Confidential business:  It was resolved to exclude Public and Press on the grounds that matters for discussion affect individual staff members/ procedures/ legal/ finance issues.




17022:  Legal items: 


  1. Freedom of Information Requests: Clerk reported on actions taken.




17023:  Staffing matters:


  1. Terms and Conditions for the temporary Clerk/RFO and any payments due were resolved.  Clerk to draft contract for approval at end of August meeting.




17024:  Response to email from Clerk: Clerk relayed response to email sent.




17025:   Lengthsman contract: It was noted that Councillors met with the new contractor to ensure that areas were being correctly maintained.  Since then, further complaints have been received from residents regarding the work being carried out.  It was resolved that a further meeting be arranged with the contractor to clarify areas of responsibility.




17026: Website access/issues:


  1. It was noted that the links to closed groups have been removed from the website to ensure compliance with the Transparency Code requirements.
  2. It was resolved that email accounts for the Chairman and Vice Chairman were not needed.
  3. The Council resolved that the Clerk should change the email account provider.
  4. It was resolved to remove the Clerk’s email address from the domain.




17027: Clerk’s report on Confidential matters: Clerk reported on confidential issues, legal advice received and subsequent actions.




10.02pm: Closure of Part 2 meeting.








Cllr S Mercer, Chairman


5th August 2017