Monthly Meeting (Jul 2016)

27 July 2016 , 7:00pm
Church Cottage


1. Apologies

To receive apologies for absence

2. Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting

To confirm the minutes of the June monthly Parish Council meeting held on 29th June 2016 and the planning meeting held on 13 July 2016 as a true and correct record

4. Public Time

Members of the public must register to speak at meetings prior to the meeting and will be limited to 3 minutes each

5. Community involvement Officer (CYC), Liam Dennis

6. Review Planning Applications

6.1   Agricultural Buildings, Wheldrake Lane Track, Crockey Hill (16/01551/FUL)

  • Construction of new agricultural access and stopping up of existing

  • Dated by CYC 13 July 2016

  • Comments by 3 August 2016

7. Review Planning Decisions

7.1 Land at grid reference 469030 444830, Church Lane, Wheldrake (16/00952/FUL)

  • Erection of four seasonal tents utilising existing access, the creation and maintaining of a footpath link and the incorporation of a habitat enhancement plan (resubmission)

  • Refused by CYC 18 July 2016

8. Consider and Review Planning Enforcement Issues

8.1 29 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/00190/EXTH)

  • Unauthorised siting of shipping container to rear of property

9. Consider National or Local Planning Policy

9.1 York Local Plan

9.2 Permitted Development

10. Consider and Review Village and Parish Projects

10.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park Project

10.2 Community Emergency Plan

10.3 Wheldrake Village Hall                              

11. Consider and Review Reports and General Matters

11.1 Police Report

11.2 Play Area - Inspection and Repairs

11.3 Sandholes Wood Update

11.4 Repairs and Maintenance - Ponding of Water at Greengales Court

11.5 Dog Fouling / Bin Relocation on Back Lane South

11.6 Effluent smell in Dike on Back Lane South

11.8 Beck Lane maintenance

11.9 Wheldrake Lane ‘deer’ signage – reported to CYC 15.07.16 Ref 103215288

11.10 Hedge maintenance on Broad Highway

12. Village Maintenance

13. Community Assets

14. Financial Matters

To approve the following accounts for payment:

S Look expenses


S Look salary (Paid by S/O) 


A2Z Groundworks


Greenthumb Early summer treatment on the green   opposite the Church


Derwent Ducklings






15. Correspondence       

16. Next Monthly Meeting

  • Agenda items for next meeting

  • To confirm that the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 31st August 2016 at 7pm at Church Cottage

Minutes approved

In attendance: Cllrs  R Jordan (Acting Chair), N Cox, R Arnold, J Tetzner, A Harker, J Penn and C Barber. S Look (Clerk). Liam Dennis (CYC)

 1. Apologies

Cllrs D Randon, P Hodgson, S Mercer, B Gilligan, A Stokes-Roberts

2. Declarations

Declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct:

Cllrs Harker, Arnold and Jordan declared an interest in the WRA

Cllrs Harker, Tetzner and Arnold declared an interest in Friends of Wheldrake Park

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the June monthly Parish Council meeting held on 29th June 2016 were read, proposed and seconded as a true and correct record with one abstention. The minutes of the planning meeting of the Planning Committee held on 13 June 2016 were read, proposed and seconded as a true and correct record with four abstentions

4. Public Time

No members of the public registered to speak for the meeting

5. Community Involvement Officer (Liam Dennis) introduced himself and his role at City of York Council

  • Set and address local ward priorities through collaborative project working
  • Develop a ward action plan to address ward priorities
  • Make recommendations on how to allocate ward priorities and funding
  • Open meeting to be held on Monday 1st August 2pm in White Rose House. Cllr Harker to attend on behalf of PC.
  • Separate Highways budget for wards. Can be accumulated over number of years for larger projects e.g a pelican crossing

(Liam Dennis left the meeting)

6. Review Planning Applications

  • No planning applications received. It was noted that a Deighton Parish Council planning application was received in error

7. Planning Decisions

7.1 Land at grid reference 469030 444830, Church Lane, Wheldrake (16/00952/FUL)

  • Erection of four seasonal tents utilising existing access, the creation and maintaining of a footpath link and the incorporation of a habitat enhancement plan (resubmission)
  • Refused by CYC 18 July 2016

8. Consider and Review Planning Enforcement Issues

8.1 29 Main Street, Wheldrake (16/00190/EXTH)

  • Unauthorised siting of shipping container to rear of property. Ongoing

9. Consider National or Local Planning Policy

9.1 York Local Plan

  • The proposals that affect Wheldrake and the surrounding area were discussed. It was proposed that a response will be submitted by the Parish Council after the August PC meeting
  • A local consultation open day is due to take place on 13 August in Church Cottage
  • Councillors expressed concerns regarding infrastructure, highways, drainage, school size but also new concerns raised regarding the industrial estate expanding closer to the road side and village entrance
  • Deadline for comments to CYC is 12 September 2016

10. Consider and Review Village and Parish Projects

10.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park Project

  • New pathway has been installed in the park
  • After some debate it was resolved that the FOWP committee would decide what to spend the remaining funds on once the pathway invoice has been received and settled

10.2 Community Emergency Plan

  • Cllr Tetzner has been in touch with the CYC Officer who deals with CEP’s and further meeting will be held in September

10.3 Wheldrake Village Hall

  • Progress update given by Cllr Jordan on behalf of Cllr Randon
  • Local volunteers to do the decorating to save costs
  • Cllr Harker reported on the shortfall in funds and is organising short term interest free loans to cover costs

11. Consider and Review Reports and General Matters

11.1 Police Report 21 May 2016 to 25 June 2016

  • Antisocial behaviour x 2 Wenlock Gardens
  • Crime x 1 Wenlock Gardens; damage to parked car
  • Suspicious circumstances: 9 July report of male walking around looking up drives on The Courtneys, officers attended but no one located. 20 July Report of male acting strangely outside school, no entry was gained into school grounds and he has been named as a local man. Work on-going by local police and partner agencies
  • Road related; Male found to be driving a vehicle over the legal limit, info passed by local resident. 3 x other minor road issues reported

11.2 Play Area - Inspection and Repairs

  • Minor faults reported to Playscheme by Clerk

11.3 Sandholes Wood

  • No update this month

11.4 Repairs and Maintenance

  • Ponding of Water at Greengales Court. No further update

11.5 Dog Fouling / Bin Relocation on Back Lane South

  • On the schedule to be fitted. No progress

11.6 Effluent smell in dike on Back Lane South

  • Reported to CYC. Awaiting for report from the Environment Agency

11.7 Beck Lane verge

  • Cllr Tetzner to check if remedial work is complete and report back to Councillors

11.8 Wheldrake Lane ‘deer’ signage

  • Lack of sign visibility reported to CYC 15 July 2016. Ref: 103215288

11.9 Hedge maintenance on Broad Highway

  • Request received by a resident for the PC to clear weeds within the hedge on green at the junction of North Lane/Broad Highway
  • Councillors reported that the boundary fence has been erected on highways land and therefore encroaching on the green
  • The boundary line should be in the centre of the original hedge-line and instead Councillors reported that the fence has been erected outside the original hedge on the village green side
  • It was resolved to refer the matter to City of York Council as they are responsible for maintaining the area

12. Village Maintenance

CYC have provided a detailed breakdown on all the areas maintained by them and the m2. There should be 10 ‘urban cuts’ per year. These are cuts within the 30mph zone. Total area 9625m2. Total cost to CYC is currently £960 per year. The ‘rural area’ should receive 2 cuts which includes bends, sightlines, junctions and village approaches. Does not include strimming around obstacles. Current contract is to 2017. Resolved to re-advertise current village maintenance contract as it stands with an area review annually. 

13. Community Assets

Cllr Tetzner attended CYC review meeting and spoke in favour of four community assets within the Parish.  CYC agreed to all apart from White Rose House which will be deferred until August. 

14. Financial Matters

To approve the following accounts for payment:

S Look expenses


A2Z Groundworks; village maintenance July   2016


Greenthumb; early summer treatment on green   opposite Church


Derwent Ducklings; grant for Thorganby hall   hire for May and June 2016


The Church Buying Group; chairs for village   hall – to be refunded by WRA by funds are available






15. Correspondence 

  • Bus Service Changes. New timetable for the number 36 service received. Active from 30 August 2016

16. Next Monthly Meeting

  • To confirm that the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 31 August 2016 at 7pm at Church Cottage
  • Request to discuss amendment to start time of Parish Council monthly meeting
  • Meeting closed at 9.15pm