Monthly Meeting (Jul 2015)

29 July 2015 , 7:00pm
Church Cottage


1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct

3. To confirm the minutes of the June monthly Parish Council meeting held on 24th June 2015 and the planning meeting held on 22 June 2015 as a true and correct record

4. Consider / review the following Planning Applications:

4.1 7 Cranbrook Close, Wheldrake (15/01434/FUL)

    • Two storey and first floor side extension
    • Dated by CYC 13 July 2015
    • Comments by 3 August 2015

4.2 21 Derwent Park, Wheldrake (15/01354/FUL)

    • First floor side and single storey rear extensions and porch to front
    • Dated by CYC 9 July 2015
    • Comments by 30 July 2015

5. Review the following planning decisions:

5.1 2 Kitty Garth, Wheldrake (15/00967/FUL)

    • Single storey rear extension
    • Dated by CYC 30 April 2015
    • Approved by CYC 25 June 2015

5.2 4 Hall Close, Wheldrake (15/001069/FUL)

    • Single storey rear extension
    • Dated by CYC 6 May 2015
    • Approved by CYC 1 July 2015

5.3 Land to the west of Spion Kopje, Crockey Hill Lane, Wheldrake (15/00796/FUL)

    • Erection of dwelling with barn for agriculture and forestry use (resubmission)
    • Dated by CYC 30 March 2015
    • Refused by CYC 7 July 2015

5.4 43 Blue Slates Close, Wheldrake (15/00962/FUL)

    • Extension to side boundary wall
    • Dated by CYC 13 May 2015
    • Approved by CYC 7 July 2015

6. Consider National or Local Planning Policy

6.1 York Local Plan

6.2 Localism Act 2011, Community Assets

7. Consider and Review Village and Parish Projects:

7.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park Project

7.2 Parish Council website update

7.3 Village Design Statement

7.4 Community Emergency Plan

7.5 Wheldrake Village Hall

7.5.1 Variation of Trusts - Progress advice from Harrowells Solicitors

7.5.2 Refurbishment

7.5.3 Refunding request                                   

8. Consider and Review reports and general matters:

8.1 Police Report

8.2 Parking outside Wheldrake School

8.3 Play Area; Inspection and repairs

8.4 Sandholes Wood update

8.5 Repairs and Maintenance;

8.5.1. Ponding of water at Greengales Court. Reported to Cllr Barton 10.02.14

8.6 Buffer store outside storage Ref:15/00093/UNTIDY

8.7 Sewerage smell on Back Lane South

8.8 Parking on pavements - North Lane

8.9 Dog fouling / bins

8.10 Conservation Area confirmation and trees on green opposite Chruch 

9. Transparency Code

10. Local Council Award Scheme

11. Consultations:

11.1 Sex Establishment Consultation (deadline 5 August 2015)

11.2 Gambling consultation (deadline 28 September 2015)

12. Financial Matters:

12.1 To approve the following accounts for payment:

A2Z Groundworks. Village Maintenance; grass cutting, strimming, hedge cutting, barrier repair


S Look. Clerks July 2015 Salary


PKF Littlejohn LLP. Audit year ending 31 March 2015


12.2 Remaining balance from VDS account received: £343.42 and VAT claim receipt: £7955.41.

13. Correspondence:

13.1 Julian Sturdy MP - Invitation to Annual Parish Council Meeting

14. Items for inclusion in the next monthly meeting

15. To confirm that the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 26th August 2015 at 7pm

Minutes approved

In attendance:

Cllrs. D. Randon (Chair), R. Jordan, R. Arnold, J. Tetzner, A. Harker, N. Cox and P. Hodgson

Ward Cllr S. Mercer

S. Look (Clerk)

1. Apologies

Cllr C. Barber

2. Declarations

Declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct:

  • Cllrs Randon, Harker, Jordan and Arnold declared an interest in the WRA
  • Cllr Arnold, Harker and Tetzner declared an interest in the Friends of Wheldrake Park
  • Cllr Hodgson declared an interest in the Local Plan

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the June 2015 monthly Parish Council meeting were read, proposed and seconded as a true and correct record with amendments to paragraph 5.5 and 8.5.2. The minutes of the Planning Meeting held on 22nd July 2015 were read, proposed and seconded as a true and correct record with three abstentions

4. Planning Applications

4.1 7 Cranbrook Close, Wheldrake (15/01434/FUL)

  • Two storey and first floor side extension
  • Dated by CYC 13 July 2015
  • The Parish Council 'B' have no objections

4.2 21 Derwent Park, Wheldrake (15/01354/FUL)

  • First floor side and single storey rear extensions and porch to front
  • Dated by CYC 9 July 2015
  • The Parish Council 'D' object to the application on planning grounds due to size, scale and massing  
    • The plans contravene design guideline 22 of the Village Design Statement:
      • 'Respect neighbours property, privacy and amenity and consider retention of existing landscaping'
    • The timber facing is out of keeping with surrounding properties
    • The plans contravene design guideline 24 of the Village Design Statement
      • 'Should respect and enhance adjacent properties and the character of the areas in which they are sited'. 
    • The planned extension is too close to the boundary
    • The plans contravene design guideline 31 of the Village Design Statement
      • 'Space should be maintained around dwellings to avoid the loss of soft landscaping and avoid the creation of a terrace effect between neighbouring properties'.
    • The Parish Council also want to discourage car parking outside the cartilage of the property wherever possible.   

5. Review Planning Decisions

5.1 2 Kitty Garth, Wheldrake (15/00967/FUL)

  • Single storey rear extension
  • Dated by CYC 30 April 2015
  • Approved by CYC 25 June 2015 (Noted)

5.2 5 Hall Close, Wheldrake (15/001069/FUL)

  • Single storey rear extension
  • Dated by CYC 6 May 2015
  • Approved by CYC 1 July 2015 (Noted)

5.3 Land to the west of Spion Kopje, Crockey Hill Lane, Wheldrake (15/00796/FUL)

  • Erection of dwelling with barn for agriculture and forestry use (resubmission)
  • Dated by CYC 30 March 2015
  • Refused by CYC 7 July 2015 (Noted)

5.4 43 Church Lane, Wheldrake (15/00962/FUL)

  • Extension to side boundary wall
  • Dated by CYC 13 May 2015
  • Approved by CYC 7 July 2015 (Noted)

5.5 Concern over Bat Numbers

Concern was raised regarding the decrease in bat numbers in the village. Concerns raised regarding the possibility that the building work on a derelict property in the village has effected them.

5.6 Rejection of 15/01260/AGNOT

It was noted that 15/01260/AGNOT has been rejected as it is not permitted development but requires planning permission. The proposed building would be within 3km of the perimeter of Elvington Airfield and would exceed 3 meters in height.

6. National and Local Planning Policy

6.1 York Local Plan

  • Cllr Mercer advised that the Council hope to have a plan drawn up by early 2016
  • If it has not been done by 2017, the government will put forward their own proposal
  • Draft Council Plan 2015-19 Consultation taking place 26th August 2015 - open for comments
  • Cllr Arnold is attending a meeting for York action group with the Executive on 30th July
  • CPRE will put up representation at the meeting 

6.2 Localism Act 2011, Community Assets

Clerk has responded to CYC. Cllr Mercer to determine how long they will be valid for as community assets

7. Village and Parish Projects                          

7.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park

  • Comparative quotes have been obtained with a breakdown of each cost to compare
  • An example quote was presented to the Council
  • The surfacing alone for the extended toddler area will cost in the region of £10,000
  • Councillors recommend the priority for phase two is the toddler area and new surfacing

7.2 Website

  • Continuing to reach over 1000 hits per month
  • In autumn Cllr Harker and Clerk will look at the contents and update to ensure all the relevant documents are on it

7.3 Village Design Statement

VDS treasurer has sent the final balance of all remaining monies to the Parish Council

7.4 Community Emergency Plan

  • Cllr Tetzner has attended a course organised by Rural Action Yorkshire regarding setting up a community emergency plan
  • The Chief Planning Officer for North Yorkshire was in attendance. It was recommended that each Parish has a group of volunteers to coordinate a plan
  • Cllr Tetzner to advertise in the Autumn to ask people to join a group to make the decisions on our plan and consider volunteers to help in an emergency
  • Need a fit and active group to help with the physical requirements that an emergency could bring
  • If no response is received to revisit as a Council at a future meeting

7.5 Wheldrake Village Hall

7.5.1 Variation of Trusts

The progress with the Variation of Trusts is on hold until the Village Hall problems are resolved.

7.5.2 Wheldrake Recreation Association

Meeting took place in July and it was agreed to phase the project in two stages. Phase one to replace the roof and phase two to rebuild the changing rooms.  

7.5.3 Funding Request and Support Letter

The WRA have written to the Parish Council requesting financial assistance. It was agreed that the treasurer will look into the options prior to the next Parish Council meeting in August and present to the council options and if funding is available. It was also agreed that at the Budget meeting it will be decided if an amount could be added to the precept request in order to fund the project.

Cllr Harker to write to all local businesses and the PCC to request support. A letter of support has been written to the WRA by the Parish Clerk on behalf of the Council.

Cllr Mercer to contact CYC to look into the remainder Section 106 monies held centrally and if some can be released for this purpose. Letter of support also required from Julian Sturdy

Volunteer still required to help drawing up some plans for the refurbishment. Contact from Shepherds may be able to help. Cllr Randon to follow up.          

8. Reports and General Matters

8.1 Police Report

Report cover period 24th May - July 2015

Anti Social Behaviour

Report about cars racing along Broad Highway, vehicles located and drivers spoken to.

Suspect Circumstances

Report of possible travellers camping in Wheldrake Woods, they were a travelling folk band and left after a couple of days.


Damage reported to a vehicle on Main Street, words sprayed with paint, no suspects at this time. Enquiries continue.

Reported damage to the village hall, patrols to be increased in the area particularly during the summer holidays. 

8.2 Parking Outside Wheldrake School

Request for refresh of zig-zags and possible control measures for the opposite side of the road has been made to CYC. Clerk to follow up with CYC.

8.3 Play Area Inspection and Repairs

Inspection carried out by Cllr Randon. Cap has fallen off one of the tower posts and a screw is exposed. Reported to Playscheme two weeks ago but no action has been taken yet.  Clerk to follow up again. Spring horse and rocker are in a bad state of repair.  The foot rest on the Springer was loose and screws were showing. Cllr Randon has replaced the screws for longer ones as an interim measure.  It was resolved that both the springer and rocker need removing. There has been some erosion to the ground which will need levelling off. Clerk to get quotes.

Toddler area -  uneven under the swings exposing the underlay, rubber chippings need raking over.    

8.4 Sandholes Wood Update

Nothing to update this month

8.5 Repairs and Maintenance

Ponding of water on Greengales Court. Still outstanding. Cllr Mercer to follow up.

8.6 Buffer Store Outside Storage

Reported to CYC where advise was given that it is not permitted. Continued accumulation seen.  Reported to CYC on 11 May 2015. Ref: 102822394. Still no progress. Clerk to follow up again. Businesses on the Industrial Estate are using the car park for storage containers.  No external storage is allowed on the estate. Cllr Harker to look into the stipulations on the plans.

8.7 Sewerage Smell on Back Lane South

Not noticeable recently. Await to see if any further complaints come through

8.8 Parking on Pavements (North Lane)

Concerns raised regarding vehicles parked on the pavement causing an obstruction for pedestrians especially as there is pavement only on one side of the road. PCSO recommended the Parish Council write to residents concerned to request action. It was resolved that the matter will be passed back to the PCSO as in the past the action advised has led to threatening behaviour and abuse.    

8.9 Dog Bins

Another resident has been in contact regarding the location of the duplicate dog bins and problems with dogs fouling. It was resolved that the Parish Council will request that one bin will be relocated to the entrance of the Thorganby footpath on Back Lane South. Cllr Mercer to contact CYC.

8.10 Conservation Area (confirmation and trees on green opposite church)

Enquiry received from resident requesting that the trees on the green opposite the church are reduced as they are blocking light. CYC have confirmed that this area is within the Conservation area and we would need permission. Councillors agreed to apply to reduce the trees by 20%. Clerk to process application and then obtain quotes.

8.11 Damage to Trees on Greengales Lane

Reports received of damage to the newly planted trees on Greengales Lane. Cllr Randon to inspect to ascertain extent of damage and find out who is responsible.

8.12 BT Cabinet on Main Street

CYC have now confirmed that BT Openreach will be removing the old BT cabinet by the end of August.

9. Local Council Awards Scheme

Criteria has now been received. Clerk to work through what is needed and report back to the council.

10. Transparency Code

Cllr Harker and Clerk to ascertain what paperwork needs updating over the next month. Annual review of all documents to be done month by month.

11. Consultations

11.1 Sex Establishment Consultation (deadline 5 August 2015)

Councillors agree that there are enough establishments in the area and they do not support any more. Clerk to respond.

11.2 Gambling consultation (deadline 28 September 2015)

Councillors agree that they would not support any further gambling establishments. Clerk to respond.

12. Financial Matters

12.1 To approve the following accounts for payment:

A2Z Groundworks. Village Maintenance; grass cutting, strimming, hedge cutting


S Look. Clerks July 2015 Salary


PKF Littlejohn LLP. Audit year ending 31 March 2015


Concerns raised re amount of expenditure on the lengthsman duties this month but noted that he is aware of the budget and that we cannot exceed it. There will be less hours claimed in the winter months.

RESOLVED that the listed expenditure was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed.

  • It was agreed to pay the Clerks salary by standing order from 1st September onwards. Clerk to process.
  • Clerk will now be working for two Parish Councils and therefore HMRC have requested copies of PAYE records to be processed through them. Cllr Jordan to process.
  • Remaining balance from VDS account received: £343.42 and VAT claim received: £7955.41. Noted.

13. Correspondence

13.1 Julian Sturdy MP

Invitation to Annual Parish Council Meeting has now changed to Saturday 26th September 2015. Cllr Hodgson will try and attend in Cllr Randon's absence

14. Next Meeting

Items to be included in next meeting: Finance report to be presented by Cllr Jordan

To confirm that the monthly meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 26th August 2015 at 7pm

Apologies received from Cllrs Hodgson, Harker, Arnold, and Tetzner