Monthly Meeting (Feb 2016)

25 February 2016 , 7:00pm
Church Cottage

The summary for this meeting


1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct

3. To confirm the minutes of the January monthly Parish Council meeting held on 27th January 2015 as a true and correct record

4. Public Time. Members of the public must register to speak at meetings prior to the meeting and will be limited to 3 minutes each

5. Consider / review the following Planning Applications:

No applications received

6. Review the following planning decisions:

6.1 Barncliffe, 22 North Lane, Wheldrake (15/02462/FUL)

    • Alterations and extensions to roof including increasing height and pitch and new windows to front and rear gable ends
    • Dated by CYC 26 November 2015
    • Approved by CYC 10 February 2016

7. Consider and review anyPlanning Enforcement Issues

7.1 Buffer store outside storage Ref:15/00093/UNTIDY and Ref: 15/00404/UNTIDY

8. Consider National or Local Planning Policy

8.1 York Local Plan

9. Consider and Review Village and Parish Projects:

9.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park Project

9.2 Parish Council website update

9.3 Community Emergency Plan

9.4 Wheldrake Village Hall

9.5 Tree planting                                                

10. Consider and Review reports and general matters:

10.1 Police Report

10.2 Play Area; Inspection and repairs

10.3 Sandholes Wood update

10.4 Repairs and Maintenance;

10.4.1 Ponding of water at Greengales Court. Reported to Cllr Barton 10.02.14

10.4.2 Ditch clearance on Back Lane South

10.4.3 Tree work on green area outside 8 Broad Highway

10.5 Dog fouling / bin relocation on Back Lane South

10.6 Grass verge damage

11. New Onshore Oil and Gas exploration license             

12. Financial Matters:

12.1 To approve the following accounts for payment;

S Look expenses


A2Z Groundworks: Fell tree on Broadhighway £50, contracted works; gritting 8 hours £96



12.2 Revised Financial regulations

13. Correspondence

13.1 Parking restrictions outside school

13.2 Notes from York Parish Council liaison Group

13.3 YLCA meeting update   

14. Items for inclusion in the next monthly meeting

15. To confirm that the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 30th March 2015 at 7pm in Church Cottage

Minutes approved

In attendance:

Cllrs: R. Jordan, R. Arnold, J. Tetzner, A. Harker, P. Hodgson, N. Cox and C. Barber

S. Look (Clerk)

Ward Cllr S. Mercer

Member of the public with an interest in the village defibrillator

1. Apologies

Cllr. D Randon.

2. Declarations

Declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct:

  • Cllrs Harker, Arnold and Jordan declared an interest in the WRA
  • Cllrs Harker, Tetzner and Arnold declared an interest in Friends of Wheldrake Park
  • Cllr Hodgson declared an interest in the Local Plan.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the January monthly Parish Council held on 27 January 2016 were read, proposed and seconded as a true and correct record with typing correction in item 9.4.

4. Public Time

Michael Graham attended the meeting. He lives in the village and is a qualified first aider. He is  currently raising money for a second defibrillator for the village which he would like the Parish Council to purchase. It was resolved that Councillors agree to this. The order will be placed by the Parish Council when the money has been raised. The new one will be more efficient than the current one and will be relocated at the village hall. It will cost in the region of £1500 including the outside secure cabinet.  Volunteers will be able to train on a defibrillator in Elvington. Mr Graham would also like to be a Community First Responder for the village. The current defibrillator is going to be relocated to the outside wall of the Wenlock Arms.

5. Planning Applications

No planning applications received this month.

6. Planning Decisions

6.1 Barncliffe, 22 North Lane, Wheldrake (15/02462/FUL)

Alterations and extensions to roof including increasing height and pitch and new windows to front and rear gable ends. Dated by CYC 26 November 2015. Approved by CYC 10 February 2016. Noted.

7. Consider and review any Planning Enforcement Issues

7.1 Buffer store outside storage Ref:15/00093/UNTIDY and Ref: 15/00404/UNTIDY

The outside area has now been cleared.   

8. National and Local Planning Policy

8.1. York Local Plan

The Deputy Leader of the CYC attended the YLCA meeting and reported that the first draft is expected late March / April with consultation during the summer. Submission to the Secretary of State end of 2016/early 2017. Adoption late 2017/early 2018. It was reported that there is some uncertainty but the annual number of houses to built will be based on 800 to 850.  

8.2 Neighbourhood Plan

It was reported at the YLCA meeting that eleven Plans are now live in York. Grants of £3000 are available from CYC in addition to central government grants (£30,000).  

9. Village and Parish Projects

9.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park Project

Work on phase two will start mid March. Still awaiting quote from CYC for a new pathway. Cllr Mercer to follow up.

9.2 Parish Council Website Update

The Parish Council has now received a grant for £977.60 towards the new website and set up costs. Cllr Barber presented four quotes and proposals to Councillors. Each company offered very different options and prices. The information to go on the new site will be transferred to a 'Trello board' for approval. Councillors formally agreed to the development of a new website with all in favour and no abstentions. It was resolved to use 'Plump' who, due to their local commitment to the Parish, have offered to charge at cost. Requirements elicitation, design, consultation, advisory and training have all been offered free of charge. This proved the best value for money and being a local company the most beneficial to the Parish.

9.3 Community Emergency Plan

Cllr Tetzner has put a note in the March Parish News and will shortly be advertising on the Wheldrakians Facebook page for volunteers to come forward to form a committee. Ongoing.

9.4 Wheldrake Village Hall

Work is progressing on the tiling and the extension is well advanced. Some alterations to doorways and windows are also being done. The first fix of electrical wiring / circuits is also well advanced. It is hoped that the contract for phase two (changing and toilet block) will be placed soon. Planning application has now officially been approved. Yorventure grant of £50,000 has been awarded for phase two. Phase one cost is approx £100,000. Phase two cost is approx £87,000. £43,000 has been spent to date. £67,000 has been raised in donations to date. The completion of both phase one and two is expected to be by September 2016.  

9.5 Tree planting

David Liptrot has planted 8 new trees on the Wheldrake Lane / Escrick Road in the hedge lines.  

10. Reports and General Matters

10.1 Police report

27 January 2016: 2 people arrested following a report of Poachers near to Pool Bridge Farm on Wheldrake Lane, enquiries still taking place.

2 February 2016: Burglary dwelling reported, investigation ongoing.

Between 30th January and 7 February: it was reported that someone had attempted to break into a shed on Braithgayte, nothing believed stolen.

10.2 Play Area

Inspection and repairs. Nothing to report this month. 

10.3 Sandholes Wood Update

Cllr Hodgson has continued to manage the woods this month.

10.4 Repairs and Maintenance

10.4.1 Ponding of Water at Greengales Court

Cllr Mercer reported CYC are currently working on the schedule for the next financial year so no immediate progress expected.

10.4.2 Ditch Clearance on Back Lane South

CYC have agreed to clear the Brambles but they are not responsible for the ditch. Parish Council to inspect condition of the ditch when the brambles have been cut back. No progress.

10.4.3 Tree Work on Green Outside 8 Broad Highway

Work now complete.  

10.4.4 Beck Lane Drainage Work

Yorkshire Water have been carrying out work at the pumping station for the last two days during day and night. This is causing a disturbance to the neighbouring properties. Clerk to ascertain problem and report back.  

10.5 Dog Fouling / Bin Relocation on Back Lane South

Cllr Mercer has made arrangements to get the spare bin on Back Lane South relocated to the entrance of the Thorganby footpath where there used to be a dog bin. No progress. The plan has been agreed but no action has been taken yet by CYC.

10.6 Grass Verge Damage

There has been further damage to the verge on Church Lane opposite the entrance of Mount Pleasant Farm caused by tractor / bale loader with a long trailer. The land owner has confirmed that he will be taking remedial action to repair the damage but this has not been done yet. Resolved to await progress over the next month before taking further action. CYC Policy from 2000 has been forwarded to Councillors for information.

Grass verge damage outside a property on Church Lane. A car is regularly parked in front of the garage between the footpath and the road; parallel to the road and is driven over the adjacent corner of the verge to get to and from that position. Clerk to write to resident. 

11. New Onshore Oil and Gas Exploration License

Cllr Randon has been in contact with Cuadrilla and advised that CPRE will make an arrangement to meet. 

12. Financial Matters:

12.1 To approve the following accounts for payment:

S Look expenses


A2Z Groundworks: Fell tree on Broadhighway £50, contracted works; gritting 8 hours £96


NALC Local Council Awards Scheme registration (approved at subsequent meeting)


D Liptrot tree planting (approved at subsequent meeting)


RESOLVED that the listed expenditure was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed. 

12.2 Remittance advice for £977 received for the grant towards the website costs.

12.3 Revised Financial Regulations

Resolved to defer until next meeting to give Councillors more time to study the new regulations.

13. Correspondence

13.1 Parking Restrictions

A consultation letter has been received regarding the proposed waiting restrictions outside the school. The restrictions will introduce 'no waiting' Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 9.30am and again between 3pm until 4pm. This is to improve safety at locations being adversely affected by indiscriminate / obstructive parking. The Parish Council are in favour of the proposals.

13.2 Notes from York Parish Council Liaison Group

Distributed to Councillors prior to the meeting.

13.3 YLCA (Yorkshire Local Council Association) Meeting

Local list of Heritage buildings and Plans

York environmental Forum have been awarded a CYC grant of £5000 to continue with this work.

Section 106 Monies

£120,000 was paid out by CYC last week. Legal challenge continuing against Government proposed changes in the basis of payments.

NALC Increase in Payment Demand

YLCA have requested information and assurances about financial management. The increase equates to 6.6p per elector, up from 5.6p. The increase levied by YLCA has been restricted by dipping into reserves.

Double Taxation

No changes expected for the next 4 years.

CYC Support Grant

Arrangements expected to be as last year.

External Audit

No changes to current arrangements until the year 2017/18. Assumed most Authorities will opt in to the SAAA scheme (Smaller Authority Audit Appointments). YLCA internal audit scheme not yet finalised. 

Ward Grants

Total of £975,000 was agreed for the current year, any remaining will be carried over to 2016/17. Parish Councils can apply now for grants.

13.4 Speed Management Programme

Cllr Mercer and Cllr Randon met with CYC Officers to discuss the programme. The following measures have now been agreed:

Main Street (West end)

the existing 30mph signs to be removed and new ones erected near to the village sign location. The right hand one to be larger with 'Please drive carefully' as part of the sign. The verge on the opposite side of the road to the village sign to be built out but only for a short length. Painted hatching to be used to indicate and lead in to the restriction which will not reduce the width of the normal running surface but will help to indicate that the village gateway is being entered.  New 30 decal/orange panel to be painted on the road at the new 30 sign locations. The existing paint lines to be allowed to ware off on the village side of the new decal/panel. Appraisal of relocation of the Vehicle Activated Sign to be near to the industrial estate road junction dependent upon electrical supply/connection. 

Church Lane

The 30 signs to be replaced in the same locations with those like the ones to be placed at the main street entrance. Appraisal of the practicability of installing a Vehicle Activated Sign (using the money not spent on the large verge build out at the other end). The Officer agreed not to extend  the white side lines but to revisit after other works have been carried out and speeds monitored.

It was noted by Councillors that an accident involving a parked vehicle occurred recently on North Lane and concerns were raised about the speed motorists travel along the road. It was suggested that chicanes or rumble strips may help slow down motorists but agreed that CYC would not support this.

14. Next Meeting and AOB

  • Full financial update requested for the next meeting.
  • To confirm that the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 30th March 2016 at 7pm