Monthly Meeting (December 2023)
6 December 2023
, 7:00pm
White Rose House, Main Street, Wheldrake
Minutes draft
DRAFT Minutes of Wheldrake Parish Council’ Extraordinary Meeting
held at 6.30pm in Church Cottage on Wednesday December 13th, 2023.
Welcome: The Chair welcomed councillors and visitors to the meeting.
To receive apologies and consider the reasons for absence: Cllr Wilkinson was absent without apology. All other councillors were present. The Council RESOLVED to note Cllr Wilkinson’s absence.
To receive Declarations of Interests from members present: The Chair asked members to declare any interests. No interests were declared.
Minutes: The draft minutes for December 6th, 2023, were reviewed. It was RESOLVED that they were a true record. Accordingly, the Chair signed them as such.
In matters arising, the Chair confirmed that Cllr Buckle had submitted his resignation; and, that WPC can now declare a vacancy. The Chair also reported that CoYC was holding a meeting on 14.12.2023 to discuss the ownership of Braithgayte Park. The Chair confirmed that follow-on documentation was to hand confirming the Clerk / RFO’s absence until 21.01.2024. In so far as the Millfield development was concerned, a letter to the SoS should be sent soon as it has been reported the developer plans to be on site early in 2024. Cllr Myers reported that most of the surface around the playpark’s big green tractor had been completed as warranty repairs and that he would follow-up where repairs had not been undertaken. The Council RESOLVED to note the position reached with the above and remitted the Proper Officer to submit the Council’s input to the SoS regarding the Millfield Development.
Public participation – members of the public are invited to speak and raise questions for the council for three minutes: No members of the public were present.
To consider Planning Applications and decisions taken by the planning authority: None had been received.
To consider approval of listed payments White Rose House £256.00 Wheldrake & Thorganby PTA £400.00 WPC RESOLVED to approve the above payments.
To consider approval of the Clerk’s expenses There were none to consider.
To consider payment of the Clerk’s salary at rate agreed The Council RESOLVED to pay the Clerk at the rate previously agreed
To consider excluding the press and public Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (as the business is prejudicial to public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted) The Council RESOLVED so to do.
To consider ratification and approval of Cllr Wilkinson as Clerk’s Liaison Person The Council RESOLVED to ratify and approve Cllr Wilkinson’s role with fortnightly welfare checks with the Clerk.
To consider the appointment of a Proper Officer The Council RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Nelson as its Proper Officer until 31.01.2024 or until a temporary Clerk can be appointed, whichever is sooner.
To consider the appointment of a temporary Responsible Financial Officer The Council RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Myers to execute part of the RFO’s role as agreed with Nick Adams of Adams & Co Ltd until 31.01.2024 or until a temporary RFO can be appointed, whichever is sooner.
To consider items for consideration at the next meeting Items for consideration at the meeting scheduled for 28.02.2024:
It was RESOLVED that further topics could be included if advised to the Proper Officer.
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To confirm the date of the next meeting as Wednesday February 28th, 2024 @ 19:00. Venue – Church Cottage It was RESOLVED that there would be an extraordinary meeting of the Council if required intermediately and that the next ordinary meeting would be held in Church Cottage on 28.02.2024 at 7.00pm
The meeting closed at 7.20pm. |
Chair: _______________________ Date: 28.02.2024