Monthly Meeting (Dec 2017)
13 December 2017
, 7:00pm
Church Cottage, Wheldrake
Chairman: Cllr S Mercer
Acting Clerk/RFO: Mrs H Guest, 40 Linden Way, Thorpe Willoughby, YO8 9ND
Meetings are open to the Press and Public except for any item labelled as part 2 under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, Section 1
Press and public may not speak when the council is in progress; when councillors are discussing council business; when councillors are in the process of decision making.
- Any elector is entitled to attend this meeting and any concerns, questions or suggestions will be taken after the Chairman welcomes those present. The time for this will be limited to 5 minutes.
- Listeners may also speak at the end of the meeting (for information only).
- Decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda.
- Councillors, clerk, public and press are requested to sign the attendance book.
Councillors are summoned to attend the Meeting of the Parish Council detailed above and to consider and resolve the business to be transacted on the agenda below.
Agenda items
Part 1
17132: Apologies/Attendance:
- Attendees: Clerk to note Councillors and visitors present at the meeting.
- Apologies: Council to receive apologies and any reasons for absence from councillors; to consider and resolve whether or not to accept any reasons given.
- Attendance Book: All present are requested to sign the Attendance book.
17133: Interests: Chair to remind members to make any declarations of interest in any agenda items.
17134: Welcome: Chair to welcome councillors, clerk and visitors to the meeting.
17135: Minutes
- To resolve whether to accept the Minutes of the meeting held on 29th November and the Minutes of the Finance & Admin Committee meeting held 4th December, including Part 2 items.
- If approved, Chairman to sign minutes as a true record.
17136: Council to receive comments on agenda items or other questions/comments from electors present. (For information only; clerk to make notes of comments; no answers or discussion at this meeting)
Items received by the Clerk since the last meeting and to resolve any action to be taken:
17137: Councillor Vacancy: In the Confidential session at the last full meeting of the Parish Council, Cllr Paul Hodgson announced his retirement from the Parish Council. The Clerk reported the vacancy to the Monitoring Officer and a Notice of Vacancy has been added to the website – this is due to expire during January. Council to resolve any further action to take. In addition and also during Confidential session, it was resolved that Shawn Buckle and Jo Goode be co-opted onto the Parish Council to fill the vacancies – Mr Buckle to fill the vacancy at the next meeting in December and Ms Goode to fill the recent vacancy at the January meeting. Mr Buckle to sign the Acceptance of Office form and Clerk to witness.
17138: Reports, for information only, from:
a) Ward Councillor
b) Police
c) Other
17139: Planning: To resolve comments on the following:
- Applications:
- None.
- Decisions:
- None.
- Consultations/Other:
- Minerals and Waste Joint Plan – Notification of Submission - On 28th November 2017 the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan for North Yorkshire, York and the North York Moors National Park was submitted to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government for independent examination.
17140: RFO to report on closing balances and recent payments.
a) Payments made under delegated powers:
1. None.
b) Payments to be made
1. S Smowton (laptop repairs) TBC (awaiting invoice)
c) Receipts:
3. None.
e) Other:
4. To note payment of Clerk’s salary.
5. Budget for 2018/19 – F&A Committee to report on budget proposals. Council to discuss and resolve precept requirements for forthcoming year. This to include consideration of grant applications received ahead of the meeting.
To resolve whether to accept the report and payments made.
17141: Reports from Committees and Working Groups:
- Finance & Admin Committee – meeting held on 4th December. Committee to present revised Standing Orders – to resolve whether to accept these. Subject to acceptance of the new Standing Orders which require Councillors to have attended a training session ahead of membership of Committees and Working Groups, to establish/resolve any amendments to members serving on these.
- Planning Working Group.
- Village Maintenance & Play Park Working Group.
- Communications Working Group.
- Website Working Group.
17142: Councillor Training Session: To agree a date for the next Councillor training session.
17143: Christmas Lights: Cllr Myers to give any update and to resolve any further action.
17144: Correspondence received:
- Rural Services Network news items forwarded to Councillors.
- Confirmation received from Green Thumb regarding cancellation of contract.
- Various advertising leaflets received.
17145: Comments from public present on agenda items – Note: decisions cannot be made on items brought to this stage of the meeting.
17146: Items for the next agenda
17147: To note the dates of future meetings: all meetings are to be held on Wednesday evenings at 7pm – venue to be confirmed:
2018 – 31st January, 28th February, 28th March and 25th April.
Closure of Part 1 meeting.
Part 2
17148: Confidential business: To consider and resolve whether to exclude Public and Press on the grounds that matters for discussion affect individual staff members/ procedures/ legal/ finance issues.
17149: Finance and Admin Committee to report on staffing matters.
17150: Website provision. Clerk to report on costs involved in moving to new website provider.
17151: Councillor communications.
Closure of meeting.
Signed Helen Guest
Acting Clerk/RFO, Wheldrake Parish Council
Date: 8th December 2017
Minutes draft
Chairman: Cllr S Mercer
Acting Clerk: Mrs H Guest, 40 Linden Way, Thorpe Willoughby, YO8 9ND
Part 1
17132: Apologies/Attendance:
a. Attendees: Cllrs Mercer, Arnold, Jordan, Vass, Southern, Surtees, Gilks and Myers, the A/Clerk and three members of the public.
b. Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr Nelson: reason accepted, Cllr Gilligan: reason not accepted and Cllr Dudley-Smith: reason accepted.
c. Attendance Book: All present were requested to sign the Attendance book.
17133: Interests: Chair reminded members to make any declarations of interest in any agenda items.
17134: Welcome: Chair welcomed councillors, clerk and visitors to the meeting.
17135: Minutes
a. It was resolved to accept the Minutes of the meeting held on 29th November and the Minutes of the Finance & Admin Committee meeting held 4th December, including Part 2 items.
b. Chairman signed both sets of minutes as a true record.
17136: Council received comments on agenda items or other questions/comments from those present.
Items received by the Clerk since the last meeting:
Budget discussion was moved to this point in the meeting at Chairman’s discretion. Reported at item 17140 e) 5 below.
17137: Councillor Vacancy: In the Confidential session at the last full meeting of the Parish Council, Cllr Paul Hodgson announced his retirement from the Parish Council. The Clerk reported the vacancy to the Monitoring Officer and a Notice of Vacancy has been added to the website – this is due to expire during January. In addition, also during Confidential session, it was resolved that Shawn Buckle and Jo Goode be co-opted onto the Parish Council to fill the vacancies. Shawn Buckle was welcomed onto the Parish Council (Jo Goode to attend the meeting at the end of January for co-option). Noted.
17138: Reports, for information only, from:
a) Ward Councillor: Cllr Mercer reported that she is speaking to CYC regarding having the street lights on North Lane with the junctions of Walker Lane and Cranbrooks raised to provide a pool of light beneath them for H&S reasons – this to be paid for out of Ward funds. She has also been speaking to Highways regarding the possibility of road markings at the end of Broad Highway towards North Lane and at the junction with Main Street to keep these areas clear and prevent an accident – to be paid for out of Ward funds. She reported an issue raised regarding the parking outside Costcutters which makes it difficult for pedestrians and motorists to pass – the vehicles are not illegally parked, but it is believed that they belong to staff and so are parked there all day: she intends to speak to Costcutters to ask about the possibility of staff parking behind the shop. The bench at Low Well Park/Back Lane South is facing a tall hedge – she intends to ask the owner whether the hedge can be cut a little lower at this point. She also advised that Ward funding may be available to supply an additional salt bin(s) and the first fill – future fills would be at a cost to the Parish Council (£55 per fill) – noted.
b) Police
c) Other
17139: Planning: To resolve comments on the following:
1. Applications:
a. 17/02780/FUL: Single storey side extension and pitched roof over existing flat roof garage and porch at 33 Courtneys, Wheldrake (received post agenda preparation). No objections.
2. Decisions:
a. None.
3. Consultations/Other:
a. Minerals and Waste Joint Plan – Notification of Submission - On 28th November 2017 the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan for North Yorkshire, York and the North York Moors National Park was submitted to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government for independent examination. Noted.
17140: RFO reported on closing balances and recent payments.
a) Payments made under delegated powers:
1. None.
b) Payments to be made
1. S Smowton (laptop repairs) £120.00
2. H Guest (expenses incl reimburse storage boxes) £129.98
3. WRA 2016/17 maintenance (see Grant applications below) £2,000.00
c) Receipts:
3. None.
e) Other:
4. The payment of the Clerk’s salary was noted.
5. Budget for 2018/19 – The Finance & Admin Committee reported on budget proposals. It was resolved to request a precept of £40,000 for the forthcoming year.
Grant applications 2017/18:
1. The Youth Club requested £1,000 for running costs – approved subject to the receipt of independently audited accounts.
2. The WRA requested £2,000 for field maintenance – after some discussion this was refused as it is understood there is no longer a bowling club and volunteers are undertaking all mowing with a lawnmower held by the Association, rather than outside contractors.
To note that the grant for £25,000 by the WRA from 2016/17 was approved last year, but independently audited accounts have not yet been received. Audited accounts and forward projection awaited. It was further noted that the grant of £2,000 for field maintenance for 2016/17 had not yet been paid – a cheque was issued immediately for this amount: Chairman to pass to WRA rep.
3. At the time of the meeting, an expected application from the PCC for the church clock had not been received, likely due to the short time frame allowed for the submission of the grant request documentation. It is anticipated that a grant application for £500 (as last year) will be received and will be considered at the meeting following receipt.
17141: Reports from Committees and Working Groups:
1. Finance & Admin Committee – meeting held on 4th December. Cllr Arnold reported that the proposed Standing Orders to be finalised and circulated prior to the next meeting.
2. Planning Working Group – None.
3. Village Maintenance & Play Park Working Group. Cllr Arnold reported that the contractor has confirmed that the Christmas and New Year period will be covered in the event that gritting or other services are required.
4. Communications Working Group. Cllr Mercer reported that 33 responses have been received (less than 5% of the residents) – she is in the process of collating these.
5. Website Working Group – costs to be discussed during Confidential session.
17142: Councillor Training Session: It was resolved that the date will be discussed once new Councillors have taken up their positions.
17143: Christmas Lights: Cllr Myers advised that the lights have been put up and that volunteers would be required to take them down in January. It was suggested that more transformers are purchased before next Christmas to allow for more lights to be put up.
17144: Meeting Venue: Cllr Myers reported that he has had initial discussions with the School regarding room rates. The cost to the Parish Council would be higher than at present, however the venue would be more hospitable, able to comfortably accommodate a larger number of attendees and comply with H&S requirements. It was resolved that Cllr Myers progress this and advise the Council as to progress.
17145: Correspondence received:
1. Rural Services Network news items forwarded to Councillors.
2. Confirmation received from Green Thumb regarding cancellation of contract.
3. Consultation on the Police precept sent from the PCC – deadline for responses 28th January. Noted.
4. Various advertising leaflets received.
17146: Comments from public present on agenda items – None.
17147: Items for the next agenda
1. Item at the end of future agendas to capture issues which may not have been progressed, but that the Council does not want to lose sight of. Issues highlighted included emergency planning, the faulty defibrillator handle, trees, Christmas trees and perhaps solar lights, establish ownership of spoil heap on Broad Highway, website, dead tree on Broad Highway, letter to the History Society to advise that monies have been received from their dissolution and that they have been passed onto the WRA to be ring-fenced for History Society records.
17148: The dates of future meetings were noted: all meetings are to be held on Wednesday evenings at 7pm – venue to be confirmed:
2018 – 31st January, 28th February, 28th March and 25th April.
Closure of Part 1 meeting.
Part 2
17149: Confidential business: It was resolved to exclude Public and Press on the grounds that matters for discussion affect individual staff members/ procedures/ legal/ finance issues.
Item 17152 regarding Councillor Communications was moved to this position in the meeting at Chairman’s discretion, but reported below.
17150: Finance and Admin Committee reported that the advert for the Clerk’s position will be sent our shortly.
17151: Website provision. Deferred to next meeting.
17152: Councillor communications.
A negative post on the Parish Council Facebook was removed in just over half an hour, but it was noted that it had been seen by a number of people prior to removal. It was also subsequently removed from the Wheldrake-ians Facebook site following a request. For those Councillors who had not seen the posts, the post was read out. It included an allegation that certain comments had not been added to the agenda for the December meeting (this item does actually refer to these comments). A number of allegations were made regarding unlawful actions by one Councillor, which were contrary to statute, as one of those actions included telling the Clerk not to progress an investigation of the WRA by the Charities Commission which was a resolution made by the Council. A subsequent email to Councillors stated that the Cllr would not participate in Council affairs unless the Council supported this stance. During discussions, it was considered that there had been a breach of the Code of Conduct in terms of confidentiality. It was ascertained that the suggestion to leave the investigation by the Charities Commission was based upon the fact that the Clerk was trying to reduce hours worked and not budgeted for and that budget figures for the forthcoming Budget Meeting were more pressing. An email had also been sent to the Cllr requesting an apology for putting the Councillors in an embarrassing position. A subsequent reply to all Councillors (not the Clerk) stated that Cllr Mercer’s positions as both Ward Councillor and Chairman of the Parish Council were a conflict of interest, also that a Cllr had acted outside of the remit of a Parish Councillor in instructing the Clerk to cease further work regarding asking the Charities Commission to investigate the WRA’s affairs. A statement had also been read out at the last meeting which contained a number of counter-allegations.
At Chairman’s discretion, the Council were asked to resolve whether it would be appropriate to continue progressing the issue of a Charities Commission investigation considering the realisation that it will take a significant amount of Clerk’s hours, including overtime. It was resolved that this resolution be rescinded and that the Clerk does not progress the issue on that basis. Councillors noted that an original £40k project to replace the village hall roof has subsequently turned into a £200+k project with, potentially, the Parish Council funding improvements it has not budgeted for. During discussions, the issue was raised that without the £25k donation, the Recreation Association may be bankrupt – this is obviously not an ideal situation and a position in which the Parish Council would wish to find itself, since it would necessarily have to take on the management of the Village Hall as the custodian trustee. Concern was expressed regarding the financial affairs of the WRA and Councillors discussed the historic reasons for the monies donated thus far by the Parish Council.
The Council then further discussed the communications from the Cllr and resolved that they could not support this position and to remove the Cllr’s membership of the Facebook page due to the tone of comments posted thus far. The Council further resolved to fully support the Chairman and Vice Chairman.
It was resolved that it would not be appropriate for the Cllr who suggested the cessation of the Charities Commission investigation to consider resigning.
17153: Additional item brought up at the meeting: Additional agenda item number created:
Trees on Derwent Park – two trees were removed on Derwent Park by a resident in contravention of CYC advice and are to be replaced at the cost of the resident.
8.55pm: Closure of meeting.
Cllr S Mercer, Chairman
28th February 2018