Monthly Meeting (Aug 2017)

30 August 2017 , 7:30pm
Church Cottage, Wheldrake



Chairman: Cllr S Mercer

Acting Clerk/RFO: Mrs H Guest, 40 Linden Way, Thorpe Willoughby, YO8 9ND


Meetings are open to the Press and Public except for any item labelled as part 2 under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, Section 1

Meetings are open to press and public except for any item labelled as Part 2 under the Public Bodies (1960) Act

Press and public may not speak when the council is in progress; when councillors are discussing council business; when councillors are in the process of decision making.

  • Any elector is entitled to attend this meeting and any concerns, questions or suggestions will be taken after the Chairman welcomes those present. The time for this will be limited to 5 minutes.
  • Listeners may also speak at the end of the meeting (for information only).
  • Decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda.
  • Councillors, clerk, public and press are requested to sign the attendance book.

Councillors are summoned to attend the Meeting of the Parish Council detailed above and to consider and resolve the business to be transacted on the agenda below.


Agenda items

Part 1


17043:  Apologies/Attendance:

  1. Attendees: Clerk to note Councillors and visitors present at the meeting.
  2. Apologies: Council to receive apologies and any reasons for absence from councillors; to consider and resolve whether or not to accept any reasons given.
  3. Attendance Book: All present are requested to sign the Attendance book.


17044:  Interests: Chair to remind members to make any declarations of interest in any agenda items.


17045: Welcome: Chair to welcome councillors, clerk and visitors to the meeting.           


17046: Minutes

  1. To resolve whether to accept the Minutes of the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 5th August 2017, including Part 2 items.
  2. If approved, Chairman to sign minutes as a true record.


17047: Council to receive comments on agenda items or other questions/comments from electors present. (For information only; clerk to make notes of comments; no answers or discussion at this meeting)

Items received by the Clerk since the last meeting and to resolve any action to be taken:

  1. Resident complaint that annual ditch clearing behind the Ruddings carried out by the Ouse & Derwent IDB causes debris to fly into gardens at speed.  The resident has already approached the IDB on a number of occasions over the past few years to no avail.  It is anticipated that the resident will attend the meeting on 30th August to explain further.
  2. Resident queried what kind of items would be deemed Confidential’ and moved into a ‘Part 2 (Confidental)’ session of the Council meeting.  Clerk advised resident.


17048: Reports, for information only, from:

a)            County Councillor

b)            Ward Councillor

c)            Police

d)            Other


17049: Planning: Actions on the following were resolved as indicated:

  1. Applications:           
    1. 17/02013/TPO: Crown thin, crown reduce by 2 to 4m Sycamore tree protected by Tree Preservation Order no. 15/1989 at 16 Dovecot Close Wheldrake.
    2. 17/01904/FUL: First floor extension to increase height of house to create first floor living accommodation with dormer windows to front, single storey side and rear extension and porch to front at 13 North Lane Wheldrake.

2.  Decisions:  

a.            17/01185/LBC: Replacement roof to existing rear extension at 55 Main Street Wheldrake – Approved.

b.            17/01376/REM: Reserved matters application for approval of appearance, scale and landscaping for 1no. detached dwelling following approval of outline application 15/01362/OUT (resubmission) at Oak Trees Elvington Lane Elvington – Approved.

                3.  Consultations/Other:

                a.            Application No 15/01354/FUL: 21 Derwent Park, Wheldrake.  To note that no further information has been received from CYC at the time of agenda preparation.

                b.  Minerals and Waste Joint Plan: proposed changes to draft plan.  Responses required by 6th September 2017. 

                c.  Working Better Together: Consultation from the PCC regarding the possibility of the PCC taking over control of the Fire Service, as well as the Police Service.  The consultation can be accessed at:   The deadline for responses is 22nd September 2017. 



17050: RFO reported on closing balances and recent payments.

a)   Payments approved at last meeting but payslip not received until after agenda preparation

                1.   S Look (Jul)                                                                       £300.00

                2.   H Guest (Jun)                                                                    £554.88

b)   Payments to be made

                3.   Autela Group (payroll – invoice from Mar 17)                       £10.00

                4.   The Play Inspection Company                                             £342.00

                5.    S Look (final/holiday pay)                                                 £123.35

                6.    H Guest (Jul + overtime)                                                  £647.36

                                (note A/Clerk’s salary is currently 2 months in arrears)

                7.    Green Thumb (grass treatment)                                        £33.75

                8.    Toby H Johnson Ltd (May-Jul)                                           £834.00

                9.    H Guest (expenses/allowances)                                         TBC


c)   Receipts:


d)   Audit: Clerk to give any update.

e)   Other: None.

                It was resolved to accept the report and payments made.


17051: Confirmation of new Councillors: Following the election process, new Councillors to sign Acceptance of Office (to be witnessed by the Clerk) and Register of Interest forms.


17052: Resignation of Councillor: To note resignation of Cllr Barber and that a Notice of Vacancy from CYC has been put on display on the website and notice board.  To await notification from CYC before further action can be taken.


17053: Committees and Working Groups: At the meeting held on 5th August, it was resolved to create a number of Committees/Working Groups.  Groups and some members were resolved, but vacancies for each to be filled by new Councillors as follows:

  1. Planning Working Group: Cllrs Gilligan, Jordan and Hodgson (as existing members of the Planning Committee) + two of the new Councillors.
  2. Play Park Working Group: Cllrs Gilligan and Arnold + two of the new Councillors.
  3. Admin and Finance Committee – Chairman (Cllr Mercer), Vice Chairman (Cllr Arnold) and Cllr Jordan (ex RFO) + two of the new Councillors.
  4. Communications Working Group: The WG to consist of Cllrs Mercer, Gilks, Southern and Myers.
  5. Website Working Group: To consist of Cllrs Myers and Dudley-Smith, plus one other due to the recent resignation of Cllr Barber.

To discuss and resolve parameters ahead of production of Terms of Reference for each Group/Committee.


17054: Play Park: To note that at the time of agenda preparation, the balance of funds from FOWP has not been received by the Clerk.  Cllr Arnold to report on safety checks carried out and further recommendations.


17055: Councillor Training Session: To note that a training session for both existing and new Councillors has been arranged for Saturday 2nd September. 


17056:  Parish Council Communications:  Communications Working Group to report to the Council regarding discussions/recommendations for communication routes between the Parish Council and residents.  Note that a formal Communications Policy will be required in due course.


17057:  Speeding issues:  Concern was expressed by a resident regarding speeding motorcycles on the Wheldrake to Escrick Road.  The Clerk has suggested that the resident complete a 95 Alive form to submit to NY Police.  Council to resolve any further action.


17058:  Correspondence received:

  1. North Duffield Conservation and Local History Society press release regarding the ‘Ouse and Derwent project’ which proposes to carry out excavations for Iron Age settlements.
  2. Northern Powergrid to carry out pruning works on trees and overgrown vegetation on Main Street and Back Lane South – such works are exempt from planning permission.



17059: Comments from public present on agenda items – Note: decisions cannot be made on items brought to this stage of the meeting.


17060: Items for the next agenda            


17061: To note the dates of future meetings: all meetings are to be held on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm – venue to be confirmed: 

2017 – 27th September, 25th October, 29th November and 15th December.

2018 – 31st January, 28th February, 28th March and 25th April.


Closure of Part 1 meeting.



Part 2


17062: Confidential business:  To consider and resolve whether to exclude Public and Press on the grounds that matters for discussion affect individual staff members/ procedures/ legal/ finance issues.


17063:  Staffing matters:


17064:   Lengthsman contract:


17065: Website access/issues:


17066: Clerk’s report on Confidential matters:


Closure of meeting.



Signed    Helen Guest   

Acting Clerk/RFO, Wheldrake Parish Council   

Date: 24th August 2017


Minutes draft


Chairman: Cllr S Mercer

Acting Clerk/RFO: Mrs H Guest, 40 Linden Way, Thorpe Willoughby, YO8 9ND


Part 1


17043:  Apologies/Attendance:

  1. Attendees: Cllrs Mercer, Jordan, Gilligan, Gilks, Dudley-Smith, Southern, Myers, Vass, Surtees, Nelson, the Clerk and two members of the public.
  2. Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllrs Hodgson and Arnold.  It was resolved to accept reasons given.
  3. Attendance Book: All present were requested to sign the Attendance book.


17044:  Interests: Chair reminded members to make any declarations of interest in any agenda items.


17045: Welcome: Chair welcomedcouncillors, clerk and visitors to the meeting.           


17046: Minutes

  1. It was resolved to accept the Minutes of the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 5th August 2017, including Part 2 items.
  2. Chairman signed minutes as a true record.


17047: Council received comments on agenda items or other questions/comments from electors present. (For information only; clerk to make notes of comments; no answers or discussion at this meeting)

Items received by the Clerk since the last meeting and to resolve any action to be taken:

  1. Resident complaint that annual ditch clearing behind the Ruddings carried out by the Ouse & Derwent IDB causes debris to fly into gardens at speed.  The resident has already approached the IDB on a number of occasions over the past few years to no avail.  Resident attended the meeting to explain further and Clerk to scan/email relevant letters to Councillors for their consideration.
  2. Resident queried what kind of items would be deemed Confidential’ and moved into a ‘Part 2 (Confidential)’ session of the Council meeting.  Clerk advised resident.


17048: Reports, for information only, from:

a)            County Councillor – None.

b)            Ward Councillor – Cllr Mercer advised that the Local Plan is due to go out for consultation at the end of September.  Also that Utopia, who provided local buses, are no longer trading and that NYCC have stepped in to replace existing services.  Noted.

c)            Police – Police reports are currently being sent out at the end of the month and therefore are out of date by the next meeting – Clerk has requested that the date is changed, but has received no response. Noted.

d)            Other – None.


17049: Planning: Actions on the following were resolved as indicated:

  1. Applications:           
    1. 17/02013/TPO: Crown thin, crown reduce by 2 to 4m Sycamore tree protected by Tree Preservation Order no. 15/1989 at 16 Dovecot Close Wheldrake. No objections.
    2. 17/01904/FUL: First floor extension to increase height of house to create first floor living accommodation with dormer windows to front, single storey side and rear extension and porch to front at 13 North Lane Wheldrake.  No objections.

2.  Decisions:  

a.            17/01185/LBC: Replacement roof to existing rear extension at 55 Main Street Wheldrake – Approved.

b.            17/01376/REM: Reserved matters application for approval of appearance, scale and landscaping for 1no. detached dwelling following approval of outline application 15/01362/OUT (resubmission) at Oak Trees Elvington Lane Elvington – Approved.

                3.  Consultations/Other:

                a.            Application No 15/01354/FUL: 21 Derwent Park, Wheldrake.  To note that no further information has been received from CYC at the time of agenda preparation.  Noted.

                b.  Minerals and Waste Joint Plan: proposed changes to draft plan.  Responses required by 6th September 2017. 

                c.  Working Better Together: Consultation from the PCC regarding the possibility of the PCC taking over control of the Fire Service, as well as the Police Service.  The consultation can be accessed at:   The deadline for responses is 22nd September 2017.  Resolved not to send comments.



17050: RFO reported on closing balances and recent payments.

a)   Payments approved at last meeting but payslip not received until after agenda preparation

                1.   S Look (Jul)                                                                                                   £300.00

                2.   H Guest (Jun)                                                                                              £554.88

b)   Payments to be made

                3.   Autela Group (payroll – invoice from Mar 17)                                 £10.00

                4.   The Play Inspection Company                                                              £342.00

                5.    S Look (final/holiday pay)                                                                     £123.35

                6.    H Guest (Jul + overtime)                                                                       £647.36

                                (note A/Clerk’s salary is currently 2 months in arrears)

                7.    Green Thumb (grass treatment)                                                         £33.75

                8.    Toby H Johnson Ltd (May-Jul)                                                             £834.00

                9.    H Guest (expenses/allowances)                                                        TBC

                10.  Wheldrake Recreation Association (additional item)                                £30.00

                11.  FMA Farman (internal audit – additional item)                          £120.00


c)   Receipts:

                FOWP balance of account (received post agenda prep)            £4,819.74

d)   Audit: Clerk advised that accounts have been sent to the external auditor and now awaiting their response.

e)   Other: None.

                It was resolved to accept the report and payments made.


17051: Confirmation of new Councillors: Following the election process, new Councillors (Tim Surtees, Aidan Nelson and Nick Vass) signed Acceptance of Office (witnessed by the Clerk) and Register of Interest forms.  New Councillors were welcomed onto the Parish Council.


17052: Resignation of Councillor: The resignation of Cllr Barber was noted.  A Notice of Vacancy from CYC has been put on display on the website and notice board.  To await notification from CYC before further action can be taken.


17053: Committees and Working Groups: At the meeting held on 5th August, it was resolved to create a number of Committees/Working Groups.  Groups and some members were resolved, but vacancies for each to be filled by new Councillors as follows:

  1. Planning Working Group: Cllrs Gilligan, Jordan and Hodgson (as existing members of the Planning Committee) + Cllrs Surtees and Nelson.
  2. Play Park Working Group: Cllrs Gilligan and Arnold + Cllrs Southern and Vass.
  3. Admin and Finance Committee – Chairman (Cllr Mercer), Vice Chairman (Cllr Arnold) and Cllr Jordan (ex RFO) + Gilks and Dudley-Smith.
  4. Communications Working Group: The WG to consist of Cllrs Mercer, Gilks, Southern and Myers.
  5. Website Working Group: To consist of Cllrs Myers and Dudley-Smith + Cllr Surtees.

Parameters to be discussed by Finance and Admin Committee ahead of production of Terms of Reference for each Group/Committee.


17054: Play Park: The balance of funds (reported above) have now been received.  In Cllr Arnold’s absence, Cllr Vass reported on safety checks carried out and further recommendations.  Play Park Working Group to arrange a meeting ahead of the next full Council meeting to discuss the received report and recommend any actions.


17055: Councillor Training Session: It was noted that a training session for both existing and new Councillors has been arranged for Saturday 2nd September. 


17056:  Parish Council Communications:  Communications Working Group reported to the Council regarding discussions/recommendations for communication routes between the Parish Council and residents.  It was resolved that the Parish Council Facebook page will be reinstated, with comments to be approved on the site before publication.  A leaflet is to be produced to be delivered to all residents containing Parish Council updates – it is anticipated that this will be produced quarterly.  The Comms WG to obtain quotes for printing the leaflets and a budget of up to £300 was agreed for this. 


17057:  Speeding issues:  Concern was expressed by a resident regarding speeding motorcycles on the Wheldrake to Escrick Road.  The Clerk has suggested that the resident complete a 95 Alive form to submit to NY Police.  During discussions, it was established that speeding vehicles are problematic in and around the village.  It was resolved that a link to the 95 Alive form is to be put onto the Facebook page to allow residents to report issues quickly to North Yorkshire Police.


17058:  Correspondence received was noted:

  1. North Duffield Conservation and Local History Society press release regarding the ‘Ouse and Derwent project’ which proposes to carry out excavations for Iron Age settlements.
  2. Northern Powergrid to carry out pruning works on trees and overgrown vegetation on Main Street and Back Lane South – such works are exempt from planning permission.



17059: Comments from public present on agenda items

  1. A member of the public stated that the work being done by the Comms WG was very positive.


17060: Items for the next agenda

  1. Christmas tree and lights.
  2. Website security and training.   


17061: The dates of future meetings were noted: all meetings are to be held on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm – venue to be confirmed: 

2017 – 27th September, 25th October, 29th November and 15th December.

2018 – 31st January, 28th February, 28th March and 25th April.


Closure of Part 1 meeting.



Part 2


17062: Confidential business:  It was resolved to exclude Public and Press on the grounds that matters for discussion affect individual staff members/ procedures/ legal/ finance issues.


17063:  Staffing matters:

  1. It was resolved that a meeting of the Finance and Admin Committee to resolve the A/Clerk’s contract be arranged as soon as possible.
  2. It was resolved to pay for overtime which has been done by the A/Clerk to date.  Clerk to inform payroll.


17064:   Lengthsman contract: A site meeting is to be arranged with the Contractor to clarify areas of responsibility.


17065: Website access/issues: Website security issues were discussed: It was resolved that training would be necessary.  Clerk has requested a training session by the website provider, but not had a response so far – attendees to include the Chairman, Clerk and one other.  Possible dates and costs are awaited.


17066: Clerk’s report on Confidential matters:


9.21pm: Closure of meeting.





Cllr S Mercer, Chairman

27th September 2017