Monthly Meeting (Aug 2015)
26 August 2015
, 7:00pm
Church Cottage
1. To receive apologies for absence
2. To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct
3. To confirm the minutes of the July monthly Parish Council meeting held on 29th July 2015 as a true and correct record
4. Consider / review the following Planning Applications:
4.1 72 Main Street, Wheldrake (1501755/TCA)
- Crown reduce by 20% 2no. Cherry trees in a Conservation area (green opposite Church)
- Dated by CYC 14 August 2015
- Comments by 4 September 2015
4.2 4 The Courtneys, Wheldrake (15/01707/FUL)
- Single storey rear extension
- Dated by CYC 14 August 2015
- Comments by 4 September 2015
4.3 5 Harcourt close, Wheldrake (15/01420/FUL)
- Two storey side extension
- Dated by CYC 12 August 2015
- Comments by 2 September 2015
4.4 7 Cranbrook Close, Wheldrake (15/01434/FUL)
- Two storey and first floor side extension
- Amended plans
- Dated by CYC 12 August 2015
- Comments by 27 August 2015 (extension granted by CYC)
4.5 60 Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01457/LBC)
- Repair and refurbishment of existing first floor front windows including the installation of secondary glazing and replacement timber windows to front, side and rear
- Dated by CYC 21 August 2015
- Comments by 11 September 2015
4.6 62 Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01461/LBC)
- Replacement windows to front and rear
- Dated by CYC 4 August 2015
- Comments by 27 August 2015 (extension granted by CYC)
4.7 10 Derwent Park, Wheldrake (15/01824/FUL)
- Single storey rear extension
- Dated by CYC 25 August 2015
- Comments by 15 September 2015
5. Review the following planning decisions:
5.1 4 Broadlands, Wheldrake (15/01174/FUL)
- Two storey and first floor side extension
- First floor side extension; single storey side and rear extensions and porch to front
- Dated by CYC 15 May 2015
- Approved by CYC 31 July 2015
5.2 Woodhouse, Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01134/FUL)
- Dormers to front above existing garage
- Dated by CYC 8 June 2015
- Approved by CYC 3 August 2015
5.3 Hardmoor House, Broad Highway, Wheldrake (15/011100/FUL)
- Creation of equestrian menage
- Dated by CYC 9 June 2015
- Approved by CYC 4 August 2015
6. Consider National or Local Planning Policy
6.1 York Local Plan
7. Consider and Review Village and Parish Projects:
7.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park Project. Correspondence received re uneven surfacing in the park for wheelchair and pushchair users
7.2 Parish Council website update
7.3 Village Design Statement
7.4 Community Emergency Plan
7.5 Wheldrake Village Hall
7.5.1 Refurbishment
7.5.2 Funding
8. Consider and Review reports and general matters:
8.1 Police Report
8.2 Parking outside Wheldrake School, zigzag renewal
8.3 Play Area; Inspection and repairs
8.4 Sandholes Wood update
8.5 Repairs and Maintenance:
8.5.1. Ponding of water at Greengales Court. Reported to Cllr Barton 10.02.14
8.6 Buffer store outside storage Ref:15/00093/UNTIDY
8.7 Sewerage smell on Back Lane South
8.8 Parking on pavements - North Lane
8.9 Dog fouling / bin relocation
8.10 Treework on green opposite Church
8.11 Goods Vehicle Operators License (T & TA Park Transport Ltd)
8.12 Publication of draft minutes request
9. Financial Matters:
9.1 To approve the following accounts for payment:
A2Z Groundworks. Village Maintenance |
£744 |
S Look. Expenses; Postage, Broadband and telephone calls |
£25.54 |
9.2 HMRC payroll
9.3 Financial update
10. Correspondence:
10.1 Copy of Register of Electors for Councillors
10.2 Letter from Julian Sturdy re Greengales Lane footpath
10.3 YLCA - Amendments to Standing Orders
11. Items for inclusion in the next monthly meeting
12. To confirm that the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 30th September 2015 at 7pm
Minutes approved
In attendance:
Cllrs. D. Randon (Chair), R. Jordan, N. Cox and C. Barber.
Ward Cllr S. Mercer
S. Look (Clerk)
1. Apologies
Cllrs R. Arnold, J. Tetzner, A. Harker, P. Hodgson
2. Declarations
Declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct:
Cllrs Randon and Jordan declared an interest in the WRA
3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the July 2015 monthly Parish Council meeting were read, proposed and seconded as a true and correct record with one abstention
4. Planning Applications
4.1 72 Main Street, Wheldrake (1501755/TCA)
- Crown reduce by 20% 2no. trees in a conservation area opposite church
- Dated by CYC 14 August 2015
- The Parish Council proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed that they support the application
4.2 4 The Courtneys, Wheldrake (15/01707/FUL)
- Single storey rear extension
- Dated by CYC 14 August 2015
- The Parish Council proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed that they have no objections to the application
4.3 5 Harcourt Close, Wheldrake (15/01420/FUL)
- Two storey side extension
- Dated by CYC 12 August 2015
- The Parish Council proposed, seconded and unanimously objected to the application on planning grounds due to size, scale and massing
- The plans contravene design guideline 22 of the Village Design Statement
- 'Respect neighbours property, privacy and amenity and consider retention of existing landscaping'.
- The plans contravene design guideline 24 of the Village Design Statement
- 'Should respect and enhance adjacent properties and the character of the areas in which they are sited'.
- The plans are not in keeping with the neighbouring properties which would have an adverse effect on them.
- The planned extension is also too close to the boundary which contravenes design guideline 31
- 'Space should be maintained around dwellings to avoid the loss of soft landscaping and avoid the creation of a terrace effect between neighbouring properties'.
4.4 7 Cranbrook Close, Wheldrake (15/01434/FUL)
- Two storey and first floor side extension. Amended plans
- Dated by CYC 12 August 2015
- The Parish Council proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed that they have no objections to the application
4.5 60 Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01457/LBC)
- Repair and refurbishment of existing first floor front windows including the installation of secondary glazing and replacement timber windows to front, side and rear
- Dated by CYC 21 August 2015
- The Parish Council proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed that they have no objections to the application
4.6 62 Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01461/LBC)
- Replacement windows to front and rear
- Dated by CYC 4 August 2015
- The Parish Council proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed that they have no objections to the application
4.7 10 Derwent Park, Wheldrake (15/01824/FUL)
- Single storey rear extension
- Dated by CYC 25 August 2015
- The Parish Council proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed that they have no objections to the application
5. Review Planning Decisions
5.1 4 Broadlands, Wheldrake (15/01174/FUL)
- Two storey and first floor side extension
- First floor side extension; single storey side and rear extensions and porch to front
- Dated by CYC 15 May 2015
- Approved by CYC 31 July 2015 (Noted)
5.2 Woodhouse, Main Street, Wheldrake (15/01134/FUL)
- Dormers to front above existing garage
- Dated by CYC 8 June 2015
- Approved by CYC 3 August 2015 (Noted)
5.3 Hardmoor House, Broad Highway, Wheldrake (15/011100/FUL)
- Creation of equestrian menage
- Dated by CYC 9 June 2015
- Approved by CYC 4 August 2015 (Noted)
6. Police Report
PCSO Tony Barge joined the meeting to update Councillors on activity around the Parish. It was reported that despite a few minor incidents it has been a relatively quiet month. The Village Hall has been visited regularly and the problems with car drivers skidding and racing on Broad Highway has now stopped. Two of the drivers concerned have been visited at their homes and been spoken to. It has been explained that further incidents could lead to seizure of vehicles.
A letter has been sent to residents on North Lane reminding them not to mount the pavement when parking as it is becoming increasingly difficult for pushchair and wheelchair users to get past them without having to go on the road. The problem has improved apart from some occasional visitors who have continued to do it.
There has been problems with cars parked close to the entrance of Low Well Park restricting visibility. PCSO has spoken to residents.
The PCSO has asked the Parish Council to follow up the request to get the zig zags outside the school refreshed. Cars continue to pull up opposite the bus bay which often blocks the road. Concerns raised regarding child safety. Clerk to follow up the request to get parking restrictions put on the opposite side of the road and also send details to Cllr Mercer and PSCO Barge.
6. National and Local Planning Policy
6.1. York Local Plan
Cllr Mercer has got her first meeting regarding the new plans on 29 September 2015. This should initially be looking at numbers and investigate which other existing sites should be taken into consideration. Cllr Mercer explained that she would like to see 'safeguarded land' taken off the plan altogether. Cllr Jordan suggested registering H28 site as a Community Asset as it should be a conservation area. York Action Group Alliance have produced a leaflet setting out their local plan manifesto.
7. Village and Parish Projects
7.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park
Complaint has been received from a resident regarding the uneven surface in the park. Clerk has responded and explained that FOWP are applying for further funding so replace the loose rubber chippings in the toddler area.
It was also noted that FOWP will be doing the catering for the village show to raise further funds for the park.
7.2 Website
Cllr Harker absent. Adjourn until next meeting.
7.3 Village Design Statement
No further developments at this time. Agreed to take off the agenda until further notice.
7.4 Community Emergency Plan
Cllr Tetzner absent. Adjourn until next meeting.
7.5 Wheldrake Village Hall
7.5.1 Refurbishment Plans
Applying for a grant to replace the roof in phase one and in phase two rebuild the changing room block and toilets. Cllr Randon meeting architect on 27th August to discuss plans.
7.5.2 Funding Request and Support Letter
A letter has been sent to the PCC requesting financial assistance. The PCC will be discussing options to help with funding at their next meeting in September.
8. Reports and General Matters
8.1 Police Report
Discussed earlier in the meeting
8.2 Parking outside Wheldrake School
As above (8.1)
8.3 Play Area Inspection and Repairs
Following problems with the caps on the top of the climbing tower, Playscheme have now removed them. Lengthsman has levelled off the ground where the springers were removed.
8.4 Sandholes Wood Update
Cllr Randon has drawn up a report with proposals to deal with the bracken problem. The main problem areas are to the west of the access track from the gate/style up to the wood and on the far southern fringe of the wood. The recommendation is to get it cut down to ground level next summer and repeat the process over the next few years. Cllr Randon to get estimates from the Conservation Trust for the works in preparation for the next budget meeting.
8.5 Repairs and Maintenance
Ponding of water on Greengales Court. Still outstanding. Cllr Mercer to follow up.
8.6 Buffer Store Outside Storage
Reported to CYC where advise was given that it is not permitted. Continued accumulation seen. Reported again to CYC on 11 May 2015. Ref: 102822394. Still no progress. Clerk to follow up again. Businesses on the Industrial Estate are using the car park for storage containers. No external storage is allowed on the estate. Awaiting info from Cllr Harker who is looking into the stipulations on the plans. Clerk to follow up with planning enforcement at CYC.
8.7 Sewerage Smell on Back Lane South
Not noticeable apart from after heavy rain recently.Await to see if any further complaints come through. Resolved to monitor.
8.8 Parking on Pavements (North Lane)
Covered by PCSO at the start of the meeting
8.9 Dog Bins
A request has been made to CYC to relocate one of the bins from the end of Back Lane South to the entrance of the Thorganby public mid way down Back Lane South. No progress as yet. Clerk to follow up.
8.10 Treework on Green Opposite Church
An application has been made by the Parish Council to CYC to reduce the trees by 20%. One quote for the work has been obtained. Another quote required. Clerk to follow up.
8.11 Goods Vehicle Operators License (T&TA Park Transport Ltd)
The Council is opposed to the granting of a licence for the additional goods vehicles and trailers for the following reasons:- The operating centre is located within the York Green Belt. City of York Council refuses all inappropriate development of this nature unless there are very special circumstances to support it. The scale of the proposal is likely to constitute a change of use from a farm to a road transport centre. This will probably require an appropriate application under Planning Law. The road access from the operating centre to the public road is unsuitable for the proposed vehicle movements being located on a bend with restricted visibility. The public road between the access point is classified as ‘C’ in the highways classification and as such is unsuitable for regular use by HGVs. The road is also used by public transport vehicles operated by East Yorkshire Motor Services (Route 18) and Transdev (Route 36). The lighting required at the site which is likely to be increased is not compatible with the location in open countryside within the Green Belt.
The applicant responded to the objections from the council with a letter explaining reasons for the application and requesting the withdrawal of the objection. Awaiting response from the Transport Commissioner.
8.12 Publication of Draft Minutes Request
A request has been received from Parishioner for the publication of minutes at an earlier time after the meeting. Resolved to publish minutes as soon as possible after they have been approved at the subsequent meeting.
9. Financial Matters
9.1 To approve the following accounts for payment:
A2Z Groundworks. Village Maintenance |
£744 |
S Look. Expenses; Postage, Broadband and telephone calls |
£25.54 |
Greenthumb Early Summer Treatment |
£40.50 |
RESOLVED that the listed expenditure was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed.
9.2 HMRC Payroll
HMRC have requested copies of PAYE records to be processed through them. Cllr Jordan to follow up.
9.3 Financial Update
Financial update from 1st April 2015 to date presented by Cllr Jordan. All amounts are within budget set for 2015/16, although some headings show greater than the proportion based on the first 4 months of the year. For example the lengthsman claims more during spring /summer months than winter. The PC has no remaining balance of S106 funds at present.
10. Correspondence
10.1 Copy of Register of Electors
Copy of Register of Electors for Councillors available to all councillors. To complete applications after the meeting. To submit further requests after September PC meeting.
10.2 Letter from Julian Sturdy
Letter from Julian Sturdy received re Greengales Lane footpath reiterating that CYC have not got the budget for it. Another letter informing the council of the Annual Meeting that will take place on 26th September 2015. Cllr Hodgson to attend. Resolved that Clerk will contact CYC to request countdown markers approaching the village from Elvington before the bend on Greengales Lane.
10.3 YCLA Update on Standing Orders (Procurement)
YLCA have advised that amendments to Standing Orders are required with regards to procurement. New guidance has been given about the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 to replace the 2006 regulations. Cllr Randon to amend for Clerk to update in the standing orders.
11. Next Meeting (new agenda items)
Items to include in the next meeting:
11.1 Devolution
Elected Mayer Consultation. Cllr Randon to look into prior to next meeting.
11.2 Signage at Wheldrake Woods
Cllr Barber has contacted the Forestry Commission to request new signage regarding dog fouling.
11.3 Highways Request
Cllr Barber has put in a request to CYC to refresh the 'SLOW' road markers on Broad Highway in the village.
11.4 Resident Concern
Resident has contacted the council re concerns about the Beck behind The Ruddings. Internal Drainage Board machinery has damaged part of his hedge and there is a lot of debris in the hedge after recent heavy rain. Cllr Randon to contact CYC.
11.5 LED Street Lights Concern
Some street lights in the village have been replaced by blue LED ones. Concerns that Main Street lights will be replaced. Cllr Randon to seek clarification from CYC.
12. Next Meeting
To confirm that the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 30th September 2015 at 7pm