Monthly Meeting (Apr 2016)
27 April 2016
, 7:00pm
Church Cottage
1. To receive apologies for absence
2. To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct
3. To confirm the minutes of the March monthly Parish Council meeting held on 30th March 2015 as a true and correct record
4. Public Time. Members of the public must register to speak at meetings prior to the meeting and will be limited to 3 minutes each
5. Consider / review the following Planning Applications (No planning applications received to date)
6. Review the following planning decisions:
6.1 Wenlock House, Dalton Hill, Wheldrake (16/0364/FUL)
- Single storey rear extension
- Dated by CYC 26 February 2016
- Approved by CYC 13 April 2016
6.2 Willow Cottage, 9 Main Street, Wheldrake (15/1600563/TPO)
- Reduce Willow by 25% to 30% protected by Tree Preservation Order TPOCYC346
- Approved by CYC 18 April 2016
6.3 Land West Of Hagg Wood, Broad Highway (15/2439/OUTM)
- Erection of agricultural building for egg production unit
- Approved by the CYC planning committee 21 April 2016
- Planning Committee procedure and further action
7. Consider and review any Planning Enforcement Issues
8. Consider National or Local Planning Policy
8.1 York Local Plan
9. Consider and Review Village and Parish Projects:
9.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park Project
9.2 Parish Council website update
9.3 Community Emergency Plan
9.4 Wheldrake Village Hall
10. Consider and Review reports and general matters:
10.1 Police Report
10.2 Play Area; Inspection and repairs
10.3 Sandholes Wood update
10.4 Repairs and Maintenance;
10.4.1 Ponding of water at Greengales Court. Reported to Cllr Barton 10.02.14
10.4.2 Ditch clearance on Back Lane South
10.4.3 Beck Lane - Yorkshire Water repairs
10.4.4 Dalton Hill damaged street sign - reported to CYC ref;103125202.
10.5 Dog fouling / bin relocation on Back Lane South
10.6 Grass verge damage - Broad Highway
10.7 New Onshore Oil and Gas exploration license
10.8 Rights of Way update
10.9 Assets of community value
11. Financial Matters:
11.1 Financial update from the RFO
11.2 Zurich Insurance renewal
11.3 Wheldrake Cricket Club grant (£250 towards mobile cricket covers)
11.4 To approve the following accounts for payment;
S Look expenses |
£41.50 |
Zurich Insurance Renewal 2 May 2016 to 1 May 2017 |
£710.65 |
14. Correspondence
15. Items for inclusion in the next monthly meeting
16. To confirm that the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 25th May 2016 at 7pm in Church Cottage. To confirm the Annual meeting of the Parish and the Annual Parish Council meeting will be held on 11 May 2016 at 7pm in Church Cottage
Minutes approved
In attendance:
Cllrs D. Randon (Chair), R. Jordan (Vice-Chair), R. Arnold, J. Tetzner, A. Harker, P. Hodgson, N. Cox and C. Barber
S. Look (Clerk)
Members of the public
Ward Cllr S. Mercer
PCSO Barge
1. Apologies
No apologies from Parish Councillors
2. Declarations
Declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct:
- Cllrs Randon, Harker, Arnold and Jordan declared an interest in the WRA
- Cllrs Harker, Tetzner and Arnold declared an interest in Friends of Wheldrake Park
- Cllr Hodgson declared an interest in the Local Plan
3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the March monthly Parish Council held on 30 March 2016 were read, proposed and seconded as a true and correct record
4. Public Time
A member of the public present spoke in regards to the procedure followed in the approval of the 15/2439/OUTM - Land West Of Hagg Wood, Broad Highway at the City of York Council planning committee meeting held on Thursday 21st April. Many residents have raised concerns in relation to this matter not only as it was approved but also because of the way the voting was carried out. Formal complaints have been logged with CYC and residents are seeking independent advice to pursue this. Members of the public wanted to know what action the Parish Council can take to look into this.
5. Planning Applications
No planning applications received this month
6. Planning Decisions
6.1 Wenlock House, Dalton Hill, Wheldrake (16/0364/FUL)
- Single storey rear extension
- Dated by CYC 26 February 2016
- Approved by CYC 13 April 2016
- Noted
6.2 Willow Cottage, 9 Main Street, Wheldrake (15/1600563/TPO)
- Reduce Willow by 25% to 30% protected by Tree Preservation Order TPOCYC346
- Approved by CYC 18 April 2016
- Noted
6.3 Land West Of Hagg Wood, Broad Highway (15/2439/OUTM)
- Erection of agricultural building for egg production unit
- Approved by the CYC planning committee 21 April 2016 with comprehensive conditions
- The Chair of the Parish Council has formally written to the Chair of the Planning Committee at CYC to request clarification on the procedures and events that led to the decision of approval
- The reply letter from the City of York Chair of the Planning Committee, Councillor Ann Reid was noted
7. Consider National and Local Planning Policy
7.1 York Local Plan
No date has been publicised for the issue of the draft of the revised Local Plan. There has been no recent meeting of the CYC Working Group.
8. Village and Parish Projects
8.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park Project
Phase two is near completion. Dragon Swing and new bench in the toddler area fitted. Two drainage channels fitted near the roundabout to alleviate ponding problem. Picnic bench has been moved out of the toddler area due to its proximity to the equipment. Awaiting pathway for the main entrance to be installed by CYC.
8.2 Parish Council Website Update
Cllr Barber gave an update on progress of the new website. The terms of reference were presented to Councillors and proposed and accepted. Clerk to sign off. The '' domain name application is being processed. This will cost £80. Photoshoot and presentation of the new site to be held at Cllr Barbers house on 10th May 2016 at 7pm. Target date to go live on 13 May 2016. To produce an A5 flyer to households. Website to be reviewed by CYC to check compliancy.
8.3 Community Emergency Plan
A sub committee met this month to discuss further action. Clerk to request a large detailed map of the Parish from CYC. Another meeting of the Community Emergency Plan group to be held in May.
8.4 Wheldrake Village Hall
Cllr Randon gave an update on the progression of the work to date. Phase one and two are ongoing. Advice was obtained from a professional local quantity surveyor to assist in negotiation and agreement on a bill of quantities and a defined hand over date, with penalties, on late completion of both phases of the works. PC representative of the WRA challenged the process to reach the decision to use this contractor for phase two. Agreed to discuss at the WRA meeting. Copy of the WRA minutes to be forwarded to Councillor. Financial update given by Cllr Harker. Total cost of phase one and two £194,500. Donations of £66,000 received. Grants of £50,000 due. Parish Council precept grant of £25,000 for 2016/17 . Parish Council to pay for the infrastructure as VAT can be claimed back. Issue raised by Councillor Arnold regarding getting a grant for the Inclusive changing rooms however it was explained that the rules for application have recently changed. Cllr Harker raised concerns that WRA does not have sufficient safeguards or guidelines in place to protect public funds and requested that further public money should not be allocated to the Charity by the Parish Council until such time as they can produce such safeguards. To be discussed at the next WRA meeting and confirmed at the next Parish Council meeting.
9. Reports and General Matters
9.1 Police Report
PCSO Barge gave a full update of activity from 20 March - 23 April 2016
Anti-Social Behaviour
- Continuing disputes at Wenlock Gardens - 10 reports this month.
- ASB nuisance x 2 Raker Close, issue regarding parking.
- 2 April; violence reported at The Wenlock Arms, fight at a party.
- 15 April; burglary reported. Motorcycle taken. Enquiries ongoing.
- 20 April; report of male exposing himself to dog walkers. Reassured by PCSO that this has been dealt with.
Suspicious Circumstances
- 27 March, suspicious vehicle seen on Millfield Industrial Estate although no incidents occurred. Police monitoring.
PCSO Barge also reported on the following:
'Rural Task Force' has been launched by North Yorkshire Police. This will take over from Neighbourhood Watch. It will involve a new Community Messaging system to replace ringmaster which will provide information to all individuals who register. People can log in their usual route to work etc and they will receive an alert if there are any reported problems on that route each day. There will be links on facebook and twitter. More details will be advertised over the next week by NYP.
The new parking restriction lines have been put down outside the school. Any enforcement is down to CYC Neighbourhood Enforcement team. Clerk to request some surveillance.
Community Speed Watch. Residents are reminded that they can report any issues with people speeding in the village to the police through the 95 alive form. This can determine where the speed camera vans are located. More referrals are needed in order for action to be taken.
Community Speed Watch was launched last May in York, Harrogate and Selby with members of parish councils and local residents trained to use electronic speed guns and measure the speed of drivers in their area. PCSO Barge explained that if residents are interested in taking this up they would need to put a case forward to CYC.
Cllr Cox highlighted the problem with vehicles (especially motorcycles) speeding on Dalton Hill and further onto Greengales Lane. This needs to be reported on the 95 Alive site in order to get officers out.
9.2 Play Area
Inspection and repairs. Nothing to report this month
9.3 Sandholes Wood update
Nothing to report this month
9.4 Repairs and Maintenance
9.4.1 Ponding of Water at Greengales Court
Cllr Mercer has spoken to the Highways Engineer who will come out to do a site visit. Blake Court is due to be resurfaced so they will try and do it at the same time.
9.4.2 Ditch Clearance
Back Lane South. No further information received this month. Clerk to follow up.
9.4.3 Beck Lane Drainage Work
Work is now complete at the pumping station. Formal complaint has been sent to Yorkshire Water. Half of the lane has been resurfaced but there is still an area with ruts which needs addressing. The verges have not been done and they need reseeding. Cllr Randon to inspect in order for Clerk to take further action.
9.5 Dog Fouling / Bin Relocation on Back Lane South
The dog bin has not yet been moved. Another request made to Cllr Mercer to follow up again. Residents have complained that bags have been left at the entrance of the Thorganby footpath on Back Lane South. The problem has been reported to CYC by the Clerk. It was reported to Councillors that Barlby have had two successful prosecutions recently.
9.6 Grass Verge Damage
Grass verge damage down Broad Highway when A1 Haulage vehicles were allegedly driving to Land West of Hagg Wood. This matter was reported to CYC Highways by Clerk.
9.7 New Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration Licenses
Cllr Randon has spoken to Cuadrilla and deferred any meeting as the license process is ongoing. Councillors want a better understanding on what the implications are. Clerk distributed some literature. The exploration is just survey work therefore a planning application would need to be made before any actual drilling is done. CPRE have objected to the Ryedale application.
9.8 Rights of Way
Robin Carr assisted the authority to progress the application/order for the two DMMO (definitive map modification order) applications. Robin’s assistance ended at the point that the authority was in a position to forward the orders to the Secretary of State for a decision. Unfortunately due to an extended period of sick leave last year the officer at CYC was not able to progress the orders as they had intended. They are now hoping to engage a consultant to progress the orders necessary to conclude Sparrow Hall. With regards to Church Lane, the paper work is going to be forwarded to the Secretary of State for a decision: after which the matter is likely to be dealt with further by a consultant.
9.9 Assets of Community Value
CYC have requested Land registry or OS maps in order to progress the application. Clerk has ordered them and will forward to CYC.
10. Financial Matters
10.1 Financial update was presented by the RFO
The annual accounting statements were approved by Councillors in order to be submitted to the auditor. It was agreed that Mrs Jordan will carry out the internal audit. Cllr Mercer to chase up any remaining section 106 monies for the council.
10.2 Zurich Insurance Renewal
Premium has gone up due to new equipment and its replacement value.
10.3 Wheldrake Cricket Club Grant (£250 towards mobile cricket covers)
There were concerns about whether the grant should be released because it was reported by Councillor Arnold who is the representative of the Parish Council on the Wheldrake Recreation Association (WRA) Committee that the Cricket Club were in significant arrears on their annual affiliation fees to the WRA. Councillor Harker who is the WRA Treasurer was asked to quantify the arrears by the Chairman. It was agreed that the Parish Council would notify the Cricket Club that the grant would be withheld until there was clarification on the solvency of the Club and their continued use of the recreational facilities.
10.4 Derwent Ducklings Grant
It was resolved to pay the rental income of hiring Thorganby Village Hall whilst Wheldrake Village Hall is unavailable as part of the grant agreed.
10.5 To approve the following accounts for payment:
S Look expenses including Land Registry fees for Community Assets application |
£47.50 |
Zurich Insurance Renewal 2 May 2016 to 1 May 2017 |
£710.65 |
Friends of WheldrakePark grant |
£1000 |
Derwent Ducklings grant (two months rent) |
£240 |
- Credit of £25000 made to PC A/C from Yorventure for phase two of Wheldrake Park
- Credit of £6758 made to PC A/C from FOWP for phase two of Wheldrake Park
- RESOLVED that the listed expenditure was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed.
11. Correspondence
Consultation on the continuation of bus service 36 after the end of August ends on 6th May
12. Next Meeting and AOB
- YLCA meeting 2 June 2016 / Cllr Randon cannot attend
To confirm that the Annual meeting of the Parish Council and the Parish Annual meeting to be held on Tuesday 17th May. The monthly meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 25th May 2016 at 7pm.
- Meeting closed at 9:45pm