Monthly Meeting (Apr 2015)
29 April 2015
, 7:00pm
Church Cottage
1. To receive apologies for absence
2. To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct
3. To confirm the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 25th March 2015 as a true and correct record
4. Consider / review the following Planning Applications:
4.1 Land To The West Of Spion Kopje, Crockey Hill Road, Wheldrake (15/00796/FUL)
- Erection of experimental, zero carbon, sustainable dwelling with barn for agriculture and forestry use (resubmission)
- Dated by CYC 20 April 2015
- Comments by 11 May 2015
5. Review the following planning decisions:
5.1 Dovefields, 38A Main Street, Wheldrake (15/00471/TCA)
- Reduce by 20% plum tree in the conservation area
- Dated by CYC 9 March 2015
- Approved by CYC 14 April 2015
6. Consider and review any Planning Enforcement Issues:
6.1 Planning enforcement ref 13/00146/ADV
- Signage on village green space and proposal and green areas at the access road entrance to the Industrial Estate
6.2 Planning enforcement issue ref 15/00074/EXT
- Ref: 15/00074/EXTH Large rear extension and dormer windows. 11 Moor Close, Wheldrake.
7. Consider National or Local Planning Policy
7.1 York Local Plan
7.2 Localism Act 2011, Community Assets
8. Consider and Review Village and Parish Projects:
8.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park Project
8.2 Parish Council website update
8.3 Tree planting group update
8.4 Village Design Statement
8.5 Community Emergency Plan
8.6 Wheldrake Village Hall
9. Consider and Review reports and general matters:
9.1 Police Report
9.2 Parking outside Wheldrake School
9.3 Play Area; Inspection and repairs
9.4 Sandholes Wood update
9.5 Repairs and Maintenance;
9.5.1. Ponding of water at Greengales Court. Reported to Cllr Barton 10.02.14
9.5.2. Footpath Barrier on North Lane / Main Street
9.6 BT Openreach update
9.7 Variation of Trusts; Progress advice from Harrowells Solicitors
9.8 Wheldrake Woods car park
9.9 Stones on grass verges on Main Street
9.10 Beck Lane
9.11 Dog Bins
9.12 Wenlock Arms advertising boards
9.13 Complaint re cycling / electronic scooters on pavements
10. Financial Matters
10.1. To approve the following accounts for payment:
Village Maintenance; A2Z Groundworks; grass cutting |
£504 |
Clerks April 2015 Salary |
£250 |
Village Design Statement printing- Inprint Colour |
£388 |
Zurich Insurance; annual premium |
£497.68 |
Steel and Maw Tree Experts - Removal of Willow tree in the park - for information only, approved at last meeting and paid 31.03.15 |
£250 |
Wheldrake Preschool and Playgroup; Grant |
£200 |
Playscheme - phase one final payment |
£47067.60 |
11. Items for inclusion in the next monthly meeting
12. Next Meeting
To confirm that the Annual Meeting of Wheldrake Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 20th May at 7pm in Church Cottage and the May Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 27th May 2015 at 7pm.
Minutes approved
In attendance
Cllrs: D. Randon (Chair), R. Jordan, R. Arnold, N. Cox, J. Tetzner, A. Harker, and P. Hodgson.
S. Look (Clerk)
PCSO Barge
One member of the public
1. Apologies
Cllr D. Liptrot
2. Declarations
Declarations made under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct:
- Cllrs Randon, Jordan and Arnold declared an interest in the WRA
- Cllrs Harker, Tetzner and Arnold declared an interest in the Friends of Wheldrake Park
- Cllr Harker declared an interest in the Village Design Statement
- Cllr Hodgson declared an interest in the Local Plan
3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the March 2015 monthly Parish Council meeting were read, proposed and seconded as a true and correct record.
4. Police Update
PCSO Barge introduced himself to Councillors and explained work he is doing with Wheldrake Primary School to monitor the parking issues outside school. He has made several visits to the school and introduced himself to parents. Agreed that Clerk will request CYC to refresh the paint on the zigzags and approach them about the possibility of putting restrictions on the opposite side of the road from the school.
Report cover period 22nd March – 25th April 2015
Anti Social Behaviour
- 22nd March. Report regarding noisy neighbour, advice given, no police involvement.
- 4 incidents of Anti Social Behaviour involving the same person, on going issues and local police team are working with other agencies to resolve this matter.
- 29th March. Cannabis warning issued to a resident, small amount found whilst police were conducting enquiries relating to another matter.
After explaining the report PCSO Barge left the meeting.
5. Planning Applications
5.1 Land To The West Of Spion Kopje, Crockey Hill Road, Wheldrake (15/00796/FUL)
Erection of experimental, zero carbon, sustainable dwelling with barn for agriculture and forestry use (resubmission). Dated by CYC 20 April 2015.
It was proposed, seconded and agreed with one against that councillors object to the application due to it being unacceptable development within the greenbelt. Councillors have requested for the application to be 'called in' for debate.
5.2 1 Haggwood Cottages, Broad Highway, Wheldrake (15/00856/LHE)
Erection of single storey extension extending 4.55 metres beyond the rear wall of the original house, with a height to the eaves of 2.5 metres and a total height of 3.56 metres. For information only.
6. Planning Decisions
6.1 Dovefields, 38A Main Street, Wheldrake (15/00471/TCA)
- Reduce by 20% plum tree in the conservation area
- Dated by CYC 9 March 2015
- Approved 14 April 2015
6.2 3 Derwent Park, Wheldrake (15/00489/FUL)
- Two storey side and single storey rear extension
- Approved by CYC 28 April 2015
7. Consider and Review any Planning Enforcement Issues
7.1 Planning enforcement (13/00146/ADV)
Signage on village green at the access road entrance to the Industrial Estate has now been removed.
7.2 Planning enforcement (15/00074/EXTH)
Large rear extension and dormer windows. 11 Moor Close, Wheldrake. Reported to CYC due to complaints from residents. CYC have considered this within permitted development criteria.
7.3 National and Local Planning Policy
7.3.1 York Local Plan
In the Annual meeting of the Parish Cllr Barton reported on no further progress at this stage.
7.3.2 Localism Act 2011, Community Assets
Defer until next meeting. No responses received this month.
8. Village and Parish Projects
8.1 Friends of Wheldrake Park
Awaiting lines to be painted on the MUGA. Agreed to hold back a £5000 retention until complete.
8.2 Website
Number of hits have gone up this month to over 800.
8.3. Tree Planting group
Cllr Liptrot has formally written to the Parish Council to explain that he will not be putting his name forward to stand for election and so will not be attending future meetings. He would like to continue with the tree planting project and approaching land owners on behalf of the Parish to identify prospective new sites. Clerk to write to Cllr Liptrot to thank him for his contribution and hard work on the council.
8.4 Village Design Statement
300 copies of the Village Design Statement booklet have now arrived from the printers. Cllr Harker to organise a launch event after the election. An electronic version is available on CYC website and
8.5 Community Emergency Plan
Defer until the next meeting.
9. Wheldrake Village Hall
Issues surrounding the village hall were discussed at length at meeting of the Parish earlier in the evening. Awaiting response from the insurance company to see if repairs are covered or if fundraising / grants are required. Resolved that decision will be made at next WRA meeting to repair the roof or rebuild the village hall. Concerns raised about the lack of interest to take on the vast project of managing a complete rebuild and the need to get the hall back up and running as soon as possible for the businesses that use it. A public meeting will follow the WRA meeting to see if there is any interest in a rebuild project.
10.Financial Matters
10.1 To approve the following accounts for payment
Village Maintenance; A2Z Groundworks; grass cutting |
£504 |
Clerks April 2015 Salary |
£250 |
Village Design Statement printing- Inprint Colour |
£388 |
Zurich Insurance; annual premium |
£497.68 |
Steel and Maw Tree Experts - Removal of Willow tree in the park - for information only, approved at last meeting and paid 31.03.15 |
£250 |
Wheldrake Preschool and Playgroup; Grant |
£200 |
Plants / Shrubbery to be planted outside Sycamore House, Church Lane |
£49.12 |
Webspace and annual domain fee |
£62.64 |
S J Danby; Wheldrake Park renovation (£5000 retention held back until completion) |
£42,067.60 |
RESOLVED that the expenditure was proposed, seconded and agreed unanimously
10.2 Internal Audit
Governance statement approved by Councillors.'Accounts to 31st March 2015' - unanimously approved by councillors with all in favour.
11. Reports and General Matters
11.1 Play Area - Inspection and repairs
Fault reported on newly installed basket swing. Reported to Playscheme. Repair has been completed and stronger brackets have been installed. Cllr Randon has repaired the cross members in the toddler area.
Clerk to get some quotes for a ton of replacement bark chippings for toddler area park. Age restriction signage on order for the basket swing, toddler area and the tower system.
11.2 Sandholes Wood
Cllr Hodgson to carry out inspection when it is dry.
11.3 Repairs and Maintenance
11.3.1 Ponding of Water at Greengales Court
Outstanding. Cllr Randon following up.
11.3.2 Footpath Barrier on North Lane / Main Street
No further progress. Contractor is going to repair. Cllr Randon to speak to A2Z Groundworks to follow up.
11.4 BT Openreach Cabinet
Work progressing. Roy Grant at CYC attending next Parish Council meeting to report on progress.
11.5 Variation of Trusts
To follow up at the next meeting.
11.6 Wheldrake Woods
Pot holes have been filled in the car park by the Forestry Commission.
11.7 Stones on Grass Verges on Main Street
A complaint has been received about stones on grass verge opposite the doctors surgery that could be a tripping hazard and cause an accident for people getting out of cars. Residents who put them down may be liable for any injuries caused. Many positioned down Main Street to prevent cars pulling up onto the verges and causing damage. Noted that new ones should bed down soon.
11.8 Signs in Beck Lane
Signs have been put up by Escrick Park Estate marked 'Private no access' and instructing people not to walk on the field. Escrick Park Estate have responded and stated that as well as being private land, the grass margins that people are walking on are part of a conservation headland and under a Farm Conservation Scheme, so there is no right of way whatsoever within the field and allowing access would be in breach of the conditions of the Environmental Scheme.
11.9 Dog Waste Bins
Further complaint regarding lack of dog bins received suggesting new bins could be located on Church Lane and Main Street. It was noted that City of York Council are responsible for the existing dog bins in the village and not the Parish Council so new requests need to go to CYC if the Councillors support them. The suggestions of where to locate new bins were on Main Street near the alleyway to Back Lane South opposite the phone box. This was met with concerns regarding close proximity to houses and the likelihood that nearby residents would object. The other suggestion of one between the church and the nursing home is not on a public footpath so would be a dangerous crossing place and also on private land.
11.10 Wenlock Arms Advertising Boards
PCSO has reported to the Clerk that this is not a police matter. Resolved to report to CYC Highways as an unnecessary hazard and an obstruction for vehicles turning out of the top of Dalton Hill.
11.11 Electric Children's Scooters
Complaint received regarding children on electric scooters travelling on pavements in the village especially near to properties with elderly residents. Concern that they are breaking the speed limit of 4mph on footpaths. Resolved to report to PCSO for advice and to the school.
11.12 Sewerage Smell on Back Lane South
Reports that the smell of sewerage on Back Lane South has returned. Resolved to monitor and check with environment agency if necessary.
12. Community Emergency Plan
Defer until the next meeting
13. Next Meeting
It was confirmed that the Annual Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 20th May 2015 at 7pm and the May monthly Parish Council meeting will be held on 27th May 2015 at 7pm. Apologies given for the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council by Cllr Randon. Apologies given for the May monthly meeting by Cllr Harker, Cllr Tetzner and the Clerk.
There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 9.55pm.