EGM (June 2017)
14 June 2017
, 7:00pm
Reading Room, Naburn
Chairman: Cllr S Mercer
Meetings are open to the Press and Public except for any item labelled as part 2 under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, Section 1
Meetings are open to press and public except for any item labelled as Part 2 under the Public Bodies (1960) Act
Press and public may not speak when the council is in progress; when councillors are discussing council business; when councillors are in the process of decision making.
- Any elector is entitled to attend this meeting and any concerns, questions or suggestions will be taken after the Chairman welcomes those present. The time for this will be limited to 15 minutes.
- Decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda.
- Recording of meetings is permissible under the Transparency Code of the Localism Act 2011. It is requested that the Chairman or Clerk are advised in advance and that recording is overt.
Councillors are summoned to attend the Meeting of the Parish Council detailed above and to consider and resolve the business to be transacted on the Agenda below.
Agenda Items
Part 1
1. Apologies/Attendance:
- Council to receive apologies and any reasons for absence from councillors; to consider and resolve whether or not to accept any reasons given.
- Present: Clerk to make a note of those present.
2. Welcome: Chairman to welcome Councillors and electors present at meeting.
3. Chairman to remind members of the need to make any declarations of interest in any agenda items.
4. Minutes: To resolve whether to defer acceptance of Minutes from the last meeting until the meeting at the end of June.
5. Signing of minutes: To resolve whether signing of the last Minutes should also be deferred.
6. Elector’s Comments: Council to receive elector’s comments on agenda items, for information only. Clerk to make a note of comments.
7. Attendance Book: To resolve whether to introduce an Attendance Book for those present at future meetings to sign.
8. Resignation of Councillors: To note the resignation of Cllrs Harker, Penn, Tetzner, Myers and Stokes-Roberts. Consider applications received.
9. Resignation of Clerk: To note the resignation of the Clerk. To discuss handover/recruitment during the Confidential (Part 2) session at the end of the meeting.
10. Code of Conduct: To resolve whether to accept the updated Code of Conduct (previously circulated to Councillors). Chairman to sign policy if approved.
11. Freedom of Information Request – to note FOI request made regarding access to meeting records. Chairman has sought legal advice from YLCA and the Monitoring Officer: to resolve whether to delegate powers to the Chairman/Clerk to act upon receipt of a response due to the short time frames involved.
12. Parish Council Website: To resolve admin rights to another councillor following resignation of other appointed councillor.
Closure of Part 1 of Meeting
Part 2 – Confidential Session
13. Confidential Business
To resolve whether to exclude press/public on the grounds that the matter affects individual staff members/procedural/finance issues.
14. Code of Conduct – Councillors are reminded that disclosure of confidential information to persons who are not Wheldrake Parish Councillors may be reported to the Monitoring Officer with the possibility that this may lead to criminal conviction.
15. Resignation of Clerk – To resolve actions to be taken regarding the recruitment of a new Clerk and the handover of Parish Council files/passwords/documentation.
Closure of Part 2 of Meeting
Signed: Cllr S Mercer
Chairman, Wheldrake Parish Council
Date: 6th June 2017
Minutes draft
1. Attendance / Apologies
In attendance: Cllrs S Mercer (Chair), D Randon, B Gilligan, R Arnold and C Barber. S Look (Clerk).
Members of the public and press.
Apologies: Cllrs P Hodgson and R Jordan.
2. Welcome
Chairman welcomed Councillors and electors present at the meeting.
3. To receive any declarations of interest under the Parish Council's Code of Conduct
No declarations of interest received
4. Minutes
It was resolved that the approval of the minutes of the May monthly meeting will be deferred until the June monthly meeting.
5. Signing of the minutes
It was resolved that the signing of the minutes of the May monthly meeting will be deferred until the June monthly meeting.
6. Electors comments
Member of the public asked why location had been moved to West Offices. Chair stated that due to the interest on facebook it was felt Naburn Village Hall was too small.
Member of the public asked why so many Councillors had resigned. Chair stated that this is not unusual when there has been a change in administration.
7. Attendance book
It was resolved that an attendance book is not necessary at Parish Council meetings
8. Resignation of Councillors
The resignation of six Parish Councillors noted. CYC have been notified. To advertise the notice of vacancies.
9. Resignation of Clerk
The resignation of the clerk was noted. Handover to be discussed in confidential (part 2) of the meeting.
10. Code of conduct
It was resolved to accept the code of conduct.
11. Freedom of information request
FOI request noted from two members of the public. Chair awaiting legal advice. To be deferred until the June Parish Council meeting.
12. Parish Council website
Cllr Mercer to be given admin access to the WPC website.